Author Archives: Andrea

I love sitting alone in the silence in nature at night time

I love the night sounds of nature, especially being in it and away from “the box.”   “The box” meaning being surrounded by electricity: the hum of the refrigerator and tv, the sound of the water pump, the buzz of sitting next to an electrical outlet. About 2:00am, I heard a giant weird crash outside and went out to investigate.  I could hear something crashing off into the woods. Poor whatever it was scared itself.  It sounded like a mastodon, so was probably a raccoon.  It was only about 50 degrees out there at 2:00am.  There is a beautiful night sky, and it’s supposed to get down to 38.  I can hear the wind chimes in the garden and the leaves rustling overhead.    I feel refreshed just being in nature.   Whether I am walking through my little trails and gardens here, or sitting out at the firepit under the big oaks listening to the lizards and squirrels and birds at play, nature relaxes and renews me like nothing else. Continue reading

To the one who glared at me in anger as I drove by today

This is a small planet, even if you did not live across the street.  We’re going to see each other.  I understand you’re angry I outed your deception.  That will only sting until you see the blessing, which is that you do not have to lie to have people love you.   When you drop the facade and drop the anger, your baggage will begin to resolve itself. You’ll no longer have to hide and make hateful faces at those who set your soul free. I’m going to pretend the sun was in your eyes. We can all use a little blinding by the Light.

They didn’t know their partner had another whole secret life

The purpose of this post is to show that once our eyes are opened, we can make better informed decisions about how to get the most joy out of our life.  That doesn’t mean look for trouble.  It means if you’re less than satisfied, looks for signs to improve.  I wrote at I Thought This Was Over that I’d been deceived by an ex living a secret life, and I got many responses from women with the universal story of living with men who had other lives on the side they knew nothing about.  Here are two of them that pretty much represent 80% of the stories I got. Continue reading

Still cutting pine tar out of kitty’s fur

I just cut another few kittens’ worth of fluffy hair off Izzy the Big giant Kitty as we continue to free his dreads from the pine tar debacle.  Now if I can just do the ones on his tummy without him turning all Edward Scissorhands on me. So far, his tail and neck ruff remain intact. I have to leave him with some dignity.

We all get what we deserve because we all attract what we activate in those around us

On a Facebook thread, someone wrote that she hoped someone got what they deserved.  I replied, “I believe we all get what we deserve, by our choice of where we focus our attention. If I focus on someone being a lazy bum, that’s what I’ll see. If I focus on someone taking time out to incubate a dream and get a life plan together, that’s what I’ll see and how I’ll react to them.  How I act with them determines how they react to me and how they see themselves.  We can activate either side of their personality by our attention to one aspect or another.”  What are you activating?

When you become aware of any kind of negative reaction to anyone, present or not, tell him silently: “God is the Love in which I forgive you.”  ACIM W-pI.46.7:3-5