Author Archives: Andrea

Doreen Virtue’s Prayer to stop the pattern of people who would take advantage of you

Doreen Virtue

“Dear God, I realize that in the past I didn’t feel worthy of attracting and maintaining true friendships. In those moments, I taught people about my feelings of low self-worth by doing too much for them, without expecting anything in return.  Now that I realize this pattern, I need your help to disentangle myself from those who have learned they can take advantage of my generous nature and low self-esteem. Please send your mighty Archangel Michael to shield me from people who do not act in integrity.   Please help me to have the strength to say “No” to unreasonable requests, and to not be swayed by manipulations. Please help me to learn how to ask for and receive help from others, instead of always being the one who gives until I’m drained.  Thank you for replenishing my energy and helping me to value myself. Thank you for sending true supportive friends to me, and helping me to let go of people who don’t honor me. Amen.” Doreen Virtue

Connecting with Your Angels, Guides and Teachers

Shamanic Events with Jade Wah’oo Grigori in Indialantic, FL July 24-30, 2013

July 26 Friday: 15 minute shamanic sessions – 10:00 to 1pm and 3:00 to 5:00pm  NOTE: Please arrive at least ten minutes prior to your appointment. Cleansing, Blesssing and Renewal Sliding Scale: $52 – $104.  For those who want an initial experience of Shamanic Healing; for those who may not want to have a full hour and a half session, but just need a tune-up; for those who want something specific – such as a relationship, health, a business etc – cleansed, blessed and renewed.  His website is
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A testimonial for Sleepytime Recharge mp3

From LKW: “I was listening to the Sleepytime Recharge recording. it was very nice. Much different from some of the recordings I have with affirmations.  It is more like you are telling a story and I really enjoyed that.   You have a very soothing voice, if it is you on the recording, I mean. (It is.)  I know how the subconscious works and really thought I could do it myself with affirmations and subliminal affirmations, but apparently not.   There must still be a block somewhere, which I am hoping your recording can remove for me.  I came across your website a week ago but I had to think about it first before I was buying, but I am glad, I did. They are really very good and I know I need some help in this area. So I want to thank you for making these available.  L.K.W.

In love with life

Reflecting this morning in meditation on the last few months, if I was any happier I’d burst into Light.  Thank you Whoever or Whatever Is In Charge, for my life.

The G spot and how to get her boyfriend to find it

In today’s reading, one topic was the ever popular: the G spot and how to get her boyfriend to find it.  “Does he NEED to find it?” I asked, “Are you unsatisfied without it?” No, she admitted, but she wanted to experience it, so they went online and did everything they were supposed to and still – no G spot. Knowing where it is because I know my own body, I went online to research what was being said. I wondered who writes the articles about which positions to engage in.  I wonder how many men are spinning their wheels trying to do everything some site tells them will work, instead of asking their partner, who may not even care about finding it. Based on the women who’ve discussed the topic with me through the years, finding the G spot is the least of their worries. They are still waiting for their partner to find the other pertinent parts. The clitoris is the analogue organ to the penis in a man. It is the seat of the nerve sensations known as orgasm. Asking a woman to have an orgasm without direct stimulation or contact to the clitoris is exactly, precisely the same as asking a man to have an orgasm without stimulation or contact to the penis.  But few will have the conversation with their partner. Their loss. Speak up. Give your partner all the tools they need to please you, or forever hold your peace. The best gift you can give your partner is knowing  your own body.

A goddess doesn’t let appearances fool her

Didja ever notice it’s the ones who seem quiet and shy who are the real surprise??? You’d think the crazy ones are the freaks in the sheets, right?  Not so says a galpal who’s done her research. She says give her Mr. Humble And Unassuming every time.  I can dig it.

Your feeling alone is an illusion – Lead by example a generation of women who walk upright


“I’m not sure where women are betraying their own spiritual and moral compass just for scraps of affection from people, but that’s NOT happening around HERE! JAH taught that lesson the hard way! So I n I will remain faithful Forever More and respect the lesson, karma & the righteous seed! We out here trying to lead by example a generation of women who walk upright… follow their intuition & stomp out any thing that even looks like mental, spiritual, physical or emotional oppression. I’m not trying to hurt feelings and it’s not out of fear.  It’s just that if you’re holding up the MISSION… the mighty Divine cause of ultimate truth… then you might as well step off to the side!  Listen… the temple is the Body! Jah will meet you @ the temple… Don’t let them make you feel alone, unworthy, ashamed, tired or not good enough!  The Way Maker is alive and well and always @ work. You are a cosmic being! THE KINGDOM IS INSIDE! You feeling alone is an illusion. You are cut from the divine cloth of the universe. You are carved out of that beautiful oblivion. If you start feeling Low… start forgetting such things… ask Jah to remind you. To guide I n I steps.  Ask Jah to get on all sides of you and form a sacred circle, and in that circle it is safe for you to weep & find comfort & most importantly RISE! JaHBLess the People.” Janell January Johnson

I found my old profile!

online dating keyA friend and I were talking the other day about online dating sites and I shared my links below with her.  Then I searched and found my old profile.  I’d probably say the same thing today if I were looking.  I’m not looking.  Check it out: “I’m an easy going, kind hearted, independent person who finds fun in everything I do.  I am a writer and publisher, with a private consulting practice. I do not smoke cigarettes or drink, but it’s ok if you do. It’s not ok if you get sloppy drunk or burn holes in anything I own 🙂 I enjoy helping friends create habitats in their yards to encourage wildlife. I like to garden. While I embrace my times of solitude, I love spending time with friends who are interesting. Who you are is a lot more important than what you have or what you do. Good teeth is a plus; doesn’t matter if they’re yours. Hair is irrelevant, bald is just as sexy as a ponytail. Continue reading