Author Archives: Andrea

I’ve been single for awhile and I have to say, it’s going very well.
Like it’s working out.
I think I’m the one.

Nothing needs to change except my perception of what is available to me

I spent the entire day making calls and running around town, putting out fires that I let begin by not paying attention, by letting slide what I know to not let slide. Ya gotta love vibrational matching – it never fails to shows me exactly where I am, with no doubt for a moment. No matter what it is, I attracted that! I’m blessed that even when “bad” things happen, they’re not really “bad,” more of an inconvenience. Usually it first appears as an inconvenience then always morphs into a boon and a blessing.   Continue reading

Wrestling with the Beloved

Wrestling with the Beloved
Soul naked in radiant Light
Twisted this way and that,
Tender spots bruised.
Now, one arm too many,
Then, two too few.
Lock me in that hold and
burn a hole in my heart
burn your image in my mind.
Yes, hold me there and
burn me to a crisp.

You don’t need a pretense to tell me your thoughts

A friend of a friend just texted me “by mistake” giving me personal info he later said was meant for someone else. I knew two hours before he texted me that he was going to do it.  He’s not hitting on me. If I ask him about it, he’ll say it was a mistake.  My thought is he wanted to toss a phrase/word/topic out and have me offer my thoughts, without taking responsibility for having “really” initiated the conversation. But INiTiATiON is a tricky thing and will not be bypassed. I know this. He knows this. Clever pretense simply reveals to me another side of him.  Note: You don’t need a pretense to contact me or tell me your thoughts. Just do it. It’s cool.

My job is to stay saturated in Love

When I’m fully saturated in Love, nothing bothers me. Bad drivers, Fox news, nothing. I see the order to everything and feel a part of it. I accept it all as it is. My job is to stay saturated in Love. To think thoughts that put me there, to surround myself with friends who keep me there. That’s freedom.

Friends do not jeopardize friends’ sobriety and freedom

Note to friends who drink and don’t think: Posting pics on Facebook showing probation violations in progress? Really?  Friends take friends’ sobriety and probation boundaries seriously. Please educate yourself.  Knowingly accompanying them where they are forbidden to be and posting pics on Facebook of violations in progress doesn’t help them.

Don’t waste friends’ time: Value it, make it meaningful

Just unfriended a pal who plays too many silly games, always stirring it up, pretending to know this, to not know that, needing constant input and feedback. It’s exhausting and stopped being fun years ago.  In the name of “friendship” I let it slide for years but now it’s turned into such a time waster, I can’t continue it. Nothing is more important than that I feel good.  A galpal says, “Friendship is like a bank account; if someone isn’t making a positive deposit into your life then clearly the relationship is in the red , and it’s time to close the account.”

Florida Land For Sale $6,000 thirty minutes south of Daytona, along I-95 (this post contains all info and links)

Adjoining property

Adjoining property

I have two 2.5 acre parcels of undeveloped land in Volusia County, Florida for $6,000 each. They are 30 minutes south of Daytona Beach, between I-95 and US 1.  I have several posts about this property, but this one contains all the info and links in one place.  The properties can be seen from I-95, Lot 327 Section E and Lot 336 Section G are near Maytown Road (which is shown on some maps as Halifax Road), and shown here on this map in yellowThe lots are land locked, so you would go through the process to apply for an easement to gain access and for use.  Adjoining neighbors have locks on the gates of the access roads.   The below is all the info I have on the property.

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