Author Archives: Andrea

Happy Veteran’s Day

Thank you so much to all who have served and/or are serving in the many branches of our military allowing the rest of us to live freely. Even if it means we use that freedom to say and do really stupid shit sometimes.  Arachne D’Chen’vert

Shine your Light on your coworkers and bosses

Now don’t be taking a pouty puss into the workplace. Shine a light on those grumpy coworkers and bosses who don’t know, as you do, that life can be fun and wonderful if they choose to look at it that way. YOU be the example that you can be friendly and pleasant even with people you don’t particularly care for. YOU rock!!

Use the alchemy of focused vision to enchant everyday life

I’ve been taking weekends off, something I haven’t done in years. My work is fun, so I work a little even weekends and holidays. Thankfully I live in the midst of a lot of nature, so I take a lot of short breaks to walk or bike around the neighborhood. My partner lives around the corner and also works from home, so we go on little local adventures to keep each other from getting cabin fever.  Saturday I took a long, early walk on a local nature trail, then back home to roast vegetables and make parsley hummus for later.  I plan ahead to be lazy later, and have yummy healthy foods on hand; it makes for more creative snacking options. I spent the afternoon with good friends, chanting on the river and eating delicious Thai food at Siam Orchid. I had their delicious Tom Yum Goong. Continue reading

Some fave vegan Thanksgiving recipes here

caramelized-brussels-sprouts-2Vegan Carmelized Brussels Sprouts
Vegan Spinach Stuffed Mushrooms
Vegan Maple Roasted Carrots with Fennel Seeds 
Vegan Black Rice Recipe with Roasted Acorn Squash
Vegan Butternut Squash, Brussels Sprout, and Bread Stuffing with Apples
Low Fat Indian Spiced Homefries with Kale
Pita points and celery stalks with roasted veggie dip 
A good clear soup would be a Lemon Ginger Scallion Soup


Ask the right question, you’ll get the answer yourself each time, my job is to bridge the gap

spark glowing ballThe spidey sense is ON!! I like doing email readings and charging per question. I say that your question can be as complex as you wish and (to get the most for your $25) to be creative with your question, think it through to make sure you’re asking the most important question. I’m often asked in a reading: “Is so-and-so my soul mate, are we going to be together?” The answer they want to hear is a yes or no.  If they saw the bigger picture ahead as I do, they’d know their real question is “am I ever going find find love and be happy in a relationship?” I know my job is to help them bridge the gap between where they are now and where they want to be.  Between their vibrational resonance in the Now, which is responsible for attracting what they are experiencing right now, and  the vibrational frequency of the life they want to live. Continue reading

Tired? Bummed? Need a lift? Take a Magical Healing Shower

The Magical Healing Shower came to me years ago as I stood exhausted at the end of a very long and challenging day. I stepped into the shower and sighed loudly as I lifted my face into the flowing water. I asked that the water remove the stress of the day, and I was immediately transported into a standing meditation that felt transformative on all levels.  In the shower, you visualize all the stress, any pain or sadness or confusion and pain being washed off you as if it were mud. Standing in a flow of water affects the body and the energy field. Here’s the process:   Continue reading