Author Archives: Andrea

Forget her size, here are Marilyn Monroe’s measurements

Marilyn MonroeHow ridiculous to debate someone’s dress size when you don’t take into account that sizes differ in different countries, and change throughout the years. Here are Marilyn’s measurements from her dressmaker in current American inches:
Andrea 1967Height: 5 feet, 5½ inches
Weight: 118-140 pounds
Bust: 35-37 inches
Waist: 22-23 inches
Hips: 35-36 inches
Bra size: 36D

<– When my body measured 35-22-35, it was 1970, I was 5’9 and weighed 115 pounds. I wore an American size 8. I was NOT shaped like the pic of her above. I was a beanpole.

I only have “hay fever” if I’m eating processed foods

The joys of living in the sub tropics.  It’s not just humidity and misquitoes, it’s seasonal oak pollen and barometric pressure changes that leave our sinuses in a quandry. Shall I drain or clog? I used to have hay fever when I was a teen, then grew out of it and then grew back into it when I bought my home in 1983 and began gardening daily.  Years later, I discovered that I only have sinus problems – increased mucous – when I eat processed food.  Processed food is anything with a label, anything not in it’s natural state. Even a few slices of bread or a can of chicken noodle soup will do it to me.  So I usually eat those things until I’m tired of the sinus dance, then I’m off it again for a few months for relief. So, if you have sinus trouble and eat a typical American diet of processed foods and drinks, know that it’s likely related.  I choose my battles 🙂

I love Mary Jane shoes

I love Mary Jane shoes

Mary Jane shoes make me feel like I’m Alice in Wonderland.

Sunday Morning in Cassadaga, I get a message from Marla Chirnside

We drove Sunday morning to deliver the December Horizons Magazine to Cassadaga Spiritualist Camp and arrived just after the Colby Temple church service. We headed over to the bookstore for the afternoon message service held in the meeting room each Sunday at 12:30. I got a surprise message from Spirit through psychic medium Marla Chirnside – it was an emotional connection, uplifting, encouraging, personally relevant.  See Marla on the 10-28-13 episode of Florida Crossroads, and on the NBC Today Show (Cassadaga The Psychic Capital of the World episode) that aired last summer. In both film clips, she is shown giving a reading in the message service and then each reporter follows up with the person that received the message. Both individuals, a man and a woman, said that she was very accurate with her message.  I can agree. Continue reading

You don’t save the drowning with thoughts on hydrodynamics or respiration

Some race into an early grave never realizing they are out of control.  Others choose an early grave, never realizing they are in control.  Neither can change their own singular and destructive focus. You don’t save the drowning with thoughts on hydrodynamics or respiration, you just pull them from the water and hope they don’t fall back in or pull you in with them. William Lovelady

Wow, five months of daily contact and not one disagreement, neither trying to fix nor parent the other, who knew it was possible?  “When you’re emotionally free, it makes other people comfortable and happy to be around you. It energizes them and encourages them to be clearer about their own feelings.”  Deepak Chopra

Healing and Medicinal Properties of Cooking Spices

spicesThe spices I use are known to possess therapeutic and healing properties. Spices help you elevate any dish from the ordinary to a feast for the senses of sight, smell, and taste. Spice your meals to enhance your food with better taste and medicinal and healing properties without adding calories. Spices and herbs maximize nutrient density. Herbs and spices contain antioxidants, minerals and multivitamins. Spices naturally increase your metabolism. Because spices are nutrient dense, they are thermogenic, which means they naturally increase your metabolism. Spices have real medicinal properties. Centuries old eastern medicine and now recent studies and scientific research both boast the healing benefits of spices. My faves: Continue reading

Every meal a healthy, nurturing flavor feast

roasted-vegetable-soupAbout 4:00 am this morning I went outside for a beautiful 4th quarter moon meditation, and the moon was straight overhead. I picked some fresh rosemary while I was out there and went inside to make a roasted veggie soup for the man. Some friends laugh about my soups and teas of sticks and twigs, but I like to turn each meal into a healthy, festive brew using fresh herbs and dried seeds and spices that I grind myself.  The soup was delicious, the recipe here. I especially like to prepare food right after meditation, it extends the meditation time and allows the food to become imbued with my feeling of love and contentment. That makes every dish a healing balm. My food blog here –> Goddess Grub, Lowfat and Luscious Meals for the Goddess on the Go.

What has been a significant defining moment in your life?

Mark Tietig 1983 aboard La Calma

Mark Tietig 1983 aboard La Calma

On Facebook, my spiritual brother Jeffery Stone asked a great question: “I’ve been pondering life and my journey, thinking about how I am defined by my life experiences and those moments that molded my character. I thought about how so many things could have worked out quite differently had things not changed on a dime or been different by a mere  two degrees … good, bad or indifferent …   So I’d like to ask that you think about and share what you feel has been a significant defining moment in your own lives … I know that we all have so many ...”  GREAT QUESTION! After pondering, I shared, “In 1983, I went on a 3 month sailing trip from Miami, FL to Anapolis, MD with a friend who’d been blinded in a sailing accident four years earlier. Afraid of the ocean and being near large submerged objects, it was a daily test for me of faith and trust. It culminated in me doing something I would never have considered doing months earlier: My blind friend set out on a solo sail with his guide dog using his 33′ Cheoy Lee sailboat’s voice feature for the satellite navigation system. We’d be filming from a boat behind him. I was on the crew that sailed him out of Government Cut in Miami, the channel out to open sea. Once in open waters, we transferred on to the other boat. That means standing on the very bow of the boat, about 3 feet away from the other boat, and waiting for the waves to sync up before jumping onto the second boat, without falling into the deep ocean in between. Continue reading

Always hold an umbrella for a mom with kids

Coming out of the market I saw a young mom with 2 kids in tow and a cart full of groceries going out to her car in the rain. I ran over and held the umbrella while she got kids in their seats and bags in the car. What a blessing to be able to do that. Talk about Grace falling like rain. I live for little stuff like that.