Author Archives: Andrea

Things outside neither bind nor liberate you.

As the mind, so the man; bondage or liberation are in your own mind. If you feel bound, you are bound. If you feel liberated, you are liberated. Things outside neither bind nor liberate you. Only your attitude toward them does that. Becky Willison

The Winter Solstice bonfire metaphor and why we’re cooked faster by some people than others

logs in fire I spent some time watching a fire this early Winter Solstice morning.  I love to watch the logs and how they burn and interact with each other at the various stages of engulfment and disintegration.  Just like we humans as we cook the ego and become more ash, more of the essence we are.  I watched the logs burn more brightly when they were together, and eventually mesh into one mass of ash.  I watched a log off by itself, still burning though not as brightly.  Just like us. We can be a small bright light in a dark world but when others join, we can light up the sky.  I put a marshmallow on a stick and tried various cooking distances from the flame.  I found it cooked even when just barely within the space of the pit, though of course cooked faster as it marshmallow-roastapproached the flame itself.  A great metaphor for my own social interaction.  I am cooked faster by some people and events than by others, depending on how close to the situation I want to get, and how much I allow. Sometimes all it takes is a light toasting, other times a scorching. It’s nice to know I’m in charge of whether or not I ever get burned.

MIT publishes virtually all of its course materials online for free

MIT publishes virtually all of its course materials online for free.  You can take hundreds of college courses completely free, in your own time. This is the Massachusetts Institute of Technology- one of the premier technical universities in the world – offering courses online because they want more people educated.  The list of courses is here  Something every one should know and use.  Please share this valuable resource with everyone you know.

The cries, the lies are simply ‘hitting the snooze button’ but it’s still part of awakening. Be happy for the awakening.

A friend wrote, “I made someone cry today and I feel kind of bad about it. Even though this person has been nothing but a snot to me since we met, but when I called them out on it today, they started crying. So what do I do with this?”  I wrote: “Do not feel bad. You told your truth with good intent. If they had such an emotional reaction to it, that was what they needed to break through a barrier they had. God chose you to be the instrument. It is an honor, do not feel bad, feel blessed and pray for their understanding. Understanding is what eases pain.” When people have an attitude with you, are hateful, lie and malign you, all they are doing is hitting the snooze button. They are not ready to wake up yet.  They are comfortable in their dream world. And you can’t let that concern you. Continue reading

Shannon Burnett is the most natural mother I know

Shannon May 2014A friend’s child expressed they wished their mom spent more time with them, she was always out overnight with friends. I wrote, “Staying home with a child and making them your priority in their growth years goes a long way in healing the world. You can learn to enjoy it if you give yourself the chance. I promise it is just as fulfilling as partying with pals.”  Shannon Gronich, wrote “Amen Andrea!! Very rewarding and nurturing too!!” Exactly what I would expect to hear from her, she’s a Mother Extraordinaire! I met Shannon in 1999-2000 and find her to be the most organic mother I know. She came to a job interview lunch with a nursing newborn and two year old in tow.   Wait, it gets better.   Continue reading

Give your kids the tools to live a productive life as an adult

A child tells his dad that their mom isn’t around overnight. Dad asks mom about it. Mom punishes kid for telling. Um, what was the kid supposed to do?  It’s not an easy thing to do, raising our next generation. If you fought for custody, then care for them. We’ve got children raising siblings because their custodial parent can’t get it together yet she needs the child support so she won’t relinquish custody. Staying home with a child and making them your priority in their growth years goes a long way in healing the world. You can learn to enjoy it if you give yourself the chance. I promise it is just as fulfilling as partying with pals. I know several dads who would love to raise their kids. Grandparents have legal rights in Florida and if they are happy to share in the child’s life, they should not be denied visitation because one parent doesn’t like them. It takes a village. That village resides OUTside the home. Get your home schooled children with other kids so they can socialize – please prepare them for life, please, or let them visit with a loving parent or grandparent who can.  Your children are not your toys and you are responsible for giving them the tools to live a productive life after you are gone.

Shannon Burnett, the most natural mother I know

My world in each moment reflects what is in me

owls full moon loveLast night, sitting on the east patio watching the full moon rise over the tree line, I felt bathed in gratitude for my life. I live in such a magical space and am thankful for the people I’ve attracted into it. Strolling down my street, half the neighbors have their Christmas lights up and the entire street is an enchanting scene.  The world I see at any given time always reflects what is in me.  My security lies in knowing I am in charge of that.