Author Archives: Andrea

Magazine Article Submissions: What Not To Do

typing on laptopEvery day I receive email from writers seeking to be published.  A link on our main website says How To Submit An Article.  In their hurry to send out a generic query to as many publications as they have on their email list, many miss the link.  They instead send out some version of what I just received. “My name is ___ and I am working to establish myself as a freelance writer. I have written for several websites on varying topics and my articles have been well received. I wondered if you would feel able to place some of my work on your website The pieces I have had accepted were around 500 words in length. It would help me greatly if you would specify a particular subject, style and tone, as I quickly discovered that versatility in my writing is essential. I am confident that you would find my work engaging and authoritative.” ### end of email.  It was so impersonal I almost deleted it.  Instead, I sent her a link to our article submission guidelines. Continue reading

The power of an imaginary friend. How to attract a real life friend. A visualization process to lead you out of the vibrational stance of loss and into vibrational resonance with one who understands you

Never underestimate the power of an imaginary friend to change your life for the better.  A pal got ticked when he realized someone he spent 2 years with was not who she said she was. That’s been a theme for a year now. From day one, she blended into the family like a chameleon, he thought he’d found his true soul mate. Then his business failed and his income dipped. Within a month she had moved out and in with someone else. She would not return anyone’s calls or emails. A half dozen people she’d spent almost daily time with the last 2 years felt dumped by their best friend. How could she maintain the lie so consistently for so long? Only when they began comparing notes did they learn she’d told everyone a  different back story.  That she wasn’t a real friend didn’t negate the positive feelings she evoked as she mirrored each person back to themselves.  She played a very definite purpose in everyone’s lives and soul growth. Continue reading

Time will tell

Uh oh! My guy just sneaked over without letting me know he was coming – he caught me in the act … of moving furniture when I said I’d be napping on the couch. Hair up, man-jamas on, no eyeliner – I wonder what he thinks now that he’s seen who I am when he’s not around?

Treatment for adrenal exhaustion can be relatively simple

SLEEPY_JESS_by_squeegool The adrenal glands are your body’s primary “shock absorbers.” They produce hormones including that allow you to respond to the conditions of your daily life in healthy and flexible ways. Norepinephrine (also called adrenaline) is commonly thought of as the flight-or-fight hormone. It’s produced when you think something is threatening. This makes your heart pound, your blood rush to your heart—basically, it prepares you for battle. Modern-day battles are most likely things like pushing your body to keep going when it’s fatigued, dealing with a stressful job, and reacting with quick reflexes to avoid a traffic accident. Think of these adrenaline surges as withdrawals from a bank, to help you get through life’s rough spots. If you have gotten into the habit of withdrawing adrenaline from your account too often, you’ll eventually be overdrawn and your adrenal glands will be overwhelmed. Then, you’ll have too little adrenaline when you really need it. Abnormal adrenaline and cortisol levels can result in mood disorders, sleep disturbances, reduced resistance to disease, and changes in vital circulation. Because these side effects are not uncomfortable enough to be intolerable, a self-destructive, adrenal-depleting lifestyle often continues. Dr. Christiane Northrup, read the entire article at Adrenal Exhaustion.    Continue reading

Deja vu all over again. How it starts is how it ends.

A friend just had an epiphany. I love it when friends begin to see the patterns in their lives ~ if you can do that, you can predict the future. Her partnership is coming full circle. I’ve known her a dozen years. She’s beginning to see that her relationships always begin and end in chaos. She’s beginning to see why. She connects with someone who is still partnered, they stick together and bond emotionally during the breakups, then a year or two later everything blows up when she’s ready to move on. She makes no excuses for liking a certain lifestyle. Each tries to provide it for her. Always looking at greener grass, she begins to see someone else. The fights at home begin because she will not simply tell her partner she is ready for a change. Continue reading

B Vitamins alleviate anxiety, mental anguish, painful tongue

Mental anguish can be from vitamin deficiencies which are easy to fix. A niacin deficiency can cause anxiety, mental anguish, along with a painful tongue. Entire mental wards were emptied when niacin was first discovered and given to patients.  B vitamins are found to slow progression of dementia. David Smith of Oxford University’s Department of Pharmacology conducted a two-year trial with 168 volunteers with MCI (mild cognitive impairment,) a major risk factor for Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia. Volunteers were given either a vitamin pill containing very high doses of folic acid, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12, or a placebo dummy pill.  These B vitamins are known to control levels of an amino acid called homocysteine in the blood, and high blood levels of homocysteine are linked to an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease.   The dose contained around 300 times the recommended daily intake of B12, four times daily advised folate levels and 15 times the recommended amount of B6.   Note: Never take large dosages of vitamins without medical supervision. Continue reading

The Benefits of Iodine

The benefits of iodine in the body are far reaching. Oddly enough, it is the least understood of all the essential trace elements. This is the safest of all the essential trace elements which can be administered in large amounts when in an inorganic non-radioactive form. Iodine is stored throughout your entire body – the skin, teeth, nails, all the organs, and bones.  When you have the correct amount of iodine in your body, you are able to:
* Maintain your energy level all day;
* Maintain your weight;
* Live without aches and pains;
* Maintain a cheerful and uplifted attitude;
* Have a clear memory;
* Able to tolerate cold;
* Have normal bowel movements;
* Have normal skin and supple fingernails;
* Have full and shiny hair. Continue reading

Potassium Iodide Liquid is used for lung, thyroid conditions, radiation protection

potassium iodide liquid copyLiquid Potassium Iodide is used  for treating lung conditions or disease in which mucus complicates the condition (eg, emphysema, bronchial asthma, bronchitis). It may also be used for other conditions as determined by your doctor.  Potassium Iodide Liquid is an expectorant. It works by thinning mucous secretions (phlegm) in the lungs and making it less sticky. The mucus is easier to cough up. This reduces chest congestion, which helps make your coughs more productive.  Potassium iodide is a form of salt originally added to regular table salt as protection against goiter, a swelling of the thyroid gland caused by iodine deficiency. Iodized salt is also effective in halting preventable brain damage and mental retardation. Potassium iodide has gained usefulness as a temporary protection against some types of radiation poisoning.  Read entire article here.

RELATED: The benefits of iodine
B Vitamins alleviate anxiety, mental anguish, painful tongue