Yearly Archives: 2016

The problem with being sneaky is you attract faulty info

bunnies kung fu fightingYou have to laugh. Two siblings in lawsuit over Daddy’s estate. I haven’t talked to either for 10+ years but I see it on Facebook. The son’s wife emailed me about advertising and I emailed back reminding her of deadline. I told her I also sent a FB msg and tried to send one to her husband and saw he’d blocked me. She responded, “some of our friends have been sending us the info you’ve said about us so let’s delete each other.” Sure, but I did no such thing. I don’t even talk to these three.  The brother writes mean spirited mocking posts on his FB wall accusing his sister of criminal acts relative to their father. He has settings so that no one can comment or contact him. They have blocked the sister yet have “friends” go to the sister’s FB wall and report back. That’s the problem with being sneaky. You attract faulty info.

RELATED: Please pray for some Cassadaga friends

Your poison comes back to you. Let it go.

cage girlAngry friends please: your anger, your bitterness and resentment is slowly poisoning your system and clouding your thought. What you wish upon your “enemy” is absolutely what comes back to you in the form of your physical health and outward living conditions. When you give yourself a stroke, you will have no loved ones to look after you if you alienate them all with your hateful actions. Learn to control it, learn to let it go, learn to move on, learn to forgive.

Discrimination isn’t something that appeared overnight

kroger bathroom signWe’re evolving. People who are afraid of “the bathroom bill” which disallows transgender individuals to use public bathrooms for the sex they identify as, have been taught fear. The following question helped me understand how fear is birthed and how discrimination and racism comes to be. “If a person spent the entirety of their life inside of a pitch dark cave being told every day that the sun was a source of evil, how would they feel after being dragged into daylight? The racist south wasn’t something that appeared overnight…”    Continue reading

The Universe is always watching and giving more of what you focus upon

watching copyA FBF posts, “Yeah cheers FB for that sponsored ad for extra extra large panties. How did you know I’m feeling fat today and in need of further humiliation by having a social network spy on my inner dialogue.” When I priced cabinet door handles and hinges online last month, the sidebar ads would be for hinges and handles. Law of attraction works like that, too. It constantly offers you more of what you’re focused on. Two friends in 2 days had problems with pc malware and virus and told me all about it. Sure enough, I attracted a malware scare. Know that whatever you’re focusing on, the universe is watching and will keep offering you more of the same until you focus on something else.

benny and me wearing his name tagI just discovered I can hook two of Benny’s collars together and they fit me. I was going to put the collar on him today but thought it only fair I wear it a few hours first. Me wearing his collar on my ankle for 3 hours with the bell on it last month made me decide to take the bell off. If I don’t like it, I can’t expect him to.

I replaced my kitchen cabinet door handles and hinges

door-handlesI just replaced all the handles and hinges on my kitchen cabinet doors and drawers. I love doing projects like this. My home is 32 years old and I still love it. Doing little updates like this make a big difference in how I feel about my living space. The entire project cost me less than $100. I sound like my mother. And my father.  Every time I walk in there now I noticed the bright shiny nickel hardware and it makes me smile. the job went kinda slow because I was super cleaning everything while I was at it. The kitchen now has all new handles and hinges on the cabinet doors and everything is squeaky clean inside and out. It feels fresh and new. I’ll donate the old hinges and door handles, screws and bolts to Habitat for Humanity. It’s a complete set for 15 doors and 4 drawers.


beach starfishA woman sat with us at sundown, she’d walked over from her condo down the street to take a pic of the beach. She talked about her job, which she loved but was minimum wage. “I need a rich husband,” she joked. I laughed, “Yes, because that always fixes everything.” “No it doesn’t,” she said, she’d just had an argument with her husband, who was drinking and calling her vulgar names in front of their teens. As we sat, he texted in asking where she was and who she was f*king. She’d love to leave but he pays the bills. Everything has a price.

The April 2016 Horizons is now online, here are the horoscopes

The April Horizons is now online at  As of  2016, we are honored to have nationally known Maya White doing the monthly horoscopes. Maya White is a Master Destination Astrologer and one of only 90 people in the world certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy, a specialized branch of astrology which helps people find their perfect place on earth for love, prosperity, and personal growth.

Maya White

Maya White

Visit Maya’s website and for an introduction to Maya White, read here   Here are the April horoscopes:

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Frank Lorie makes me another ring

Frankie ring FB post 1My friend Frank Lorie just designed a new ring for me. I’ve known Frank since the mid 70’s in Miami, FL. We had fun going back and forth on Facebook about the design of the ring. I got fun input from Facebook friends at each stage of the way. Frank would post videos for me, showing the choice of opals he has, and then show me the choice of bezels and shank.  It was fun doing it this way so I can see exactly what he’s doing as he does it, and the video let the light play on the opals from all sides.  He narrates the video by describing the stones and where they are from.   Continue reading

Being selfish is the best thing you can do for your loved ones

be gentle with yourselfI admit I’m selfish. Sometimes being selfish is the best thing you can do for your loved ones. You know, put YOUR air mask on first so you can stay alive to help them. “Your greatest value to others is when you are joyful. Your greatest value to others is when you are connected. Your greatest value to others is to be radiantly healthy. Your greatest value to others is to have and do all the things that are important to you. And as you are living that and vibrating that– then you are a catalyst that is inspiring others to an awareness of that.” Abraham-Hicks