Yearly Archives: 2016

White jeans remind me to be careful what I let touch me

This week I bought two pairs of white pants. I wore a pair yesterday and then this morning I saw them side by side on the hangers and wondered which I’d worn yesterday. Upon closer inspection I saw grass cuttings and knew which they were. That reminded me since I’m not used to wearing white I need to really pay attention when I am. So this morning on my way into town I stopped at a friend’s house to prune and water. Yep, wearing white pants. I’ve usually got jeans on in the yard so I found myself having to be very careful not to drag the dirty hose across them or get grass stains in the pocket from the pruners. When I wear jeans it doesn’t matter. I can just go at it and get dirty and it doesn’t show.  I found wearing white a good exercise in being mindful what I let touch me and rub off on me. That was a good meditation on many levels.    Continue reading

Crime in school bathrooms? Discrimination is not the fix

This is truth7x7

Yesterday the Brevard County, FL School Board voted on an anti-discrimination policy and it passed. BLESSED PROGRESS!!  The policy names LGBT students and staff as a new protected class that already exists for minorities and the disabled. The folks in a neighborhood Facebook watch group think having transgender rights means boys will be free to walk into the girls’ bathrooms “any day they decide they identify as a female,” expose themselves and molest their daughters. That’s a crime issue. Criminals will use any excuse to get on a scene to commit a crime. If there’s a crime issue in school bathrooms, address that, remedy that. Discrimination is not the fix.   The first fix is educating yourself on the topic. Continue reading

This “Crime Watch Page” doesn’t realize they are a Hate Group

I got kicked off Hateful Racist Island

I got kicked off Hateful Racist Island

Yesterday I got kicked off a Facebook page of people who live around me for pointing out to them that their remarks were mean spirited, racist and inciting vigilantism. They call it a “crime watch page” since some listen to police scanners and report their version of what they hear. In the couple of months I was in the group, I read their hateful, racist comments inciting each other into action against their target du jour.  Some even drive around seeing what they can get into.  It gave me insight into the mindset of fearful and narrow minded, gun-toting neighbors — bullies many of them — ready to jump to conclusions, take one ticked off person’s story as true, and gang up against a target. I first posted correcting them as to landlord/tenant law then got attacked on the page as well as in several private messages.  I haven’t been bullied since middle school. For the first time in years, there were suddenly several people the next 3 days soliciting at my door — despite my No Soliciting sign. They only came here, not to my neighbors. It may or may not be related. Some post that the Black Lives Matter movement encourages cop killing, and then they savagely attack (in comments) anyone who cites evidence to the contrary. Meanwhile, none of the blacks I know encourage violence and none of the law enforcement I know target blacks.   Continue reading

Don’t believe the misinformation

I finally see the misinformation a lot of people are up in arms over. Re Blue Lives Matter, reading at a neighborhood FB page some hotheads remark all law enforcement officers target blacks. NOT TRUE. Other hotheads say the Black Lives Matter activists all encourage cop killing. NOT TRUE EITHER. It is dangerous and mean to post that because it divides people and causes problems where there are no problems. None of the law enforcement personnel I know are racists or target blacks. None of the blacks I know encourage violence.  Acts of hatred incite hatred. Acts of kindness inspire kindness. We’re blessed this election season to have those around us reveal their fears and agendas so we know who we all are under pressure. WE can’t judge an entire race or culture based on the actions of the most visible vocal thugs, unless we want them to judge us  based on the same thing. Be awake, be aware but be kind. It will cause you to attract a much better life than you’re living now.

RELATED: You can find heaven in the midst of hell
You wonder how it happens?
Flag seller riled up community instead of following protocol
Start being kind and see how your life improves
Break The Cycle: Racists only know what they were taught
When we hate, we give someone else the power
Benny didn’t grow up thinking Mouse Lives Matter
When we believe all lives matter, we’ll start acting like it
True Americans celebrate racial, cultural and religious diversity
Honoring the angels you find in front of you

It’s all related, so take a break from the bad news

A galpal is having some challenges with dollars and health right now and doesn’t realize it’s all related. Everything you do and focus on in every part of your life affects all other parts of your life. She scans the news to repost about black on police violence and all the alleged terrorist hits du jour. It doesn’t matter if she doesn’t believe it affects her; it’s like gravity — it doesn’t care if you believe in it or not. If you do yourself a favor and back away from the bad news for a spell, the good news will have a chance to come in again.

RELATED: Dollars, Storms, Everything is Related

You can find heaven in the midst of hell

The reason it’s possible to live a completely different life from the people living alongside you is vibrational resonance. I got a reminder of that the last few days. I belong to a FB page of people who live around me and some of them can be real hot heads, arguing amongst themselves, threatening vigilante action for perceived wrongs. Some of them listen to the police scanners and update everybody with what’s going on. Some call the police regularly for updates then complain it takes so long for law enforcement to respond at a scene (you’re keeping them on the phone!) Some drive around looking for trouble to report or get into, Until I joined this group, I had no idea I even lived in the middle of that. What I experience in my everyday life is that the people within a few blocks of me are all pretty happy. I seldom hear complaints or sob stories, everyone gets along and everyone goes out of their way to help each other. The people I see in the stores, the post office are all friendly and helpful. So I was kind of surprised to find such a gang of malcontents and know that they literally live right here and I never even knew it. The fact of the matter is we ARE living parallel lives, we ARE living in different dimensions from each other, the same as if we were different radio stations playing side by side. So if you think you are at the mercy of the people around you, I promise you you are not. You are only at the mercy of what you attract by virtue of what you pay attention to and continue to think about. And you always have the option to turn your attention to something more pleasing.    Continue reading

You wonder how it happens?

FB quote running down BLM protestersPeter McGunn writes on Facebook “White people bragging about how they’d run over Black Lives Matter protestors blocking highways just yesterday are now wondering what kind of monster would drive a truck into a crowd full of people.” O wad some Pow’r the giftie gie us, to see oursels as others see us! And the thing is the people who act out in hate do not recognize themselves. To them it’s always the other guy. They haven’t a clue they are the same.  Bless us all.   Continue reading

Flag seller riled up community instead of following protocol

The tenant simply needed prior approval for signage under the lease terms, which he didn't apply for. But he got lots of attention, he sold lots of flags and everyone still gets to hate the landlord. Absolutely hilarious.

The tenant simply needed prior approval for signage under the lease terms, which he didn’t apply for. But he got lots of attention, he sold lots of flags and everyone still gets to hate the landlord. Absolutely hilarious.

I noticed two days ago a local business owner was making his landlord a target for hate.  The Tenant Liberty Firearms sells firearms and flags and he put up on Landlord’s property several large black/blue flags with his business name that he  said were to support law enforcement. Tenant went to social media and the press, saying the Landlord asked that flags be removed. He said the Landlord doesn’t support law enforcement and that his constitutional rights were violated. Not knowing the lease terms nor the other side of the story, I didn’t speculate, but he got the local gun crowd all up in arms against the landlord for two days. Today the real story comes out — the problem was simply that the lease stated a protocol for presenting signage for approval and the tenant failed to do that. As soon as he did that, he got approval.  But he got to milk it in the media for days, give misleading info on video and sell lots of flags. Watching the comments unfold on the community Facebook pages gave me real insight into the mindset of neighbors ready to jump to conclusions, take one person’s story as true, gang up on the (perceived) opponent and incite action against the (in this case innocent) landlord.   They’d post inflammatory remarks and then delete them when challenged by the truth or the law. Sheesh, the extent someone will cast shade on another just to make a few bucks. Continue reading

Start being kind and see how your life improves

dog with roseWhat if you knew that all the mean things you say to people you feel have offended you come right back to you and your loved ones in the form of life problems and (what looks like) bad luck? Karma is simply bringing back around what you put in motion. And what if all you had to do to stop the momentum was to start being kind, begin giving everyone the benefit of the doubt, stop being so quick to judge a situation, and inform yourself about it first? What if instead of inciting friends to riot saying “Let’s put that mofo out of business,” upon hearing one (pissed off) side of a story, how about asking yourself, “What is it in me that is so offended and why? Is it possible I’m misunderstanding something?” How can I help diffuse this situation? How can I bring peace to this situation? How can I be of help?
Begin and see your problems fade away like smoke on wind.    
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