Yearly Archives: 2010

Heart Journey – Join FM Odyssey’s Fred Migliore Live in Person This Sunday Feb 21st at 10:45am in Cocoa, FL

Fred Migliore

Fred Migliore

Fred Migliore, host of WFIT’s (Melbourne, Florida) nationally syndicated radio show, FM Odyssey, will share his inspiring story of quadruple bypass heart surgery on Sunday, February 21at the New Way, 238 Peachtree Street in Cocoa.  On Sunday, November 1st, Fred Migliore jogged on the beach to convince himself that nothing was wrong with his body. Five days later, he underwent a seven-hour quadruple bypass surgery. How did Fred’s relatively normal life turn into a nightmare so fast?

Fred will be talking about the events leading up to his life-saving operation, and all that has happened since. “The story of my journey will have something for everyone. It’s not just about the procedure and the physical road to recovery. It’s about making changes in your life that you know you need to make, but avoid facing because you are afraid”, said Fred. Continue reading

Keeping Your Dollar Karma Clean by Being Honest on Your Taxes

Cash is hard to come by these days. So it’s not unusual to see barter arrangements between taxpayers.  You’ve probably even done a little of this yourself: No money actually changes hands, so it’s almost as if the transaction didn’t happen, right? Not exactly. The fair market value of goods and services that you receive in exchange for those you provide must be included as income on your tax return even though you don’t receive payment in a traditional way. If you’re not sure how to start bartering, consider a barter exchange.  A barter exchange is an organization with members that contract with each other to jointly barter for credits. Since they are strictly regulated by the IRS, you’ll receive a form 1099-B from the exchange indicating the amount of income to be reported.  What are tax consequences of bartering? Continue reading

Recalling Past Valentines and Why I Don’t Have One Now

Valentine 2015 RumiTrue Valentine’s Day story.  I had a 3 day weekend one President’s Day in the early 80’s and decided to go on a cruise out of  Miami to Nassau.  I didn’t even consider that it was also Valentine’s Day weekend.  The entire cruise was couples, with very few solo.  The Greek crew members all paid special attention to the single women and it was quite a fiasco, since I like hanging out alone.  I also got seasick for the first time ever, after having been on small boats my whole life.  When I went into Nassau, I saw my father and his wife on the cover of The Sunday Miami Herald when I’d not been prepared for the story. It was quite the memorable Valentine Day weekend. Here’s  pdf of the article I saw –> Hermits Face Disruptions in Big Cypress Hideaway.

Happy Valentine’s Day.  Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent as a guide from beyond.   (From Essential Rumi by Coleman Barks)  I’m grateful for each one of you, sent to me as a guide.  You are truly my valentines. Continue reading

Vibrational matching: Read the news or read the funnies, it’s your choice

Remember when you were a kid and the newspaper would come, and dad would take the front page, mom would take the lifestyle section and the kids would get the comics first?  We’d all sit at breakfast and Dad would fuss at the news headlines, and mom would comment about what she was reading, to lighten the mood.  As kids, we’d just be reading the comics and not paying attention to much of anything either of them said, lost in our own little world of Dennis the Menace, Peanuts, and Calvin and Hobbes.  For the kids, Sunday morning was for reading the Sunday funnies (in color!) and thinking of what fun things could be done with a day off.  For Dad, Sunday morning was for catching up on the bad news of the week all at one time.  What he read in the paper determined what his mood was going to be all day.  After reading the Sunday paper, we kids were ready to play and have fun while Daddy was bummed out and disheartened over the state of the the world.  Not a vibrational match for a fun day.  Or a fun life. Continue reading

Doomsday? Gregg Braden Clarifies Meaning of Apocalyptic 2012 Date

It’s the end of the world as we know it, and Gregg Braden feels fine.  Maybe it’s not quite that simple, but according to Braden, who has spent the last 22 years studying nature’s cycles and the scary predictions behind the year 2012, it’s not as cataclysmic as we’ve been led to believe.  “I’m not a doom and gloom person,” said Braden in a recent phone interview from his home just outside of Taos, N.M.  “We’re facing some of the greatest challenges of 5,000 years of recorded history and seeing that when we work together we empower ourselves to leave the worst behind and head into the best,” Braden said. “2012 isn’t the end of the world; it’s the end of a great world age. The end of one cycle is the beginning of another.” Continue reading

Life In Balance at The Crystal Center in Ft. Pierce Saturday Feb 13th

Life in Balance

Life in Balance

From Rev. William McNeely Jr: “Life In Balance” will be at The Crystal Center of Illumination 2705 Sunrise Blvd. in Ft. Pierce, Florida 34982 on Saturday night, February 13th at 7:00pm for a crystal bowl sound healing meditation session. For this experience you can bring a blanket or pillow and lie down or sit. Ami plays many crystal bowls and Steve performs with flutes, synths and other instruments. The sessions are incredible. Drop in and levitate with us. Email: Continue reading

The Real Housewives of Orange County and Lynne’s Eviction Notice – Get Your Finances Under Control, People

Last night I watched the Real Housewives of Orange County and Episode 12, entitled You Can Dish It But You Can’t Take It, has Housewife Lynne Curtin and her husband Frank discussing the eviction notice they just got served.  I see this show as often as I can and I always liked Lynne since she’s so easy going.  But boy, not in this episode! Continue reading

When you receive in the mail a *con artist* invitation from the Biltmore Who’s Who Executive and Professional Registry nominating you for the privilege of becoming a member, Read this Rip Off Report.

I just got an “invitation” from these folks and this is what it looks like.  I figure if I got it, you might get one also.  Don’t fall for it.  I read this at Ripoff Report Search Results for Biltmore Who’s Who:  “I was contacted by Biltmore Who’s Who and was told I was nominated for the privlege of becoming a member…  I did give my credit card number and was charged over $1000 dollars, but have gone to my bank to file a fraud report on this company.” Continue reading

The Women’s Center in Melbourne, FL needs your help

HelpingThe Women’s Center in Brevard needs your help, Facebook fans. Their food pantry is nearly empty. When you stop at the grocery store this week, please take advantage of the buy one/get one free specials and donate a bag of non-perishable food. Food can be dropped off Monday thru Friday, between 9:00 and 4:00pm at The Women’s Center offices at 1425 Aurora Road in Melbourne.   Their Vision: To help women and families help themselves to develop safe, healthy and self sufficient lives.  Thank you.

Revisiting Millionaire Matchmaker


I wrote last year at Millionaire Matchmaker ~ On Mating, Matching and Pairbonding my thoughts on the show.  Now I see there’s a new season and I watched an episode last night.  The first thing I notice is that Matchmaker Patti Stanger has either slimmed down since last season, or is wearing less frumpy outfits.  BravoTV has her promo photo wearing a short, tightish dress and she looks good and her legs look great. Great choice of image!  She’d look younger without the tan and frosted shadow and gloss, but she goes for that ethnic look. The show is edited to highlight Patti’s abrupt way with people: she verbally cuts them off and cuts to the chase.  There are ways to do that and be diplomatic and gracious, but Patti often seems to delight in being rude and disrespectful.  Granted, 90% of the people she seems to work with are posers, but that’s the territory, it’s Los Angeles. Continue reading