Stephen Jepson: Never Leave The Playground, Consistent Movement is Imperative to Age Proofing the Brain and Body

At age 72, Stephen Jepson is living proof of his philosophy of lifetime fitness called Never Leave the Playground.  Become smarter & sharper now.   He rides a unicycle, juggles while balancing on a bongo board, throws knives and plays jacks with both hands, walks a tightrope and more. He knows the secret is to “just keep moving” through constant play, not exercise. He’s developed toys for all ages and degrees of physical fitness to use throughout our daily lives so we never have to leave the playground no matter where we are or what we’re doing.  Playing in physical ways like this not only keeps muscles and bones strong, it grows brain cells, paves neural pathways, increases balance and coordination, cause you to be more creative, cause you to be more excited about life, improves your memory.  Here –> is an interesting, fun video of him at his home. No matter how impaired the body has become through neglect or disease or aging, consistent movement is imperative to regain and maintain balance, stability, coordination and growth. He calls it “age proofing the brain and body,” and it can begin at any age or any condition of the body.