Last evening at the firepit

Yesterday was a busy day of administrative work and catching up on phone calls and emails.  I took a few breaks to walk through the property, picking up fallen branches and moving the sprinkler.  Earlier in the week, I’d cut a lot of the older, lower fronds off my sabal minor palmettos.  I also have some sabal minor […]

Holding the vision, saying prayers, playing the waiting game

Busy day, friends suddenly passing, making travel plans, waiting on phone calls, not enough sleep, trying to catch up on work that I can do without using brainpower.  I’ve  been burning cds, labelling and getting them to the post office.   While waiting today for the calls from relatives, doctors, I needed some mindless busy work […]

Their experience doesn’t have to be your experience

Two rave about it, two hated it, shall I go?  A friend and I spoke earlier of our love of Mediterranean cuisine and he mentioned a favorite local restaurant I’d not visited.  I went online to read reviews about it and read a couple that were particularly scathing.  After reading the same reviews on several […]

How I spent my Sunday

Today began just after daybreak. I awoke wanting to move some ornamental plants and rocks and outdoor furniture from one area of the driveway to another, so I spent an hour doing that.  Now there is seating for six, and a buffer of plants and bamboo fence for privacy from the office window.  I set […]

Tile the floor or cut the west trail?

As of yesterday, no more coffee, I did it for two months and it’s just not for me. Back to drinking my Kaffree Roma. I’m torn today. I have a lot of energy and can’t decide whether to tile my guest bathroom or cut a new trail in the west woods. Which do you think? […]

Is it possible to be in a happy love relationship with someone you aren’t planning a future with?

“Do you believe it’s possible to be in a happy love relationship with someone you aren’t necessarily planning a future with? Just because you adore them and feel highly infatuated, doesn’t mean they fit into the entire equation of the rest of your life, nor you theirs.” I wrote on Facebook.  “The future is NOW. […]

Saturday midnight

It’s a beautiful, cool night. I just came in from sitting outside at the firepit. No fire, just me at the edge of the woods under the moonless sky, listening to the critters scuffling about in the brush. I sit right off their trail, so when I’m still, they caravan right past me. Now time […]