Holding the vision, saying prayers, playing the waiting game

Busy day, friends suddenly passing, making travel plans, waiting on phone calls, not enough sleep, trying to catch up on work that I can do without using brainpower.  I’ve  been burning cds, labelling and getting them to the post office.   While waiting today for the calls from relatives, doctors, I needed some mindless busy work so I took the camera outside to take some shots of the pine and oak woods on either side of me, since I do a lot of sketching from photos.  I admired the cozy gardens I’d made, with privacy hedges of loquats, turk’s cap, arbicola, sage, eleagnus, coleus, night blooming jasmine, honeysuckle, spider plants, bamboo. All the trails I’ve cut, the sitting nooks I created.  I love being out in the nature, especially here where it’s so dense you can barely tell there is a neighborhood around me. When I feel stressed, as I have the last few days, being alone in the silence, out in nature is what heals me, it’s what fills me, it’s what fuels me so I have something to give to whoever needs it.  If I’m not filled with healing energy, how I can give anything to anyone else? My life is blessed.  I live in Paradise, I have no complaints whatsoever.

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