Another midnight shift begins

I’m working on the March magazine and the almost-full moon just appeared over my left shoulder.  Her moonbeam is now shining brightly into my office window. I went to sleep about 6:00pm and woke up at midnight.  Our ancestors used to sleep twice a night and that’s a schedule that is most natural to me. […]

I just expanded my territory even more

I love having my privacy but I also love having space between my molecules. I just pruned back a few miles of coleus, ligustrum and arbicola from the front yard. I cut everything down low so I can see the street from my room for the first time in years. It makes it feel as […]

The magically delicious corner of the Universe I live in

Yay, free of my cold, I can breathe and feel like I have a new lease on life.  I spent most of the day compiling third quarter financials for my tax chick and drove them in to her about 5pm.  As I arrived home, I noticed that although I’d dug up and given away a […]

Repetitive unwanted thoughts? Replace them

A friend writes that she can’t rid herself of obsessively being angry at her ex, who left her 3 years ago.  She sees him as a bully and since they share custody of the kids, she has to listen to his every criticism and attempt to control her with money and the children’s feelings.  “I’m […]

To someone looking in, my work doesn’t always look like work

A galpal jokes that I’ll say I’m going back to work or going to nap, then she’ll see me posting videos on Facebook of my bamboo growing or saying I’m going out to mow the grass.  I laughed because I hear that a lot.  That’s the beauty of having the job I have. The main […]