The magically delicious corner of the Universe I live in

Yay, free of my cold, I can breathe and feel like I have a new lease on life.  I spent most of the day compiling third quarter financials for my tax chick and drove them in to her about 5pm.  As I arrived home, I noticed that although I’d dug up and given away a dozen 6-feet tall loquat saplings in the last two months, I saw three more that could go.  Earlier this year, I’d gone on a planting spree, and hadn’t expected all of the saplings to survive.  Although I weeded out every other tree in the line, I noticed today there were three more being crowded. I dug them up and placed them in pots at the mailbox for a friend. I smiled to see what a wall I had growing: a hedge of turk’s cap, eleagnus and bamboo. With the line of loquat trees, it was beginning to look like a fortress and began to feel confining. The last few months I’d been disassembling bamboo fences to open the views up again.  My yard is pretty well hidden from street traffic. I like to have sitting areas where I see no other houses, only trees and bushes and gardens and woods and the scampering critters. It’s a daily healing for me, sitting in nature.

bicycle Sun Retro cruiser 11-2004I’ve been riding my bicycle every day and really enjoying it. My favorite is to ride around at night when it’s quiet except for the crickets and owls in the woods.  It’s a serene corner I live on and it becomes magical at night under the twinkling stars. When I’m here, it doesn’t matter what is going on anywhere else in the world.  Here, everything is perfect.  That’s the world I live in.  A hidden bonus is that a pal lives right around the corner so we can bike together. I love having a partner to go on enchanting adventures with, especially in my own ‘hood.

I dragged the chaise lounge out onto the front lawn. I lay out under the twinkling stars just soaking in the calm, serene energy of this magically delicious corner of the Universe I live in. Yinnie my mini cow sat with me, my beloved nearby. All is right with my world. Thank you for Whoever is in charge of orchestrating my life. And yes, I’m aware that might be me.