Nothing brings me back to center like a physical workout

I mowed the lawn and sneaked in a little yard work this morning before it got hot and humid. It’s so satisfying when I haven’t weeded in months to see the tall pile of pulled weeds. It included about a hundred loquat seedlings and miles of wedelia. I’ve let the north entrance to the firepit […]

What’s the lesson behind my moved trash bin?

Last night someone moved my garbage can to the end of the block. Odd to think someone was right outside and I didn’t know it. It’s deja vu all over again!  I always set the bins out on the street the night before.  My odd hours have me often working overnights and my office overlooks […]

Need a recharge? Bask in a Moon Beam!

The Magical Healing Shower came to me years ago as I stood exhausted at the end of a very long and challenging day. I stepped into the shower and asked that the water remove the stress of the day. I was immediately transported into very healing session. I do the same during full moon as […]

Getting in the right state of mind is like foreplay; it begins way in advance. I envisioned it and they built it around me.

I sleep in stages. I’ll go months with erratic sleep and then spend many hours a day for weeks sleeping at odd hours, catching up on my REM.  It’s heaven when that happens, but it plays havoc with my social life.  My  personal life revolves around my sleep/work schedule.  Sleep comes first, since when it […]

Weeding the path to maintain the vision

This morning as I was in the yard, I found myself stooping down every few feet to uproot an acorn that had sprouted, or re-route the swedish ivy that had grown across into the walkway.  I was surprised at how quickly everything had grown since just last week.  It’s the same with my nature trails […]

Taking time to bask when life gets good

For some reason, this two year old post –> When do you help others and when do you help yourself is getting lots of views this week. When I hit 40, guidance began flooding out of me and I wrote almost 24/7.  When I read now what I wrote 10, 15, 20 years ago, it […]