Stop limiting yourself with lies

Be careful what you speak because the Universe is listening. In the 80’s a friend lied to our employer that she was in a car accident on her way home from vacation and it would be a few more days before she got back. She was killed in a car accident 4 days later. Now a former friend has the bright idea he’ll claim a back injury and apply for disability. Not only will he call a back injury to himself with his play-acting about it, he’s limiting his potential income to whatever paltry amount SSD pays when he’s well able to earn far more without conning anyone.

You never know what something looks like to an outsider

It’s all about perception. “Some see Christianity as the belief that some cosmic Jewish zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree.”

You never know what something looks like to an outsider, huh?

Our collective outrage just gives the monster power

dog-reading-newspaperOur collective hatred and outrage is just giving a monster power! I saw a headline about the Trump/KKK connection and laughed out loud. Laughed? Everyone hating on him is giving him power. I find myself laughing at it because it shocks me into the *BAM* awareness that *everything* is an illusion and that soon enough I’ll be awake and aware in a new incarnation elsewhere before this one becomes unbearable.
— In the meantime I’m empowered knowing that EVERYthing I see is an illusion since I also know I’M the one who determines the tone of the people and situations I come in contact with. I determine who and what comes to me by virtue of where I place my thoughts on a daily, hourly, moment by moment basis.
     — Since the collective consciousness was so focused on Trump — for better AND worst — it gave him the power — the fuel supplied by OUR emotional reaction to him — to be where he is now.  But where he is now is pliable, mind you, and there’s still time to reroute what’s on the way. To do that we have to defuse the anger we feel each time we see ignorance in action. We have to find humor in it at least long enough to lift our emotions up off the anger to a higher place, a place that feels better. Because until we can look at stuff like the KKK and Trump and feel better, we are going to keep giving him power. And like gravity, it is working whether you believe in it or not. So, for the sake of mankind, lighten up.

I dreamed they re-did the voting process for 2016

I just had a dream that all parties met in a giant courtroom and agreed that voter fraud had taken place in many states. They agreed to redo the voting process for 2016, to have everyone re-vote. Then Trump announced by big screen video call that he would instead concede because he couldn’t take time away from his business. The stock market doubled the next day and the next day it also snowed in Florida.

1-20-17 note: The Dow Jones opened today (inaug day) at 19,795.06
It closed at 19,827.25.

1/16/09 the day before Obama took office DJIA was 8281.22
Am hopeful to see where we go from here, keep those promises!



A pal apologized today

offering-blue-flowerA pal apologized today, saying “I’ve been laboring under a mistaken perception because of the past (with someone who was briefly working with the mag.) Because of that I completely dissociated with you and the magazine. I wanted to apologize for my stubborness and sticking to my misinformation.” Aw!     I was blissfully ignorant there was a problem and whatever it was, it’s over and that’s all that matters, right? I’ve done my share of apologizing over the years for past behavior, so I completely understand. If I need to apologize to you for anything, let me know. Seriously. I care and want to make things right, even if I don’t recall it.

Shut Eye on Hulu about the psychic scam business

Shut Eye, a series on Hulu, Isabela Rosselleni is matriarch of a Romani gypsy family who controls all of the psychic and fortune telling scam businesses in L.A. I saw 2 episodes. I like that it exposes some of the parlor tricks that storefront psychics use, like cold readings and “for $500 I can remove that curse from you.” Never fall for that. If you’ve give them money for that, go to the police — now. Storefront psychics historically advertise a $5 palm reading or psychic reading and then before your time is up (or days later in a call) they’ve frightened you about a curse that needs removing. Pretty spooky but it happens more often than you know.  Not a bad show, 10 episodes, it defintely has its teaching moments. Here’s a review

Use your self talk as a reminder you have inner guidance

When you use your self-talk to remind yourself that you have access to inner guidance that can lead you in the right direction for all decisions, you become very powerful. When you tell yourself that, your mind starts looking for evidence of it and attracting guidance and inspiration to you. And unless you drown out that inner guidance by having your attention on say tv or radio or news reports, you’ll be inspired to action that can change your world — right now, right where you are — for the better.  

And if you spend 51% of your time looking all around you at everything that is going wrong with the world, and everyone that is pissing you off, you can’t be attracting anything else.  And there is no evidence anywhere to the contrary. I only speak from experience.  Just for one day cut the criticism and cut the pessimism and pretend that if you think of all the happy things that ever happened to you, you’ll spend a few minutes vibing in a higher and happier place.  And those minutes will lead to more minutes of happier thoughts and you’ll attract even more happier thoughts. Let THAT be your snowball for the morning and your world can change by tomorrow.

A self talk script I read over when I need replacement thoughts
Why This Affirmation Works
Program Your Inner Dialogue To Propel You Forward
Scientists Prove DNA Can Be Reprogrammed by Words and Frequencies
Law of Attraction works even when you think the “wrong” thoughts
Hanging On To The Wound By Telling The Old Story
It’s All Related
Shall I Spend Time Saying Affirmations or Playing?

Sleep restores my mind and my paws

Just had a cool reminder. My paws have been aching due to a carpal tunnel and tendonitis flareup that I’ve been unable to get to the doc to laser. I’ve been wearing my wrist splints like a good girl, and applying DMSO when they get ouchy and lock up (that’s SO much fun!) I woke earlier from an unexpected 9 hour deep sleep and after a shower began emptying the dishwasher and other chores. I just realized I have zero hand/wrist/arm pain and fingers are moving freely and feel nimble. Amazing the restorative power of body rest and deep sleep!