Why do I bother writing things to make people feel more hopeful about their future in this current climate? Because it is only the ones who are hopeful who will attract thoughts and ideas that help us move easily through the changes.
Trump fans bottom line: Better than the alternative
I’ve had a realization about why Trump fans are so willing to ignore him being untruthful. After asking last night on Facebook how my Trump supporter friends felt about him being caught in fibs with clear evidence challenging his stories, I heard from so many Facebook friends that I saw a clear pattern that helped me realize what the answer was. A kind and savvy friend whose opinion I value said it best, “I know he’s not polished. I know he’s a street fighter, rough around the edges… I get it. He marches to the beat of a different drummer– but I believe his heart is in the right place.” To the question, “What about the lying?” the reply was, “Politics are difficult. No one is wrong, no one is right. I’m moving on.” I have a legal background. The pattern I saw was that many did not see themselves as evading the question. The fact of the matter, according to them, was that no matter who he is and how he acts, he was better than the alternative. Period. No matter what he’s doing or what he’s involved in, it’s better than a Clinton president. I didn’t get it until now. I really didn’t. Continue reading
There’s still time for him to turn it all around
All we want is someone with a good heart, someone we can trust. Someone who will take the job seriously, show strength and do what he promised. He still has time to turn it all around, to educate himself, to jump into the job, surround himself with educated advisors, to do good work. Accountability and responsibility changes people. It can cause realizations and awakenings. Someone who is very emotionally reactive is undergoing the deep work of integrating their personality with their soul. Who am I in this life time? Who am I at my core? Like it or not, if you’re being triggered by him, he’s been placed here for you to do some soul work of your own. Continue reading
Meditation helps me unkink my mental hose
I was outside setting the sprinkler and kept moving it this way and that to make sure I got optimum coverage. As soon as I got it in place however, the water stopped. WTH?? I traced it back to the source and saw that way, way back the hose began to kink and I didn’t notice it. As I inched it along, the kink got tighter until I cut off my flow altogether. I’ve done that with my connection to Source energy at times. I may not notice I’m inching along, cutting off little by little as I twist around this situation or that person, until I’m halted in my tracks. That’s why I meditate, so that at least twice a day I am checking my hose for kinks that cut me off from my goodness. Continue reading
Meditation is a staging area for my thoughts
Give your ideas some breathing room and a staging area. When I’m working on something, it’s important to have a dedicated work space but equally important to have an clear staging area. The staging area lets me try things out without being crammed for space. I like space between my molecules. Meditation gives me that. I’ve found meditation to be like a staging area for my thoughts and ideas. It gives them empty space to play out a bit, to formulate a bit on their own and attract more thoughts and ideas like them. And I don’t have to ask for an answer to something specific. Even if all I do is follow my breath, not even counting it, thoughts can arise that can answer my unasked questions. Give your ideas some breathing room and a staging area and see what unfolds for you in the next 12 months. Continue reading
Protestors, take a breath. The rest of the chorus will sing.
Wise words from Michael Moore: “This morning I have been pondering a nearly forgotten lesson I learned in high school music. Sometimes in band or choir, music requires players or singers to hold a note longer than they actually can hold a note. In those cases, we were taught to mindfully stagger when we took a breath so the sound appeared uninterrupted. Everyone got to breathe, and the music stayed strong and vibrant.
Yesterday, I read an article that suggested the administration’s litany of bad executive orders is a way of giving us “protest fatigue” – we will literally lose our will to continue the fight in the face of the onslaught of negative action. Let’s remember MUSIC. Take a breath. The rest of the chorus will sing. The rest of the band will play. Rejoin so others can breathe. Together, we can sustain a very long, beautiful song for a very, very long time. You don’t have to do it all, but you must add your voice to the song. With special love to all the musicians and music teachers in my life.” (Share. Let’s breathe – in mindful unity and remember to keep using our voices.)
What I mean when I say “God”
No, I’m not real worried about what’s happening. I’ve learned it all works out in God’s time. For years I hesitated saying “God” because I grew up being beat up and threatened by the word. Then I realized “God” wasn’t the problem, it was the people using the word to scare me into submission with their own agenda. (not my parents btw.) Now I say God and I mean Whoever or Whatever is Up There or Out There, whatever He/She/It may be. I also call it The Universe or The Creator because those words are familiar and to me all mean the same thing. And I’ve come to rely on the proven scientific fact that if I place something in the hands of That Energetic Force That Holds Our World Together, I am always pleased with the outcome. Also not to take score too soon!
Get to know your job and do it well
Always do your best work, don’t let any bunny tell you any different. When I was employed by other people, I always made a point to know what the job required. I spent time getting as familiar as I could with the job, even if it meant reading on my own time. If I was going to enter a high stakes poker tournament, you can be sure I’d be spending time reading up on all the ins and outs of how to play poker and I’d recruit several expert advisors before the big game. That’s just good business sense, knowing what your job entails so you can be the best you can be at it. That is what honors the people you work for and with. Don’t let any bunny tell you any different.
I’m giving him a chance but will not work to dismantle the U.S. Constitution
Some things are very important to understand. I am giving Trump a chance. He doesn’t make it easy. I’m not taking score yet, just waiting for him to take the job seriously. As an American, I can’t in good conscience help him dismantle the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution. A Facebook friend wrote and I feel the same: “Several of my conservative friends have said that we should, “work together” with the president and the Republican majority because they won the election and Trump is “everyone’s president.” This is my response:
•I will not forget how badly he and others disrespected President Obama for 8 years.
•I will not “work together” to dismantle the Bill of Rights and the U.S. Constitution. Continue reading