We forget what we know

A client called about relationship. I told him I see an R and a J entwined, then becoming a ball of twine unraveling.
“I don’t know who that could be,” he says.
I continue, “The man keeps his golf clubs in the car. His car is red, he has taken it to the dealer a couple of times for a problem they haven’t found.
“That sounds like my friend Ron.”
“There is a J name attached to him, that is what I see unraveling.”
“Oh, ok yes his wife Janet, she’s leaving him, she is the one I called to ask you about tonight. We’ve been seeing each other.”

So let me get this straight, you call to ask me if you’re going to be with your new girlfriend Janet who is married to your friend Ron and when the first thing I tell you is that I see an R and a J and ask who they are, you tell me you don’t know…?? Grrr.

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