Reversed tarot cards are not negative

My dad turned me on to tarot and astrology in 1976.  I quickly saw there were very few books interpreting reversed cards, and the ones that did had nothing good to say. I’ve always been a Pollyanna kind of person because my mom was, so I initially intuited that reversals had to do with a stalling, a delay in expression while it’s evolving, with a sequence having to be performed before the upright meaning of the card could be granted, i.e. Mary wants C to happen but she gets a reversed card because before C can happen, she has to do A and B.  Reversals can have to do with plans pondered yet not put into action, lack of sufficient effort, or something they feel they are being held apart from. It can be where they feel blocked or discouraged, where they feel fearful. It indicates working through an issue. We work through issues every day so we’re not talking about the world crashing down around you. It simply indicates something at play in your life right now and those things come to pass, they don’t come to stay. When Rachael Pollack’s 78 Degrees of Wisdom came out in 1977, my world changed as I incorporated her interpretations with my own. With some friends/clients, they don’t want the reversed card to be read so I honor their wish. A reversed card however does give more complex and greater levels of insight, which is what she is there for in the first place. I find reversals especially helpful in answering Yes or No questions.

look for the silver lining or be an activist?

So which is it? Do you look for the silver lining or do you be an activist? Can you do both? I made an earlier post about something I saw at the beach tonight and included a photo. One Facebook friend saw the beauty of the photo but the majority saw an environmental danger and let me know all about it. I completely agree the danger exists, yet the purpose of my post was to share the beauty of the moment. But I’ve been guilty of doing the same thing when friends post pics of heavy, fatty, fried, sweet foods. I look at it and all I can see is health problems in the making. Sometimes I can smile and shake my head because their experience is none of my business, but I can seldom revel in the joy of that particular moment for them. It’s a razor’s edge, isn’t it, how to fully experience the beauty of a moment while staying mindful of consequences and implications.

God will take care of those you leave behind

A comforting truth — if you’re no longer there by choice or chance. “Responsibilities are part of the play, the maya or illusion of our lives. At any time that you abandon or are snatched from your life — the people in it will be taken care of by God. So just know, pray for them, play your part with them as far as you are prompted to do it. But be aware, they will be okay if you are not there. That struggle to stand on their own may be part of their growth.” — Marie Dooley

You can leave out of misery or leave gracefully. You can stay and be miserable, or stay gracefully. The turmoil lives within limiting options. Find the grace and the options will appear. — Zanda Gutek

Tuxedo Sam comes on the scene

A young black cat with white bib has been resting mornings on the concrete bench in the courtyard outside my office window.  When he first arrives, he sits upright facing me, looking like a dapper gent in a tux. I put some dry food out for him.  I’d say he’s almost a year old. He’s sleek, not ragged, not starving — not fixed! If I see no signs he belongs to someone, I’ll take him in for initial shots and neutering. You come in my yard, you play by my rules. This morning after meditation I went outside to see the source of Benny meowing. He was on the driveway looking toward the road, where Tuxedo Sam was standing. They weren’t fighting and Benny wasn’t howling. He’d just meowed once. I explained to Sam that Benny was the king of this yard and it was his decision whether Sammy was invited or not. I gave Benny some head scratches. I brought out some kibble for the concrete bench. Benny heard it and came running. I picked him up and took him inside, so he knows I put the food down for Sam. I looked out the window and he was eating it. Benny saw it, too. I explained to Benny that it might be temporary until we get Sam fixed, or he might have a new friend. It’s too soon to tell. And since Benny was alone and hungry at that age, I don’t want him thinking he’s going to be replaced. But maybe if he thinks it’s his idea, he can have a little brother.   Here’s the timeline of Sam’s arrival.
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Positive thinking doesn’t mean deny the storm, it means expect the rainbow

A friend sent me an article criticizing positive thinking, wherein the author quoted Osho as saying, “the philosophy of positive thinking means being untruthful; it means being dishonest. It means seeing a certain thing and yet denying what you have seen; it means deceiving yourself and others.”
That’s not what it means at all.
No wonder people don’t think it works.
Positive thinking doesn’t mean look at the raging storm and deny it’s happening. Positive thinking means look for the rainbow, know the storm will pass and until then spend your time in happy pursuits, planning a hopeful future.   Continue reading

You can be a solitary worker on the inner planes

You can be a solitary worker on the inner planes and be of service right where you are: I had a particularly deep sleep this afternoon and a vision, more like a visitation. It was something I thought I knew so it gave me deeper understanding. I’m trying to wake up enough to get it into words. I have to use pictures right now. Say you’re sitting with loved ones, you’re partying, you’re in love, you’re cuddling your pet, you’re having a good time. The emotions you feel are radiating off you. They affect everyone around you and everyone you bring to mind.  These emotions are also being deposited into a big feeling-bank “in the sky.” Like a giant thoughtform, other people can tap into this feeling-bank and feel your happiness.     Continue reading

“Bring me new inspiration”

When we ask, we will be guided to new inspiration or a new goal or a new muse. But we have to ask for it.

When you’re ready, sincerely ask internally: “Whoever or Whatever is up there or out there, please bring me something to be intensely interested in and inspired about, something to bring new spark into my life. Thank you.”

Stay hopeful

I scroll thru Facebook and see what everyone’s hot topic of the day is, who’s mad about what  STAY HOPEFUL No matter what’s going on around us, we can find a purpose and have a happy fulfilling life right where we are. We can be of value and service right here, right now.  Look at the people around you and make it your daily practice to get along with them. When emotions are high, we can help diffuse tension, we can help ease fears. No matter who’s in office.  Unseen powers are working things out. It’s a good thing when the tower tumbles. All great changes are preceded by chaos. The lightning struck tower card symbolizes a breakdown of the status quo and the opportunity to rebuild again fresh a life that is more relevant to now. The result is always something preferred emerging from the ashes of what was no longer satisfying your soul. Stay hopeful.

Living in expectancy of good draws it to you. Viewing everything and everyone in front of you — and wondering how they might delight you — reveals to you how to be delighted with what you see in front of you. Doing this as a daily practice will confirm it can happen for you. What good can you see coming out of the people and circumstances in front of you right now? Look deep.

Things are going to move through your body

I love having friends who keep me awake. I ran into a fave pal at the beach. I remarked I hadn’t been in awhile and that I had a cold 10 days last month. He said “you’re always sick” and I said “what? I’m never sick!” He said “On Facebook that’s all you talk about: oh my cold, oh my arm, oh my hands, oh my knee.” I had to laugh because he was exactly right. However those things I don’t really count as being sick. Those are just things moving through my body. Everybody gets that. I just talk about everything I do and what I do to get through my daily life. The ups and downs. But I can’t count those as being downs, or “sick” because they’re just things. And things are going to move through your body. But I will be more mindful when posting 🙂