A young black cat with white bib has been resting mornings on the concrete bench in the courtyard outside my office window. When he first arrives, he sits upright facing me, looking like a dapper gent in a tux. I put some dry food out for him. I’d say he’s almost a year old. He’s sleek, not ragged, not starving — not fixed! If I see no signs he belongs to someone, I’ll take him in for initial shots and neutering. You come in my yard, you play by my rules. This morning after meditation I went outside to see the source of Benny meowing. He was on the driveway looking toward the road, where Tuxedo Sam was standing. They weren’t fighting and Benny wasn’t howling. He’d just meowed once. I explained to Sam that Benny was the king of this yard and it was his decision whether Sammy was invited or not. I gave Benny some head scratches. I brought out some kibble for the concrete bench. Benny heard it and came running. I picked him up and took him inside, so he knows I put the food down for Sam. I looked out the window and he was eating it. Benny saw it, too. I explained to Benny that it might be temporary until we get Sam fixed, or he might have a new friend. It’s too soon to tell. And since Benny was alone and hungry at that age, I don’t want him thinking he’s going to be replaced. But maybe if he thinks it’s his idea, he can have a little brother. Here’s the timeline of Sam’s arrival.
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