It’s disconcerting sometimes when typing in a program and my visual cues disappear. I can see the empty box where my icon is greyed out. So I remind myself I’ve done this many times before and even though I don’t see the icon there, I have faith that if I click the greyed out box I will have been correct. Our intuition is like that, we may get a hint of something but we have to move forward and have faith it’s the right move to allow the magic to unfold for us. We have to act as if it’s there because we know it’s there whether we can see it or not. Don’t be thrown off balance when all your visual clues disappear. That’s just your inner eye unfolding.
Friends are surprised I do Horizons on my own
Friends say they’re amazed that I do Horizons Magazine on my own when other local publications list staff and volunteers. The layout and design part of it is easy — time consuming but easy. The administrative part of it (billing for ads, maintaining corporate docs) also time consuming but easy. It’s in the chasing of the advertising dollars that the real work lies so I leave that to the other local publications. Horizons was never designed to create income. It pays for itself but my income is derived elsewhere. If I had staff selling ads, the magazine would be much bigger. Ten years ago — when I was very visible attending and working conferences — the magazine was 64 pages, half of them ads. Now it’s half that and I appreciate the smaller size. It’s less work. I’ve had many of the same advertisers and subscribers for 20+ years. Horizons is not for everyone, it’s a little offbeat, it attracts some deep thinkers, visionaries, workers on the inner planes, those on the leading edge of thought. I’m thrilled to have gotten to know so many of them through the years, even if it’s just through Facebook. If you’re on FB, find me and say hi!
OUR PURPOSE IS: Continue reading
The point is to fill up your happy tank
A friend asked, “What’s the point of it all? If we’re going to just live and die, what’s the point of trying to achieve anything if it all turns to dust?”
The point is not achieving. The point is the emotional journey you take as you go this way and that, as you make this decision or that. The point is to follow emotional happiness. That is also how you serve yourself and your fellow man. When you are filled with happiness, you exude a nonphysical ‘good’ into the environment and anyone around you has access to thoughts and feelings of happiness, not unlike accessing good thoughts from a collective thought bank.
Why bother to feel good ever if we’re going to eventually die?
Because those thoughts and emotions build up and follow you from lifetime to lifetime, making easier and happier future lives. I cope with life by training myself to have an interest in things around me, looking for the fun to be had, looking for the helpers, looking for the silver lining, looking for someone to give a kind word to, by training my self talk to keep me motivated and uplifted. That is my contribution to emotional well being on planet Earth. Your being here matters, your being happy matters, the happiness of others matter. Never think it’s pointless. Become an emotional missionary in this lifetime and follow happiness, feel happiness, collect happy thoughts and feelings so you can remember happiness when things are not so happy. Fill up your happy tank to overflowing, that’s how you silently help your self and your community. In this lifetime and the next.
The morning of the white van stalking
A friend asked how do I cope
A friend asked me, “with all that’s going on, how do you cope?” I cope with life by training myself to have an interest in things around me, and by always looking for the helpers, looking for the silver lining, looking for someone to give a kind word to, and by training my self talk to keep me motivated and uplifted. Not always easy to do but, like anything else, it works when I work it.
A friend asked if it hurts my business when I make controversial posts on Facebook. I have not found it to. I consider consequences before I speak my mind. The few political posts I make, I feel my FBF understand where I am coming from. I feel strongly that those in office should be qualified and act with integrity. When damage is being done, I don’t mind shedding light so my FBF can make more informed decisions and step in to help where possible. When I feel info is important enough to be passed on, I pass it on.
Kids get over traumas unless we keep reminding them
Barron is NOT having a hard time with what Griffin did. IF he’s having a hard time with anything it’s with what his dad KEEPS TELLING HIM about what she did. I worked in criminal law for 22 years. I was witness to many cases of kids being victims of all kinds of abuse. The conclusion I came to after seeing it first hand in depositions and testimony is that for the most part, kids get over things. Unless there is someone around reminding them every day what a horror they’ve been through, kids living in a healthy environment seldom hold on to traumas of the past, they’re moving on to new info every day. A loving Now goes a long way in eclipsing an abusive past. But he’ll certainly be traumatized if he has to hear angry people every night for the rest of his life.
It’s helpful to remember
Many Facebook friends are disgruntled over the treason du jour but at times like this it’s helpful to remember (1) No matter what he’s putting into place, there are powers at work to remove him from office, after which his many decisions will be re-evaluated. And (2) We experience much suffering when we think we only get one life and one body and this is it and it seems hopeless. That’s simply an inaccurate scenario someone made you believe because someone made them believe it. When we leave elementary school, we look forward to middle school. When we leave middle school, we look forward to high school, then we look forward to college or getting a job. God would not stop an acorn from growing into an oak, nor a tadpole from becoming a frog. He would not prevent hot water from becoming steam, nor cold water from freezing. These are just natural changes from one stage of “life” to the next. So don’t worry about what he’s doing, spend your time enjoying this life while knowing that when your time comes, you’ll move on to the next life — in the twinkling of an eye. You’ll go to sleep here and wake up there. Like magic.
Let’s do some ho’oponopono for the current administration, here’s the technique –> Let’s do some Ho’oponopono for Donald Trump and the current administration
Expanding someone’s perception of their world
A friend thanked me today for introducing her to metaphysical thought, to the idea of continuation of life in consciousness after the death of the physical body, to the idea of different levels of existence, intermingled and parallel worlds and the reasons for that, and that we are all connected to each other. To the idea of the body’s energy system and the power we have for self-healing. To the idea that we create the world around us by virtue of the thoughts we choose to think repeatedly. She said she was beginning to lose hope because she felt her life was meaningless. As usual, all that needed to change was her perception.
The June 2017 Horizons is now online, here are the Horoscopes
The June 2017 Horizons is now online at We are honored to have nationally known Maya White doing the monthly horoscopes. Maya White is a Master Destination Astrologer and one of only 90 people in the world certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy, a specialized branch of astrology which helps people find their perfect place on earth for love, prosperity, and personal growth.
Visit Maya’s website and for an introduction to Maya White, read here Contact her and ask what she might do for you. Here are this month’s horoscopes:
Aries – (March 20 – April 18) It’s time to take a realistic look at your finances. If you like what you see – awesome! It means that you’ve been utilizing the best of Saturn in a mutual fire sign. If, on the other hand, a look at your bank account makes you break out into a rash; then NOW it’s time to get with the program. The good news is that there is a bonus awaiting your siren call; your energetic spirit will make it happen. Continue reading