Friends of the World Gathering in Yoga Shakti Mission Palm Bay, FL on March 4, 2018

dancersIndian72All are invited to the Friends of the World Gathering to be held in the Pavilion at Yoga Shakti Mission on Sunday March 4 Noon to 4pm.   Free admission.  There will be a variety of cultural dances, music, drama, international food and vendor booths. We hope to provide an atmosphere of openness and genuine appreciation of each other’s special talents and cultural heritage, thereby promoting understanding and friendship of all races and cultures.  Philippine, African, Middle Eastern, Indian, Hawaian  and English dancers are expected to perform as well as bluegrass and Russian and Irish singers.  Indian and western vegetarian food will be sold &  local entrepreneurs will display their wares.  *Now accepting vendors for the event* Contact Shyama  if you would like a booth (only $20)  or you would like to perform. All welcome. No admission charge. Please spread the word. Yoga Shakti Mission,  3895 Hield Road, NW, Palm Bay, FL 32907.  321-725-4024 Email

Am I willing to pay the price?

So I put off until the last day to get all my employer’s federal tax return stuff in AND to compile the quarterly docs for my tax chick. And I wake up with a giant head cold. No matter, it needs to be done or I’ll pay the penalty. Early on, I used to decide what to pay late according to how much the late charge was. Sometimes it’d be worth it to float a week. Sometimes I had no choice, like if a bill was due on the 6th and I didn’t get paid until the 15th. Even now I don’t always make good decisions, but I ALWAYS consider my consequences ahead of time. Not in money matters, I grew up and straightened that out, but in life. Whatever it is I am considering doing, am I willing to pay the price for doing it?

The February 2018 Horizons is now online, here are the horoscopes

Herbal Goddess by Holly Sierra

The February 2018 Horizons is now online at  . The  flipbook version is at  We are honored to have nationally known Maya White doing the monthly horoscopes. Maya White is a Master Destination Astrologer and one of only 90 people in the world certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy, a specialized branch of astrology which helps people find their perfect place on earth for love, prosperity, and personal growth.  Visit Maya’s website and for an introduction to Maya White, read here Contact her and ask what she might do for you.  Here are this month’s horoscopes:   Cusp dates are accurate for 2018. Sometimes the actual date the sun enters the sign varies by a day or so because of a leap year, or, even the time of day. I assure you these cusp dates are correct for 2018.   

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Know when to let off steam and when to let it build

Yesterday we signed the rental lease and what ensued the rest of the day reflected Pluto conjunct Mercury and Mercury squaring my natal moon. Translation: potential hassles, obstacles, grumpiness, miscommunication. Unlike a lot of stories I hear, I love my HOA. Maybe because it’s so easy to stay in compliance and I don’t try to buck the system. I’m all for what’s easy. But being an Aries x5 and a landlord in an HOA (homeowners’ association) community, I’ve learned the value of patience and grace under pressure. It was like being at the stove waiting for the kettle to boil. I wanted tea but didn’t want to hear the kettle whistle so I stayed quiet and listened carefully for when to open the spout. And I was a good girl at the HOA ofc, I kept my own spout closed and listened attentively. It paid off each time.
—AND IF YOU CAN’T BE QUIET AND PATIENT AND ATTENTIVE AND HOPEFUL, YOU CAN PRETEND TO BE. Pretend long enough and you’ll grow into being quiet and patient and attentive and hopeful in those types of situations. And it will always pay off. Then you’ll be patient and hopeful for real and everyone wins. Especially you. Know when to open the spout to let off steam and when to keep it closed for the best brew. I’m hopeful you can do it.


Untangling a snafu

Today was a blur of activity and last minute wtfs. A great reflection of Pluto conjunct Mercury and Mercury squaring my natal moon. The February Horizons Magazine was delivered and I got half the mailouts to the post office. I re-arranged several appointments for work on the rental. I met with new resident, we signed lease and took her application to the park office. A little snafu, we came at noon; regular gal was off today and 2nd in command was at lunch. That meant tenant can’t get a parking decal for her car until 3 trustees approved the app.    Continue reading

Earlier this week a friend agreed to a lowball price to do a job for me. She went above and beyond so I paid her 50% more because that was the more fair price. My experience is it always comes back around — everything.

A day of tying up loose ends

A busy day of tying up loose ends. I went to Home Depot, made keys, bought paint to do the cabinets and doors at the rental. Cleaning got finished and the shed straightened up, which was a major job. I went to the office and did all the paperwork for new parking decals etc. I went to City Hall to get the water transferred into my name for 2 weeks so my tenant does not get it shut off before she gets moved in on the weekend. I remember how hard it is to get everything done when you work Monday thru Friday 8am-5pm. Plus she’s at the end of a cold so I want to help relieve the stress. It takes a village! Plus if we are really all One it doesn’t matter who runs out and gets something done, right, as long as it gets done?

I trick myself into getting work done on time

When will I learn? I take 3 weeks off between the week before Christmas until just after the new year. Then it takes me another week to get back into the swing of working. Which means all the magazine work is crammed into the last two weeks in January. Aaauuugghh! So this year I ALSO AT THE SAME TIME get to do all the arranging for work for making the rental home available for the new resident by end of day Friday. 
— ANYWAY I just realized today I have to get my tax-something signed and sent in with dollars so, to make sure I get it done on time since my desk is filled with subscription lists, magazine labels and rental lease agreements, I set a small tray table in front of the door to the bathroom with the papers, a pen, a highstool and the checkbook so there is no way I will miss getting that done by end of day.
— I know me, I can only pass something 2-3 times without wanting to get it done and out of the way. It helps to know myself so I can trick myself into getting done everything that needs to be done.
— LOL as if any of this busy work I’m doing in this physical body in this physical incarnation/ lifetime really “has to be done” anyway. The wheel will continue to turn whether I’m doing something or doing nothing. So I may as well enjoy it all, everything I’m doing whether it’s a breeze or a pain.

Your body will someday crumble while your soul watches it all from a place of peace

I love this attitude a friend has toward observing what the physical body goes through: she’d written about wrestling with a pain body and gotten a comment saying My body is the Cathedral, my heart is the altar and my soul is the traveler. She wrote, “It’s so great to have humorist friends to drag you through a pain body episode in life. My cathedral is crumbling, my altar could explode and my soul is watching all this from fruit and flower mountain.”

I love that, my soul is watching all this from fruit and flower mountain. Yes, someday my body will crumble yet I know my soul watches on with peace.