For the best psychic reading, ask a question to begin

2-9-14 reading at Book and Bead copyI had two very different readings today. The first had only a couple of general questions and mostly wanted to know what I could see around him right now. The second had a list of 19 questions she emailed me ahead of the appointment and we went through them one by one. It is very true that the more focused the question, the more specific the answer comes through. Like walking into a library and saying “I’d like a book, please”, it helps to give a basic topic that you’re curious about and specific questions you want answered. Like going to the ocean, you are the one who decides whether you walk away with a thimble full or a truckload of. Ask for exactly what you want, I promise you’ll be delighted with what the Universe gives you.  I like studying a client’s chart before we meet. I like to show astrological corelations to the events and circumstances in someone’s life. This is because when they see it is true for past events, they can trust it may likely be true for future events. Also to show where the beginning time was for the circumstance (no job, no relationship), and to predict an ending date for the circumstance (when they are likely to find job, relationship, etc.).  When we know what to expect, it’s easier to relax into the flow (and to take steps to get out of aggravation’s way).  

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