Category Archives: Meditation

A test to see where your beliefs really are about your business

Want to see how much you really believe in your business? Place an ad – anywhere – see what you attract. Little or no response?  Amp up your belief and expectation, recreate your ad in treasure board fashion and rerun it and see the difference in response.

It’s not where you place your ad, it’s from what state of consciousness do you place it.  That’s what attracts your results.

An 8 Minute Creative Visualization To Increase Dollars

Paving neural pathways to achieve meditation and access elusive inner states

A friend and I were discussing meditation the other day and she asked what the purpose of mantras and mudras were. A mantra can be thought of the same as an affirmation, or a line of thought that you want to repeat until it sinks into your brain and your belief system.  I use several mantras during my hour of meditation twice a day. I use them in a particular order because they have become my trigger to create the inner space for me to access heightened awareness.  The same with the mudras, or hand gesturesWhen you put your hands together in prayer, that is called a mudra. 

When I sit to meditate, I typically sit Indian style (half lotus) on a cushion, with hands on knees, palms up, thumb touching my index finger in what is known in the yoga tradition as the Guyan mudra.  The mudra is also a trigger for me.  A trigger to elicit states of calm and receptivity.  A trigger to contemplate how I act and react in this world.  A trigger to consider and implement any changes I feel I want to make. The mechanics of making these changes is via changing (programming) the neural pathways in my brain. Below is an excellent article on how mantras and mudras can help you do just that.

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Herbert Benson’s Relaxation Response is the Transcendental Meditation technique minus the ritual

Did you know that the book by Herbert Benson The Relaxation Response gives the exact technique of  Transcendental Meditation, minus the ritual and religious overtones and using the word “One” as the mantra?  The  Transcendental Meditation, or TM, technique is a form of mantra meditation introduced worldwide in 1957 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and popularized in 1968 by the Beatles, and the Beach Boys.

From the book The Relaxation Response pages 162-163

1.  Sit quietly in a comfortable position.

2.  Close your eyes.

3.  Deeply relax all your muscles, beginning at your feet and progressing up to your face.  Keep them relaxed.    Continue reading

Lazy Easter spent communing in nature, meditation, cardinals

Monday, April 13, 2009. I had a really good 3 day weekend.  Actually, I had a really good whole last week. I felt like I had a vacation.  I don’t know if it’s the St. John’s Wort I’m doing a trial run of or just relaxing more, but my constant thinking about work has eased up.  My urges to get just a little more done, to get a little more caught up, to get another call returned, have eased.  And those weren’t stressful thoughts, the only stressful part of it was my sense of urgency that I had to be doing it around the clock, nonstop.   I’m still working 12+ hours a day, but there is no sense of urgency about it.  That’s one way my ego tries to control me. Making me feel I urgently need to be doing something.  Making me want to constantly change what is.  All week I’ve been having good long periods of non thought and not just during meditation.  This is when I can tell that my decades long daily meditation discipline is working.  The mind silence is the fruit of my labor.  Sometimes I catch my mantra going in my mind all by itself.  Or I catch myself singing or chanting aloud.  I love it when that is the autopilot I revert to.  I love that that is my default setting, when I clear my mind of nonessentials. Continue reading

A morning journey out of the body

Monday, March 16, 2009. I listened to one of the Monroe Institute Gateway Experience cds this morning, Wave VI, Track 2 Odyssey #2 Expansion in Locale 1.  In October 2006, Rev. Beth Head and I went to the Monroe Institute and did their 6 day residential Gateway program, and I wrote about it here: October 2006 The Haunted Chair, De-activating Thoughtforms, Journeys Out Of The Body, Gateway Voyage at The Monroe Institute. I like these cds because they always take me out of where I am and place me somewhere else, somewhere it is easy to do the creative visualization work I love to do. Continue reading

A Meditation To Help Transmute the Suffering Of The World

This is a variation on tonglen, an ancient Buddhist meditation practice.

Breathe into your heart, taking in all pain and suffering and incompleteness of human life.
Offer this breath up to God by breathing it up through your crown into the Universe.

Breathe down the power which is beyond all suffering and take it into your heart.
Add your own love and offer it out to the world as your gift.

Breathe in to your heart all unhappiness and suffering.
Offer it up to God.

Breathe in to your heart God’s love.
Offer it out to the world.

Repeat as needed, daily or every moment of your life, forever.

RELATED: How To Practice Tonglen

A Meditation To Meet with Your Spiritual Guide: To Be Shown The Next Step

Q:  How can you do creative visualization if you don’t know what you want to create? 
A:  You don’t need to see yourself doing anything specific except laughing, feeling happy, being with people you pour love out onto and feel love being poured back in to you.  You don’t need to know who those people will be but you can remember the feeling you felt before, that infatuated all engulfing loving exchange, and use that thought repeated over and over in your mind, to fuel the attraction of the new people and circumstances to you. Continue reading