I drove early to the beach this morning and sat in the sand to watch the waning moon in the east move to almost directly overhead, floating in and out among the clouds. It’s surreal at the beach at night, the giant sky above and the ocean out before me, barely able in the darkness to tell where the two meet. The ocean roar is loud at surf’s edge, so I sat back on the dune, where the sounds of the waves were less overwhelming. At surf’s edge, it is easy to lose myself in the senses of it: the roar of the waves, the incoming tide, the splash of the seawater, the ions in the air. At surf’s edge, I can experience it, but it is on the dune that I reflect. Reflecting on it allows me to more fully appreciate the magnitude of what I just experienced. It lets me bask in the feeling of it, to stay in the vibe of it. The longer I stay in the vibe of Happy, the more Happy I will attract into my life. The more Happy I have in my life, the more the UN-Happy circumstances and people will fall away, making room for more Happy. Watching the stars at night reminds me everything is a cycle. We move in and out of each others’ lives, in and out of situations and circumstances, a constant display before us of what it is we are attracting, what we are a vibrational match to. Continue reading
Category Archives: Meditation
This morning’s meditation on the beach
I drove early to the beach this morning and sat in the sand to watch the waning moon in the east move to almost directly overhead, floating in and out among the clouds. It’s surreal at the beach at night, the giant sky above and the ocean out before me, barely able in the darkness to tell where the two meet. The ocean roar is loud at surf’s edge, so I sat back on the dune, where the sounds of the waves were less overwhelming. At surf’s edge, it is easy to lose myself in the senses of it: the roar of the waves, the incoming tide, the splash of the seawater, the ions in the air. At surf’s edge, I can experience it, but it is on the dune that I reflect. Reflecting on it allows me to more fully appreciate the magnitude of what I just experienced. It lets me bask in the feeling of it, to stay in the vibe of it. The longer I stay in the vibe of Happy, the more Happy I will attract into my life. The more Happy I have in my life, the more the UN-Happy circumstances and people will fall away, making room for more Happy. Watching the stars at night reminds me everything is a cycle. We move in and out of each others’ lives, in and out of situations and circumstances, a constant display before us of what it is we are attracting, what we are a vibrational match to. Continue reading
An email reading giving a detailed process to read for yourself
Here I give a detailed process to draw forth intuitive guidance from within yourself. The work is taking place even if you do not know it. Seeds are planted in your psyche that will come to fruition whether you are aware of it or not. As you do this, you will become more intuitive and learn to trust yourself.
Dear Andrea: Thank you for agreeing to do a reading by email for me. I have 6 questions:
1. Will I be able to move to Florida by the end of the year?
2. Where will the money come from?
3. Will I be successful in my home schooling for my B.S. in Psychology?
4. When will I meet the love of my life in Florida (after 3 years I hope it’s soon)
5. Will I lose weight?
6. Will my health stay good?
Thank you. I enjoy reading Horizons Magazine every month. Katrina
Amazing how the right people fall into your life as soon as others make room for them and your vibration changes
Who’d have thunk it? Oh right, ME because I know how law of attraction works. I know to pivot grouchy thoughts to fun ones when I realize I’m in it. I know to spend time prepaving – via visualization – what I want to experience in the future. I know to have an idea of what I want to do or have or be, yet I stand ready to change all of it dependent upon my evolution of consciousness.
4:08am and… rushing to meditation??
“OMG 4:08am I must rush to meditation. I cannot be late!” When I have thoughts like these, attached to ideas that somehow success depends on me meeting specific goals in specific time frames, that is when meditation serves me well. I can observe my attachment if emotion arises as I choose to decide I am late.
RELATED: Meditation links
Two breath meditation techniques
A friend emailed me: “I almost feel like I need to start out basic and breathing and meditation… not spend alot of time on it as most people know about it but you never know when a new comer might not even understand meditation and how important it is… not only for relaxing the mind and body and releasing stress but also to connect and communicate with our guides and spirits…. “
I replied: “Yes you are right. I find that most people are insecure about the way they meditate anyway, even those who have done it for years. And I always mention that, so no one feels stupid for having attended meditations for years and still aren’t sure what they are supposed to be thinking about while their eyes are closed, and after the guided part is over and they are in the silence. Meditation is like sex, everyone talks about it but few actually experience it as they tell others they do. Continue reading
Meditation to meet your guide
There are any number of ways to meet your guide, this is a technique that I use, but it is purely visualisation and intention, which takes your consciousness to the level required to see and communicate with your guide. This is a suggestion, and I hope it gives you ides for ways that you can comfortably develop.
First, I select a comfortable meditative position.
Slowly start to relax and breath deep into the pit of your belly.
As you relax further listen to any internal noises you may hear (ringing, whooshing or even drum beats) Continue reading
Adjusting to sharing space
Yesterday my roommate was involved in a variety of projects which kept drawing my attention to what he was doing, rather than what I needed to be doing. I told him it’s like watching the bunny do one cute thing after another. At at the end of the day — in box still full, calls unreturned, emails unanswered — I realize I’ve done nothing all day except follow the flippin bunny. And I wonder how I get off schedule? My biggest occupational hazard has always been feeling as though I have no time to myself. As a spiritual counselor, I connect with dozens of people each week and listen to their challenges and concerns. If I’m not mindful, I can allow myself to fall into their vibe and let myself get caught up in their tension and worry. If I do it enough, I can slow my income down to a trickle. It only ever happens when I just let the hamster wheel run through my head, rather than stepping away and letting myself take time for conscious thought. Continue reading
A Meditation on Oneness for Personal and Planetary Transformation
So often in life we feel alone, as though we’re the only one thinking what we’re thinking; feeling what we’re feeling. This meditation done regularly will strengthen your feeling of connection with others and bring a deep sense of calm in your life:
Take a few deep, even breaths before we begin. Sit comfortably with your eyes closed, your spine straight and your body at ease. Breathe slowly and deeply, and feel all the tension flow out of your body, with every breath you take. Getting deeper and deeper relaxed, with every breath you take. Now envision breathing in healing, cleansing light and filling your body with it. The deeper you breathe in, the deeper you relax, and the brighter you shine with this brilliant, healing, cleansing light. Feel the light radiant within you and around you, and out from you toward the others in the room with you now. Continue reading
An 8 minute creative visualization workshop to increase dollars
I often get asked for specific words to repeat to attract money. The secret is they are words that make you feel excited and make you feel it is possible for you. These are the words that do that for me. Anytime I want more dollars to flow, I do this short visualization exercise maybe a dozen times a day. I call it a visualization workshop because I take my visualization seriously and realize it is important work. I think of how good it feels having extra money and getting unexpected money. I remember a time I got extra money and how it felt. I remember a time I got unexpected money and how it felt. I remember hearing about someone getting unexpected money and how excited they were. I remember seeing on tv and in the paper about someone winning the lotto and how excited they were. I remember that I am the one who attracts things to me by thinking about them, so for a few minutes here I am just going to think about how I’d feel if I got some extra unexpected money. Continue reading