An email reading giving a detailed process to read for yourself

Here I give a detailed process to draw forth intuitive guidance from within yourself. The work is taking place even if you do not know it. Seeds are planted in your psyche that will come to fruition whether you are aware of it or not. As you do this, you will become more intuitive and learn to trust yourself.

Dear Andrea: Thank you for agreeing to do a reading by email for me. I have 6 questions:

1. Will I be able to move to Florida by the end of the year?
2. Where will the money come from?
3. Will I be successful in my home schooling for my B.S. in Psychology?
4. When will I meet the love of my life in Florida (after 3 years I hope it’s soon)
5. Will I lose weight?
6. Will my health stay good?

Thank you. I enjoy reading Horizons Magazine every month. Katrina

Dear Katrina: Thanks for your questions. You’ll find it helpful to have this in writing, since you can re-read the answers again and again for inspiration.  Let me begin by saying that for each one of your questions, the answer also lies within you and much depends on your intention and the amount of focus and the clarity of purpose you maintain in your life relative to each question. While I am pleased to give a reading whenever you like, know that you can call forth the answer to all of your questions by using and becoming familiar with your own intuition.

I’ll give you this process first, to lay the groundwork for what we’ll be discussing here. Also, as the ideas are repeated, or as you read them over and over again and apply them, you are planting seeds that will come to fruition later when you least expect it, and suddenly the understanding will “click” in.

Write down on a sheet of paper what it is you wish to have clarity on. Write on another sheet of paper all of the questions in your life right now that you feel are unanswered.

One reason many people do not interpret “correctly” their intuition is that they do not remember what they have been asking for. They ask for one thing and then their attention goes to something else, and then something else, and something else. Then, when answers come, they cannot remember what the question was, so they don’t notice that it has already been clearly answered.

You are always receiving answers to your questions, but you are the one who must pay close attention to remember what you have asked for. When you begin to do that consciously and on a regular basis, you will easily be able to discern what is being answered at any given time.

It is best to work with only one question at a time and in the beginning you may find that hard to do ~ you have many questions you feel are unanswered and it is not easy to stay focused when so many things are going on in your life. But I assure you this is how you will find the most satisfaction and the deepest answers. You will set the priority for what question is the most important first and second and so on.

The work is taking place even if you do not know it. Seeds are planted in your psyche that will come to fruition whether you are aware of it or not. As you begin to do this, you will begin to understand more and more. You may do this in meditation during the day for 20 minutes at a time for up to 4 times a day (for either one question to be answered more fully, or for 4 different questions.)

Now for your questions. You write:

1. Will I be able to move to Florida by the end of the year? I see nothing to prevent you from tying up loose ends right now and making a move. What appear to be obstacles preventing you from moving will take care of themselves as you make the absolute decision to move and begin to do so.

2.  Where will the money come from? If you were to begin now to make plans to get to where you want to be in Florida, the money would come from somewhere at the time you need. Don’t expect it to come ahead of time, but it will come little by little as you begin the process of making changes to move. I don’t see you without income, I see a slow but steady source of income and it will increase as time goes on. You will expand your income as you expand how you think about money. This is not difficult, but it takes practice, just as learning to ride a bicycle takes practice in the beginning. It is a truth that the thoughts you have are what attracts your experience to you. The thoughts that you have repeatedly – again and again – attract to you more quickly exactly what you are thinking about. It is important to remember that every subject is two subjects.

The subject of money is:
(1) having money and
(2) lack of money.

The subject of relationship is
(1) having a relationship or
(2) lack of a relationship.

Your inner guidance guides you by how you feel in the moment. Your inner guidance always guides you by how you feel in the moment of having the thought or asking the question. If you feel GOOD and happy and excited as you think about money, that means that what you are thinking about and what you are attracting to you IS in complete harmony with what you really want (which is plenty of money, and a happy, productive life with loving friends and family.)

Remember, always, that your inner guidance guides you by how you feel in the moment. If you feel BAD or worried or fearful as you think about money, that means you are thinking about LACK OF money. That means that what you are thinking about and what you are attracting to you IS NOT in complete harmony with what you really want.

Since whatever you focus on comes more and more into your experience, it is important to stop yourself in the moment of any negative emotion, and change the thought that you are having. If you are thinking about having to leave the U.S., and worrying that you might have to, you are feeling some negative emotion.

Any kind of negative emotion you feel means you are focused on LACK.

As soon as you feel it, tell yourself, “Katrina, you know what you DON’T want. You DON’T want to be uncertain where to live, you DON’T want to worry where the money is coming from, you DON’T want to worry about your health of your weight your whether you will ever have a suitable partner.

What DO you want? You want to feel free to live wherever you choose with no restriction. You want to feel that you can come and go wherever you please, whenever you please, and have complete freedom to do so. You want to be involved in some kind of work that interests you, that you wake up excited to get into each day, and that brings you as much money as you need for financial security.

As you tell yourself these words (and other words of your own that will begin to flow easily,) bring to your mind the feeling of the last time you felt free, bring to your memory the first time you came to the U.S. and how exciting and thrilling it felt. Spend a few moments having these thoughts and feeling these feelings.

[What you are doing by doing this is “creative visualization” and it is a very powerful way to consciously attract to you exactly what you want. You can do this several times a day on any subject you wish. The process is:

  1. As you discover yourself feeling negative emotion about something, you have just discovered what it is you DON’T want.
  2. Now that you know what you DON’T want, what is it you DO want? Make a list.
  3. Bring to mind as many examples of what you DO want as you can. You can make these up if you want. Pretending is a very powerful exercise. “Pre” from ‘before, ahead of time;’ and “tend” from’ intend’ so when you are pretending or daydreaming or fantasizing, you are intending ahead of time what it is you want to experience.
  4. Bring forth the emotion within you that you would have if you had what you wish for. Bring forth the feeling of happiness and joy and excitement and feeling of freedom and feeling of having plenty of everything as you hold your thought in your mind.
  5. Keep the thoughts going for a just a few moments, a minute or two is enough, and you will be attracting another thought and another thought and another thought along the way. And that is the idea. Because the new thoughts will contain the seeds to quickly bring you what you want; the new thoughts will give you inspiration to follow to help you open the door you wish to go through now.
  6. Remember that every time you have a thought and have emotion attached to it, you are in a “creative workshop” creating something and attracting something to you.

Anytime you have negative emotion for any reason, stop and tell yourself, “Okay I’m attracting something I DON”T WANT to myself. What was I just thinking about?” Then, “I know what I DON’T WANT. I don’t want to be worried or fearful. What DO I want?” Then tell yourself a few moments of what it is you want, and you have just changed your thought and thus changed your future experience. ]

Your Question No. 3. Will I be successful in my home schooling for my B.S. in Psychology?
As before, I see nothing preventing you from being successful in your home schooling, however you may change your focus as time goes along. You wonder if having the degree in psychology is what you should strive for, and to that I say, if it pleases you and interests you right now to pursue the B.S. in psychology, and if the flexibility home schooling offers you encourages you to study as often as you should, then you are on the right track. I feel your focus will change and you will later decide to pursue another field, but know that deciding to pursue your B.S. in the first place was a step to get you to where you’ll end up being happy.

Kind of like asking if you should move to a particular area, like Florida, and move away from somewhere else. The only thing that determines if you are in the “right area” is how you feel about being in that area. Where do you prefer to be? You are a powerful “vortex” is the word they use today but it means only that you are a powerful energetic being and you bring power to where you stand by virtue of how you feel about where you are and what you are doing. Being focused makes you very powerful indeed, it matters not what your focus is.

The business in which you will find the most satisfaction is in doing something you enjoy and are interested in, but YOUR JOB is to discover what it is you enjoy doing and make the choice to step in a new direction. YOUR JOB is to make a CHOICE what to try next. You’ve already made the first step, by contemplating moving to Florida. All you’re doing now is tying up the details.

What businesses interest you? Who do you know that has a job that seems fun and profitable? Talk to them and gather information from those who appear to have interesting careers. Their words to you will contain seeds that lead you to the next step. Their words will contain seeds that attract other ideas to you, that will attract other people to you, that will attract opportunities for you to consider.

Take a sheet of paper and write down one by one everyone you know or have met in Florida, and next to their name, write down what possible benefit or connection you think they might be able to share with you. As you write, more ideas about each person will come to you, and write those ideas down also.

[You have a powerful connection to your guardian angels and inner guidance through automatic writing, which you should practice every day for 10 minutes at least. With a question you have written being placed before you, being to write whatever comes into your mind, not stopping to edit it or change words as you go. Just write down whatever words come into your mind. It does not matter if you think you are making up the words yourself, you are just to write what is in your mind until it stops.

Often you receive higher guidance and you second guess yourself thinking, “I’m just making this up myself.” Much valuable guidance goes unheeded in this way, with you and many others.]

Your Question No. 4. When will I meet the love of my life in Florida
You know already the answer to the question you ask. God did not want you to be with the “wrong” man when the “right” one came along.  Better said, God knows your higher intention for having a loving and compatible partner, yet even God cannot intervene with what you attract to yourself through your thoughts. So, as you spent time remembering and reliving (with emotion) any past discord you experienced in reaction to any past partners, you were unconsciously attracting to you a situation that disallowed any men of a higher, more harmonious vibration to come into your experience.

Now is the time to put behind you all thoughts of anyone you’ve ever been with and begin to decide what type of partner you would like to have, and turn your full attention there for the time being..

The time is very soon that you will be ready for a new relationship, and in the next 3 years you will find many opportunities. As we spoke about before, it is an important part of the “process” of raising our vibration to a high enough level that we are enjoying life, so that we can attract enjoyable people and events into our experience. To begin the process, make a list of what it is you would like in a man. Put everything on the list, how he looks, age, weight if that’s important, height, fitness, facial hair, manner of dress, characteristics, habits, social graces, finances, whatever is important to you, put it on the list.

Then begin noticing couples when you are out in public, and take note of how they act with each other, and notice how you feel when you see them be affectionate and touching each other, and pretend it is you with your perfect partner and begin to feel what it would feel like.

Imagine and pretend and fantasize about the activities you would like to do with a partner and how it would feel to do them. Imagine dining together, travelling, playing cards, making love, dancing, swimming, whatever you think might be fun. Imagine it and pretend it in your mind, with feeling.  Do this a few times a day and you will begin to have ideas of new places to go or groups to visit or classes to take or any number of ideas to take you out so you can experience potential partners. It is important to create it within your own mind again and again before you can begin to notice it happening in your life.

I see you becoming part of several informal groups, and in these groups you will have much opportunity for new relationships. The next 3 years will be a time of putting challenges behind you and many opportunities for much happiness for you.

Your Question No. 5. Will I lose weight?
This has been a difficult one for you and mostly because your mind has been focused on so many other things. You know what a proper diet is. You know what foods to avoid and what are good eating times. But food brings such comfort, even if just in that moment. When you begin to get clear in the other areas of your life, you’ll find yourself naturally improving your eating habits. If you can begin to think of food as fuel for your day’s activities, and your body as the trusted vehicle that takes you where you want to go, it will help inspire you to better eating habits.

Again, even God cannot intervene with what you attract to yourself through your thoughts, so if you’re about to eat something that you know is not good for you, and you eat it anyway, you can expect to feel guilt about it and it will eat away at you subconsciously while you mentally beat yourself up for it. If you are about to eat something like that, consider instead telling yourself, “In the past, this has been my problem food. In the past, I’ve felt guilty about eating this and I know when I do that, it’s not doing my body any good. But now I know I am in control of my body. I happen to enjoy the taste of this food. Eating this food brings me comfort right now. I want to forever after enjoy myself when I eat this food, or be inspired to find a better choice of snack. Either way, I want to enjoy every bite I eat, and have it bring me comfort, and nourish my body at the same time. So whatever magic has to happen to bring this about in my consciousness, please let it happen now.”

If you get yourself in the habit of doing this with each bite for the next 30 days, you’ll be surprised how much guilt will begin to go and what new choices of food you’ll naturally begin to make.

Your Question No. 6. Will my health stay good?
I see no change in your physical health except I do see you more inspired and enthusiastic about a new project you’ll be working with. Something about the project encourages you to be more active and I see many benefits coming from that. Remember, your hand is always tightly held by the One Who always knows your higher intention and you are surrounded by loving angels, guides and teachers at every moment of your life.


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