A day of of spidey sense, coincidence and synchronicity

I’ve had an awesome morning of evidentials, coincidence and synchronicity.  In a reading last week, a friend was concerned her son wouldn’t get good grades in a particular class.  I knew she was going to find the perfect tutor right away and that he’d be younger than her son.  She called today and told me she’d found him, he was younger, plus he has the same teacher – score!  She’d called in the middle of me speaking with spiritual brother Doug Cobb.  He and his wife Trish were next door neighbors and best friends of mine for years, they moved west of Gainesville in 2004.  They periodically come into town and it turns out they’ll be here again at the exact time I need Doug to look at a project with me – another score! I was in the flow.  So it was no surprise when I called galpal Joy to ask for a mutual friend’s number and if she knew her availability to help with another project.  She happened to be sitting in Jann’s living room and handed her the phone.  Jann was available and had all the knowledge I hoped she’d have! I’ve been in the flow all day and it feels good.  I know it feels good because I had little reminders of being out of the flow and gripey recently.  Good feels better!  In the flow feels better!


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