Grow Up and Deal With It

I just checked voice mail for the past few days. To everyone with personality conflicts going on, please keep it to yourself. Learn to get along with whoever’s in your face that you think is maligning you or out to get you. Stop giving them power over your thoughts. They’re in your life because you’re vibrating in the same place. Get it?  Grow up the hell up. Deal with it. Stop telling everyone about it. And I know it’s (kind of) different because you may be paying me to counsel you about it.  But if you’ve been telling me the same story for the past few years, with all due respect, you need to let it go and stop wasting your time and money, NOW. There, I feel better.  I still love you if you’re gossipy and bitchy and always complaining, I just must love you from afar. I know you understand.
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