If you are an adult living in your parents’ home and they’re paying all your bills, consider it a small price to pay to follow their rules. Do your best not to take advantage. Don’t put undue burden on them, don’t make them pick up after you, don’t make them have to remind you about chores, don’t request expensive supplies.  There are a million ways you can help around the house and yard, even if it’s just to be extra kind and ask if they need anything, help clean up after meals, keep your space clean and orderly. Don’t make them worry about you. If you don’t feel it’s honor enough to share time with your parents in their older years, think of them as two graciously generous roommates whose pleasure it is to provide for you when you asked.  Treat them with respect and gratitude no matter how they treat you. Karma will repay you in huge ways. Or, you can figure out a way to move out and do it on your own.

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