We’re allowed to pick and choose to form beliefs

A Facebook friend gave another heck for posting an image of Buddha saying that is not in line with her typical posts about angels and God, that some things are not the same.  I commented, “I understand confusion over it. I am not a Buddhist but I lean toward Buddhist thought. I am not a Hindu but I have many Hindu practices. I don’t call myself a Christian because the evangelicals hijacked that word.
. . I grew up with Catholics and going to Catholic Church. I spent years in a monastic community that most would call a cult. I don’t consider the Bible the word of God since it’s been editorially suppressed and revised by politicians throughout all millenia. I know God exists, I know angels exist. I’m sure the above sounds like many different topics.
. . What I have found in my lifetime is that I am allowed to pick and choose from the different socially acceptable belief systems to find something that fits what I know to be true according to my own personal experience.
. . My meditation altar — my entire home actually — is full of Hindu deities as well as a huge poster and statues of Buddha, several pictures of Jesus, various Saints and other sacred art. I do not find that any of it conflicts with any other of it.”

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