Yearly Archives: 2017

GABA: The Anti-Anxiety Molecule

I buy from

Discussing natural alternatives to treat anxiety, a musician friend suggested I try GABA, it’s natural and many musicians use it for performance anxiety.  GABA is an inhibitory molecule that slows down the firing of neurons, creating a sense of calm. Benzodiazepines (Such as Valium & Xanax) are sedatives that work as anti-anxiety medication by increasing GABA. A study from the “Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine” found a 27% increase in GABA levels among yoga practitioners after a 60-min. yoga session when compared to participants who read a book for 60 min. The study suggests yoga may naturally increase GABA levels. GABA is is widely distributed throughout the central nervous system (CNS) and supports a relaxed state of mind. It’s the most important and widespread inhibitory neurotransmitter in the brain. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that carry information between nerve cells or from nerve cells to other target cells.  GABA helps to prevent over-firing of nerve cells and decreases overall neuron activities in the CNS. Over-firing can cause restlessness, spasmodic movements, irritability and anxiety. GABA is also utilized by the brain to create tranquility and calmness through the brain’s metabolic processes.    Continue reading

I pick up on anxiety over Hurricane Irma

Good reminder to me: whether it’s someone else’s anxiety I’m picking up on or my own, the fact remains that while it’s with me, it’s up to me to keep myself calm enough to stay attuned to inner guidance and ease through it. Yesterday I had anxiety for the first time in years. Hurricane Irma is forming and I’m prepared here for a hurricane, cat food, bottles of water, headlamps, weather radio, batteries. I feel safe in my home, my uncle built it with 2×6 construction, not 2×4 and it weathered category 3 Hurricane Jeanne in 2004 which had 115mph winds. A category 5 has winds of 155 but I still feel safe here.   Continue reading

Painting mermaids, the spidey sense knows

I wonder if my urge to paint mermaids the last two weeks was my spidey sense tapping in to upcoming storms. In the aftermath of Hurricane Harvey, yesterday I  woke from a nap with the urge to fill up the car and cans with gas. Then I read a Facebook post that said, “Fill your gas tanks. The south may encounter shortages related to hurricane damage: shutting down gas lines.” I saw Hurricane Irma in the news, forming offshore. The first thing I always do when there’s a new storm forming is check the phase of the moon. I see that Harvey hit Houston 3 days after the storm’s path turned north at the time of the new moon.  According to what we know about New Moon and Full Moon effect on storms and hurricanes, the storms to watch will be two weeks afterward at full moon. That’s this Wednesday Sept 6th. Irma might be a powerful one. Maybe my spidey sense knows some folks might benefit from having a mermaid tail.    Continue reading

New Moon and Full Moon effect on storms and hurricanes

Moon phase makes things predictable and predictable things can ease our minds. A full moon can amplify a storm. A new moon will make a storm turn north, as it just did with Hurricane Harvey. A hurricane moving in a particular direction will turn north when the new moon crosses the equator.  The weather guys never factor that in for us to ease our minds.  It doesn’t matter unless the system stalls and delays a few days.  Then anything is possible. The day the moon crosses the equator heading north, it has maximum thrust carrying systems northwards, which means the storms will stop heading west and head north. The storms to watch will be two weeks afterward at full moon.  That’s this Wednesday. Remember, it’s a cycle.  A cycle is a good thang.  Don’t be afraid, be alert, be mindful and be prepared. This too shall pass.

Full moon …. New moon 2017
Sept 6 ……….. Sept 20
Oct 5  ………… Oct 19
Nov 4 ………… Nov 18
Dec 3 …………. Dec 18 Continue reading

Wayne Wirs’ Last Blog Post

Rest in Peace Wayne W. Wirs

On August 31, 2017, spiritual brother Wayne W. Wirs chose to make his transition. I think people should be able to choose when to die. At the end here are links to where I’ve spoken of my thoughts on my own family suicides.
On August 28, 2017 11:48 AM, Wayne writes: “Having accomplished in this incarnation all that I had set out to do (spiritual awakening in 2009 and writing Mystical Oneness last year), I left this planet on the morning of August 31, 2017 at one of my favorite camps along the Green River in Wyoming. Both of my former vehicles—a 2013 Nissan NV2500 hightop van and a much older 1961 human male—can be found at these coordinates. (I wrote this post earlier and scheduled it to be published after I detached from these silly, mortal remains.)

Do not be sad for me. For years I’ve looked forward to death. I’ve longed to merge with the Light/Her/my Beloved again. Not out of sadness or depression or anything negative, but—like two lovers once separated—as an eagerly awaited reunion. As I type this—standing and in incredible physical pain—I’m really looking forward to being with Her again.    Continue reading

The September 2017 Horizons is now online, here are the horoscopes

The September 2017 Horizons is now online — now in flipbook format — at  We are honored to have nationally known Maya White doing the monthly horoscopes. Maya White is a Master Destination Astrologer and one of only 90 people in the world certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy, a specialized branch of astrology which helps people find their perfect place on earth for love, prosperity, and personal growth.

Maya White

Visit Maya’s website and for an introduction to Maya White, read here  Contact her and ask what she might do for you.  Here are this month’s horoscopes:

Aries – (March 20 – April 18) This month aligns with your deepest strength. Ganesha, the elephant headed Hindu avatar is known as ‘a remover of obstacles’. You may have seen images of him looking benign, but know that Ganesha is fierce, and he holds great power. Indeed, obstacles can and will melt away now, but you must pass a test of determination. Do not waver in your resolve; what you want is at hand.    Continue reading

Grief Relieving Soup

As I was growing up, my mom worked at Western Union from 11am to 9pm. She’d cook dinner each morning and leave me with instructions to heat it up when i got home from school.  Sunday mornings my dad would make french toast but that was the extent of his cooking.  Then we began raising rabbits and he got into the cooking of it.  It made me a little sad at first but he explained about circle of life. He said not only were the animals happy to fulfill their destiny, the onions and carrots and wheat and all plants were as well. They lived on through us as they gave their life so ours could continue.  That was the reason we prayed before eating.  Many relatives and friends passed during my childhood.  One way my dad dealt with his grief was by cooking.  He said cooking and eating reminds us we are alive even though we feel a piece of us is gone. His grandmother passed when I was in my teens, and he embarked upon a quest to duplicate Kentucky Fried Chicken’s original recipe. We had a new version every single night for weeks, months while he experimented. That was fine with 4 hungry teenagers and boy, could my brothers scarf food down. When my youngest brother bobby passed in 1976, my dad began making sourdough rolls. By hand, no bread machine. Hundreds of them, maybe thousands. By giving them away to friends and family, he was sharing his son with everyone.     Continue reading

On the driver in Charlottesville, SC

If you’d been told all your life that little bunnies would attack you and rip your heart out, you’d grow up afraid of them, too

A shame, another kid raised amidst hatred. How do you reach age 20 without learning to handle emotions and consider consequences before acting? The following question helped me understand how fear is birthed and how racism comes to be: “If you’d been told all your life that fluffy bunnies would hunt you down to attack and kill you and rape your mother and children, you’d grow up afraid of them, and wanting to get them before they got you, right?”   Please teach kids how to handle themselves and consider consequences. Their life depends upon it.  James Fields was just hanging with his homies, letting their agenda be his agenda. This is what happens when you go along with someone else’s program and don’t consider consequences. You get wrapped up in it, you lose control and for what? For what? There but for the grace of God go I.

Painting mermaid heart rocks

I’ve been taking a break from painting angel heart rocks and this week I’ve been painting mermaids. It’s a trip painting in this small a format but it’s a really good meditative practice, not to mention good exercise for keeping my fingers nimble.

Now that I’ve been playing with pens, I am jonesing for my new set of lotsa color pens to get here. Coming from China, they are very highly rated and scheduled to arrive by September 15th. I’ve only ever used art pens for final accents on paintings, so it’s interesting using them to draw with.

The pens that I make the dots with are not waterproof when applied atop acrylic paint, so I have to let them dry and then spray sealer before I continue.  It’s a whole new game painting on rocks but I’m enjoying it.    



I like the symbolism of mermaids, they are able to  adapt, to live comfortably between several worlds, and co-exist with many species. I’m not a swimmer and don’t care for water sports, but I recall how powerful it felt the first time I tried swim fins on. I could dash across the pool in a flash with very little effort on my part. Mermaid medicine to me has to do with becoming aware of strengths I never had to test out before, adapting to whatever situation I find myself in, going with the flow yet staying in control of where I’m heading.

RELATED: Painting Mermaids, The Spidey Sense Knows

Attention everyone: if you’re having secret sex with someone who says don’t tell, they’re likely having secret sex with others as well. And if you tell someone a secret, it is very UNlikely it will remain a secret. Some things are just too juicy not to share. You may think you’re sharing it with ONLY your best friend, but she may be sharing it (in secret) with someone she considers HER best friend. Things are not always what they seem. Life has taught me the way to keep friends is to not tell them secrets and not have sex with them.