Yearly Archives: 2016

Being the Observer allows you to put on new glasses

eyeglasses natureWhen I first got glasses, I was surprised and delighted to see the individual leaves on trees, I could see the birds in the branches, the bunnies at the side of the road, the butterfly on the walk. An entire new world opened up, a world that had been there all along but unseen by me. I could hear others talk about it, I could imagine it but I didn’t actually experience it. Once my vision was corrected, I could see everything in front of me clearly. It literally expanded my world. I became interested in macro photography, photographing nature close up. It let me experience a world I’d previously been unaware of. I was shocked at how full this new world was, huge communities of plants and animals I had no idea were there before, all in constant communication. A thriving world, parallel to mine, was suddenly opened to me that put my entire life into perspective. Having a spiritual awakening is like that. Awakening in consciousness simply means a broadening of perception, a deepening in realization of a larger world around you than you were previously aware of. Some of these are subtle worlds that you encounter only as you become increasingly still and quiet. Don’t be envious when others describe what they experience. Everyone’s happening is different. Don’t feel you have to compete with the exaggerated claims of friends. You’ll learn the more you see, the less you feel the need to speak of it.  Oh everyone does at first, but with time and practice you learn that as the silent Observer, you experience something that is unavailable to one who thinks and speaks. The act of forming words and speaking them drops you out of the state of consciousness that is available to the Observer. The Observer state can happen spontaneously, and is also the result of successful meditation. My daily practice allows me enter the Observer state twice a day, bringing me back to center.  From that center, the world I find myself in is wildly multidimensional and expressive, rich and immensely fulfilling.

RELATED: Andrea’s Meditation Process and links

My story is my personal path

seed-to-flowerI write about my life experience as part of my spiritual path.  I have learned that whatever I’m going through is likely what everyone else around me is going through. That’s why we find ourselves all together. When I tell my story, however, I’m mindful that I’m telling someone else’s story as well. Unless they’ve given me permission to name them, I don’t mind changing names and details, but one friend asked me to write nothing whatsoever.  I was spending a lot of time with her several years ago and gaining valuable insights. One reason I was involved in particular projects with her is because they inspired me to thoughts and ideas and revelations in other parts of my life.  Words and phrases she said to me triggered a line of thought that led to an inner awakening. I journalled about it and wanted to share what I wrote.  So when she said I could mention nothing, that left me with an entire area of my life that I couldn’t write about, for as long as I knew her. That’s not only a hassle, it’s inauthentic. It was easier to stop spending time with her and get involved with someone less conditional.
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Pho Bolsa Vietnamese Restaurant Palm Bay, FL

I did a Yelp review for Pho Bolsa Vietnamese Restaurant Palm Bay, FL :  I gave it 3 stars because I tasted only one soup which I’ll be back for. I went today for the first time. Pho Bolsa opened last month at the former site of Fiesta Azteca and it’s been completely redone inside. I eat pho and asian noodle soups all over town. PhoViet on Hwy 192 is my current favorite.  At Pho Bolsa, I had the vegetarian noodle soup $5.95. It was full of broccoli, cauliflower, mushrooms, carrot, squash and tofu as well as rice noodles.  A very flavorful broth, frankly I expected just broth and noodles, so I took the vegs home with half the broth. The beef pho looked good but I wasn’t in the mood for slabs of meat. The stirfry dishes looked good and were served beautifully plated. There were 7 tables, 17 diners at 12:30pm. Service was timely and  pleasant. No basil accompanied the bean sprouts, lemon wedge and jalapeno but the broth was so flavorful, I didn’t ask for it. They have a tom yum on the dinner menu only, it’s served as a noodle soup for $10.50. I will return for that and for the pho as well. Pleasant, serene atmosphere, ambient music, I sat in the main dining room, a wide open space with a high ceiling, natural and overhead lighting. There is more cozy seating in the other side. Don’t be fooled by the paper menu with items crossed off, there is nothing shabby about Pho Bolsa. Good food, pleasant people, I’ll be back.

A Successful Gardening Day

Golden Pothos

Golden Pothos

I’ve been enjoying working in the yard the past few months. The landscape here changes with every drop of dew and every blossom. Yesterday I pulled all the thin, cut bamboo poles out of the garden and lined them up to choose by size to weave a fence for new area.  I cut my 80 feet long giant golden pothos into manageable 4 feet lengths and planted in the front berm. The pothos was a giant wall, leaves twice as big as dinner plates, until the cold dropped the leaves and left me with only one 80 feet long bare strand. I first prepared the ground for it by stabbing a shovel into the ground to break up the roots, then pulling up all the crabgrass and wedelia. I planted the cuttings in 3 horizontal rows 8″ (20 cm) apart and 8″ deep. I watered it all in then covered with several inches of mulch. That part of the yard is closest the street but it’s also under high shade all day. I thought I’d spend some time and effort making my yard pretty for whoever passes by.    Continue reading

garden shadeDigging in the yard I am reminded where old boundary lines were as I encounter the old bricks. Each year as I dig, I widen the boundary a little bit to give the plants more sun since every year the oak overhead covers the area with a little bit more shade. It hurts as I run into the boundaries unexpectedly and even though they are embedded deep and they are heavy, they are relatively easy to move with a little leverage from the shovel. I smooth the land out and fill it back in and move my boundary several feet wider in the never ending quest to stay in the light.

Not everyone who shits on you is your enemy

bird_singingA little bird was flying south for the winter. It was so cold that the bird froze and fell to the ground in a large field. While it was lying there, a cow came by and dropped a load of hot dung on it. As the frozen bird lay there in the pile of shit, it began to realize how warm it was. The dung was actually thawing him out! He lay there all warm and happy and soon began to sing for joy. A passing cat heard the bird singing and came to investigate. Following the sound, the cat discovered the bird under the pile of cow dung. The cat promptly dug the bird out, killed him and ate him.  Lesson:
1. Not everyone who shits on you is your enemy.
2.  Not everyone who pulls you out of shit is your friend.
3.  If you’re warm and happy in your pile of shit, keep your mouth shut!


The May 2016 Horizons is now online, here are the horoscopes

The May Horizons is now online at  As of  2016, we are honored to have nationally known Maya White doing the monthly horoscopes. Maya White is a Master Destination Astrologer and one of only 90 people in the world certified in Astro*Carto*Graphy, a specialized branch of astrology which helps people find their perfect place on earth for love, prosperity, and personal growth.

Maya White

Maya White

Visit Maya’s website and for an introduction to Maya White, read here   Here are the May horoscopes:


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Please pray for some Cassadaga friends

angels cryingCassadaga friends: mutual friends tell me Victor’s been posting on his public Facebook accusing his sister of wrongdoing in their dad’s death, saying a $400,000 bond was ordered by the court because there’s a question of integrity. A probate bond is standard when someone challenges a will as Vic is doing. The amount ordered is a percentage of the assets, nothing to do with integrity. It’s math.  Victor does not know the law. He cites inapplicable law out of context. He said they were in family court and the judge heard criminal allegations. It’s a Probate matter and that’s not how Probate court works. He fabricated what happened in court.  He was instructed to stop. Continue reading

I always have a Plan A, B, C and D

plan A plan B focusSince I’m spontaneous and apt to change my mind at the last minute, I don’t get irked when others do the same. I was scheduled to meet a pal this morning and she had a change of plans. She wanted to play instead. I get that! So I switched my Monday duties with Tuesday’s and problem solved. I always have a Plan B, and a Plan C and D as well. If I didn’t, well I’d just take note of where I am and what I need, and focus on the next best step.

I don’t get why some books are popular

diamonds on blueI just finished a book that people are raving about. Everyone except those who’ve had a session with the author, a self described medical medium. I catch things the casual reader misses. It’s not much different than other books in the genre. The first part is the promotional back story of how amazing the author is from an early age, and that no one else does what he does. Like other books of its type, he gives case histories of people he’s diagnosed and healed. He mentions a dozen popular diseases, his theory on the origins and gives advice on nutritional supplements. Publishing in the body/mind/spirit genre, I received review copies of every new release since 1992 so I see patterns in books that casual readers don’t see. Many books are reworded compilations.    Continue reading