Monthly Archives: February 2013

When your body wants to cry. Attracting angelic visitation.

Domino asks:  In your opinion, when emotions start trying up from deep, like your body is physically forcing itself to cry, do you feel this is something that has been addressed trying to heal?  And you have no clear idea what the emotion is about. What’s your experience?

Andrea:  When emotions come up, especially if it’s a grief or hurt that has say, the same intensity as an anger, where you just can’t momentarily get out of it, when your emotional body temporarily overtakes your mental body, that means something has been triggered.  When they’ve been triggered, it can either be that you have been working on them and they are rising to the surface to be dissipated, or it can be a signal it is time to address them to release them. Tell me what you are experiencing.”

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I never want to get between a friend and their dream

I never want to get between a friend and their dream or their mission.  Even if that dream or mission does not include me. Friends encourage friends in their goals and help them to become all they can be.  If that means having to step out of someone’s life for that to proceed, so be it.  True friends have a soul connection, whether they have an in person connection or not.  True friends step away when guided to step away. No questions asked. Only when the ones that no longer serve you step away, can the ones you are more ready for appear.

This morning’s adventure walk discovery – ya gotta laugh

I walk around my hood during the nighttime hours.  I love hearing the night sounds and the crickets.  After returning from two long and stressful days of not much sleep, I’d returned to a few emails trying to irk me or warn me saying they saw my ex out and about with a mutual friend in my absence.  To them I say: no worries.  He’s just a friend, he’s not my mate. She’s just moved up to Melbourne, so maybe he’s showing her around. If not, who cares? So in my walk just now, seeing her car in his yard across the street at 4:00am gave me a big smile. Everyone deserves happiness. Jai Guru Deva, nothing’s gonna change my world.

We worry about such little stuff for nothing

Ya gotta laugh.  It really puts it all in perspective when there is something major going on, taking all my attention for days, dealing with paperwork, lack of sleep and people’s emotions. I get home to check email and a few supposed friends feel the need to tell me they saw my ex out and about in my absence.  Who cares?  We’re just friends. Since it’s none of my business (nor yours,) you might question what was your purpose in telling me? To add to my happy thoughts?  To console my grieving heart over losing several loved ones in the last 36 hours, to help me into a better feeling place?  Just wondering.  No biggie.  Little stuff like this pales in comparison to what I’ve just been through.  In this little gossip town, who cares who talks to whom?  I don’t.  Really.  It’s a big world out there, and we’re all entitled to all of it.

I have a lucid mom visitation as loved ones are passing

Two days ago, 3 loved ones were in a car accident and one has already blessedly passed.  It was their wish to die at the same time, and it appears they are getting their wish.  It’s been a hectic few days for me, since the family sees me as the go-to person for gathering info and making phone calls. I’m working two days on no sleep.  Early this morning I finally got a few moments alone in a corner of someone’s room and fell promptly asleep.  I had a vivid dream of sitting with my mom, and we were in the hospital room where she died in 1996. Continue reading

Holding the vision, saying prayers, playing the waiting game

Busy day, friends suddenly passing, making travel plans, waiting on phone calls, not enough sleep, trying to catch up on work that I can do without using brainpower.  I’ve  been burning cds, labelling and getting them to the post office.   While waiting today for the calls from relatives, doctors, I needed some mindless busy work so I took the camera outside to take some shots of the pine and oak woods on either side of me, since I do a lot of sketching from photos.  I admired the cozy gardens I’d made, with privacy hedges of loquats, turk’s cap, arbicola, sage, eleagnus, coleus, night blooming jasmine, honeysuckle, spider plants, bamboo. All the trails I’ve cut, the sitting nooks I created.  I love being out in the nature, especially here where it’s so dense you can barely tell there is a neighborhood around me. When I feel stressed, as I have the last few days, being alone in the silence, out in nature is what heals me, it’s what fills me, it’s what fuels me so I have something to give to whoever needs it.  If I’m not filled with healing energy, how I can give anything to anyone else? My life is blessed.  I live in Paradise, I have no complaints whatsoever.

RELATED: Why pretend loved ones aren’t going to die?
I have a lucid mom visitation as loved ones are passing