Monthly Archives: February 2013

Amazing how the right people fall into your life as soon as others make room for them and your vibration changes

Who’d have thunk it?  Oh right, ME because I know how law of attraction works. I know to pivot grouchy thoughts to fun ones when I realize I’m in it.  I know to spend time prepaving – via visualization – what I want to experience in the future.  I know to have an idea of what I want to do or have or be, yet I stand ready to change all of it dependent upon my evolution of consciousness.

You were born to fly free. Don’t let anyone cage you with their emotional outbursts.

You were born to fly free

“If you doubt your ability to make a life-altering decision, to take on a daring aspiration, or to fend for yourself, consider this: Surely, if a bird with healthy wings is locked in a cage long enough, she will doubt her ability to fly.” ~ Sandra Kring

When people can’t control their emotions, fly away from them. You were born to fly free. Continue reading

My Monday

An excellent day so far, at the gym worked triceps, shoulder and core because my quads are now barking from yesterday #hydrate! I chatted with a few friends, went to the bank and post office, bought a chicken at Walmart, shared with Izzy the big giant kitty. Today’s lunch was chunks of rotisserie chicken and chunks of room temp parmesean cheese and half a bag of fresh spinach. Time to chill and nap before tonight’s mag layout. I love working in the quiet of the overnight hours. That’s one beauty of menopause and working from home: when you’re awake every two hours all night long, you can get some work done or play on Facebook.

Jeremy and Misty, I wish you well but please block me

“Jeremy and Misty, sorry, I am dealing with real things right now and can’t be bothered with your deceptions. Know that who you think are your friends are not since they are contacting me. I’ve had wacky chicks calling and messaging me for days, supposedly friends of yours, telling me stuff that I don’t care about and is none of my business. You’re both single, who cares? And what kind of friends are those anyway? I do not need the stress. No hard feelings but please block me and let’s be done.  I wish you well.” Continue reading

What is it to you if she’s hooking up while her mate is out of town? Why are you telling me? Why do you care?

Wow, callers, are we still on this topic?  Ok, no one wants to come home from a trip visiting sick loved ones to find their girlfriend has publicly hooked up with someone else. This town is too small for a secret like that. If you’re telling  me, you’re telling him, so be prepared for karmic backlash.  And no, this is not me I’m talking about.  Ok, I love ya but end of this topic, please.  What part of  “I do not care” do you not understand?  He and I are already exes for a reason. It was a blocked call to the biz line, apparently she knows all parties. Nice friends… watch your back, people. Or maybe just live your life honestly and not have to worry about all that.  Count me out, please, I have real life I am dealing with.
Yet another unsolicited update:  “she just broke up with her boyfriend, so it’s ok.”  Ya gotta laugh.  I am off this topic.

When someone wants to keep you a secret, that’s because they’re juggling several that don’t know about each other

Juggling too many at once

The theme this week in readings seems to be both men and women who resent that their lover or partner wants to keep them a secret from friends, from family and on Facebook. I read for about a thousand people a year.  I hear everyone’s stories.  I see the patterns.  If they want to keep you a secret, that is because they are juggling you with someone else or a few, and none of you know about the others. I know it because hundreds tell me they do it. What they don’t count on is the underground network of Facebook and real life friends who also contact each other behind the scenes and discover they’re all being lied to for different benefits.  2013 is the year for no more secrets, no more lies.  When you stop putting up with it, you will stop attracting it.

Profile of the Sociopath
How one clairvoyant sees the world

“The true artist is a sacred performer who must do the magic that causes others to participate in conditional reality in the sacred sense, in the sense of love, in the sense of self-transcendence, in the sense of ecstasy.” Adi Da