You were born to fly free. Don’t let anyone cage you with their emotional outbursts.

You were born to fly free

“If you doubt your ability to make a life-altering decision, to take on a daring aspiration, or to fend for yourself, consider this: Surely, if a bird with healthy wings is locked in a cage long enough, she will doubt her ability to fly.” ~ Sandra Kring

When people can’t control their emotions, fly away from them. You were born to fly free.

My friend Jerry Forney remarked: “I had a flying dream last night! I jumped off a high tree covered mountaintop and began floating down (I levitate, head up, the power emanates from my hands).  Suddenly I realized I didn’t have a parachute!  I gently drifted onto the ground and had to walk the rest of the way down the mountain.  I know… I lost my belief in my ability to land safely in the valley under my own power, that I am my own parachute.  I know I can fly… I have to work on the landings…”

Don’t we all!

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