Yearly Archives: 2012

Wow, I am in the flow today.  19 calls!  I’ve learned I DO HAVE super powers.  My mantra today is: goal and focus and check it off the list and go on to the next.  Hand to the plow, but it’s fun since I’m plowing through work I love with friends I haven’t spoken to in awhile. I love my life.

I kinda like it when I squeak; that’s the signal something good is just around the bend

When I squeak, I know something good is just around the bend

This is the time of month that I get to see how resourceful I am: the time between paying bills and sending out invoices, and having payments come in.  Know why I don’t mind these squeaky times?  Because I know I’ll always be provided for and that everything will be paid on time.  Experience has shown me that when I need to get resourceful, I am up to the task.  I have no evidence that it won’t happen that way every time.  Do I know exactly where it’s going to come from?  I don’t need to.  Through the years I’ve done much planning and put into place several ways for dollars to flow to me.   They can come in the form of advertising dollars for Horizons Magazine, they can come from different websites I’ve created and monetized, they can come from the items available in our store, mp3 files designed for spiritual growth and personal empowerment, astrology reports  geared to self discovery, tarot and astral projection workbooks.  Dollars can come from personal consultations, or someone may offer to buy land I own. Continue reading

I’m happily working away on ads while the doves and blue jays vie for space at the birdbath outside my office window. The jays are loud and bossy, the doves wait their turn and relish the time they get. I’ll bet you’re a dove and know plenty of jays, huh.

It’s not about casting spells, it’s about breaking free of them: Breaking free of the cycle: Now matters more than Then

On April 18, 2010  I posted on Facebook “There is something in every one of you that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself. It is the only true guide you will ever have. And if you cannot hear it, you will all of your life spend your days on the ends of strings that somebody else pulls. Howard Thurman”
In a later comment on that post, I received a grand compliment. Continue reading

Just saw the two bunnies

Just came back from a walk around the property, watering bushes, pulling grapevines, watching bunnies. One was brave and stood her ground as we walked by, the other darted to a nearby corner to watch from afar. Sometimes I’m the brave bunny, sometimes I’m the cautious bunny.

Stay aggravated or stay on the better feeling thought?

I’m a freak about posting things on my calendar waaay ahead of time

It’s interesting to feel aggravation rising in me when I discover a friend did not post something on my calendar.  Interesting because I remembered the appointment this afternoon, so it’s not like it would be forgotten.  Since I agreed to it to benefit her, I told her it was her responsibility to put it on the calendars.  Today I discover she did not.  It does me no good to feel irked that she’s being irresponsible.  The better feeling thought is that I know better.  I know if it’s to be done, I need to make sure it’s on the calendar and that I’m there on time and fully prepared when I get there.  The better feeling thought is that life has taught me if it concerns me, if it’s to be done, I am the one who can make it happen.  If I can make life events happen, then I can just as easily choose to think some better feeling thoughts to make the emotion of aggravation go away.  In fact, I’m over it already.  Ya gotta laugh.  I momentarily go a little unconscious and this mind of mine starts to think it’s in charge of how I’m going to feel and what thoughts I’m going to dwell on. Crazy mind chatter, you will bend to my will as I think pleasant replacement thoughts and watch the squirrels play.

RELATED:  How I pivoted my bitchy consciousness around
How To Strengthen Willpower
Creative visualization links
Replacement thoughts

Secrets to Starting Your Own Business — Goal Setting is the Magic Wand

Cleaning out some files, I found a small booklet I did for a class of kids years ago.   I wish I’d known this stuff when I was a kid.  It’s called Secrets to Starting Your Own Business.  Even if you don’t want to start your own business, it’s basic useful info letting you know you have options: life doesn’t have to be hard, you can attune yourself to your own guidance system, setting goals and psyching yourself up for them makes them happen quicker; that’s what allows you to experience life more fully.

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Working in my garden is like sitting with a guru. Asking myself the hard questions.

This morning when I awoke, the first thing I did was take a walk outside to mow my little bit of  lawn.  Most of the property is under a high shady canopy of oaks and pines, so I don’t have much grass.  Mowing takes me about 15 minutes.  However, preparation for mowing takes longer.  I walked around picking up the branch deadfall and taking it to the street, then moving the garden hoses out of the way, unkinking them as I did so.  I thought about how I keep several hoses connected to each other so I can walk the entire front or back with one length of  hose.  That’s fine until I stop watering the far-off plants as often, in which case I begin dragging the hose all over itself and it eventually kinks.  When I’m stretching it out to full length each time I use it, that doesn’t happen.  When I get lazy and want to only water the plants closest to the house, doing only the bare minimum and neglecting the plants on the outer perimeter, the consequence to that is that I spend more time smoothing the hose and getting the kinks out.

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Never doubt that things are in the works in spite of seeing no evidence of it yet

I’ve been watering the line of turk’s cap and arbicola cuttings along the north property line since 2008, each about 12″ tall.  Until even last year, 2011, they seemed to be inching along.  They clearly didn’t get enough water and it is on a piece of the property I don’t spend much time in.  Last year I began noticing areas of my life I’d left somewhat forgotten and under nourished and I began actively working on those as diligently as I began watering the line of aren’t-they-ever-going-to-grow turk’s cap and arbicola.  Last sunset, a friend and I ventured into that space and I was thrilled to see that all of the plants had shot up 3 to 5 feet tall, with sturdy trunks and lush leafage.    It was a surprising difference.  For four years, there appeared to be so little growth, yet all the while the magic was taking place below, out of sight, in the unseen world where manifestations first unfold.  The fifth year, the big showing came all at once.   Domino remarked last evening that he felt very stuck to the ground, very rooted, very absorbed into the ground and a part of it.  As I watered the bushes today, I thought how he was like the turk’s cap and arbicola; so much happening behind the scenes yet so little making itself visible to him.   It’s easy to doubt something you don’t yet see evidence of.   Continue reading

I learn so much about myself through interaction with others

Something clicked for me today. Recently I had a reading with a young and pregnant mother mother of two.  Domino has a lot of anxiety and, being pregnant, she doesn’t want to medicate for it.  She uses the tv to keep her young ones occupied during the day, her husband watches it in the evening,  and in fact the tv is on around the clock.   When we last spoke, she was having trouble sleeping, so I let her know one secret to rest is staying in bed with eyes closed and no external stimulation.   That means Turn Off The TV, Turn Off The Lights.   She found that helpful on the rare occasion she made time to do it.   Continue reading