It’s not about casting spells, it’s about breaking free of them: Breaking free of the cycle: Now matters more than Then

On April 18, 2010  I posted on Facebook “There is something in every one of you that waits and listens for the sound of the genuine in yourself. It is the only true guide you will ever have. And if you cannot hear it, you will all of your life spend your days on the ends of strings that somebody else pulls. Howard Thurman”
In a later comment on that post, I received a grand compliment.

Domino responded “I let someone pull my strings for too long, thank you for helping me break free of the cycle Andrea.

Andrea: LOL all I did was hold the flashlight while you dug around in the trash til you found something that mattered 🙂

Domino:  Thanks for doing the Horizons Magazine. I have read it since 1997. It is my touchstone to reality every month. I met you in person last year. You were so kind and sweet to me like I was somebody. I’ll never forget that.

Andrea:  LOL you ARE somebody – thanks for the kind words. and thanks for reading so long!

Domino: Sometimes it takes an angel to let us know that WE are somebody too and that WE count, too. You know my sad story and act like it doesn’t matter. That helped me know NOW matters more than THEN. You know my journey and lighted my way. Thank you.

Andrea:  Wow, will you be my press agent? I just happened to be the first one you came across who knew how to break the spell, that’s all. You are genuine and authentic and coming into your power and heck no one can resist that <hug>
### end of FB post and comments.

High praise.  I’m honored!

Sessions with Andrea

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