Never doubt that things are in the works in spite of seeing no evidence of it yet

I’ve been watering the line of turk’s cap and arbicola cuttings along the north property line since 2008, each about 12″ tall.  Until even last year, 2011, they seemed to be inching along.  They clearly didn’t get enough water and it is on a piece of the property I don’t spend much time in.  Last year I began noticing areas of my life I’d left somewhat forgotten and under nourished and I began actively working on those as diligently as I began watering the line of aren’t-they-ever-going-to-grow turk’s cap and arbicola.  Last sunset, a friend and I ventured into that space and I was thrilled to see that all of the plants had shot up 3 to 5 feet tall, with sturdy trunks and lush leafage.    It was a surprising difference.  For four years, there appeared to be so little growth, yet all the while the magic was taking place below, out of sight, in the unseen world where manifestations first unfold.  The fifth year, the big showing came all at once.   Domino remarked last evening that he felt very stuck to the ground, very rooted, very absorbed into the ground and a part of it.  As I watered the bushes today, I thought how he was like the turk’s cap and arbicola; so much happening behind the scenes yet so little making itself visible to him.   It’s easy to doubt something you don’t yet see evidence of.  

That’s one reason I practice — through creative visualization — seeing and feeling “the best case scenario as if” in my imagination.  Yes, it’s a yoga to hold that better feeling thought when there’s evidence to the contrary in front of you.  But with just a little exercise of your Will, it becomes easier.  Never doubt that miracles are happening in spite of seeing no evidence of it yet.  Stop taking score.  Arrange your life so you can have the most joy possible within whatever your confines may be.  You are where you are for a reason.  If someone else gets that client, well she wasn’t your client then, was she?  You and she were not a vibrational match.  Immediately begin searching for those who are attracting what you have to offer.  She wasn’t the last client on the planet, unless you believe she was.  For every one you lose, a dozen more will come, if you believe they will.  It’s your choice. And your Will.  Choose to use it and exercise it, or not, as you will.  You’re the one who will be living the outcome of your choices.  Just as you are now.  Believe me, it gets easier and and it gets better.

Time lapse video of an acorn growing the first 8 months into an oak tree