Monthly Archives: May 2011

Gardening as kids ride by “Look, she’s out in the yard”

I spent yesterday  alternating lazing about with doing some yard work.  It was one of those days when the mood flows in and out of euphoria, a beautiful sunny spring day, 80 degree weather, jays and cardinals in the sprinkler at the east garden bird bath, wrens and doves at the bird bath in the courtyard.   For awhile there was a lot of bird calling and squirrels chattering when the young hawks came on the scene, but they didn’t stay long.   I raked the dried oak leaves into mulch for the plants in the yard.  I’m a firm believer in mulch.  My jungle yard is proof it works.  I pulled a few wheelbarrows full of wedelia and ferns out of the garden area to the left of the front walkway under the giant oak, and raked another few wheelbarrowsful of dried oak leaves out of there, using it as mulch for the giant philodendron and turk’s cap and bottlebrush in the front berm.  My cats Izzy and YinYang lazed about under the bamboo.   Continue reading

Know that what you do matters in a huge way

Know it deeply within yourself that what you do matters in a huge way, whether you perceive anyone else knows it or not.    Playing small does a disservice to everyone; honor those who see your light by seeing it as well.

Abraham-Hicks on Pivoting

You have the ability to pivot under any and all conditions. The fastest path to the joy you seek is for you to take your pivot as you sleep. By reaching for good-feeling thoughts before you go to sleep and then experiencing the benefit of the quiet mind that occurs while you sleep—and then upon awakening, immediately turning to good-feeling thoughts—you can accomplish the ultimate Pivoting experience.  Abraham-Hicks

May 5th National Day of Prayer – Yogananda’s Prayer for A United World

Paramahansa Yogananda - Photo Courtesy of Self-Realization Fellowship, Los Angeles, CA

Quickly approaching is National Day of Prayer, the first Thursday in May, a time when many in the U.S. will pray for our nation and the world.   Self-Realization Fellowship monastics, along with thousands of Worldwide Prayer Circle members, pray morning and night every day of the year and will offer special prayers on that day for the healing and upliftment of all humanity.  Indeed prayer is a powerful force with the potential to change lives, and the world. Continue reading

The real way to cope with killer gas prices

Do you want to know the real way to cope with killer gas prices?  Stop thinking a raise in the price of anything has to impact your lifestyle.  Stop thinking you don’t have enough money, that you’ve never had any money and that you can’t imagine having any money.  Snap out of it and remember that you are the one who determines what you attract to yourself, every day, through every thought you stay focused on.  Rising gas prices?  So what.  That’s when you remind yourself that there is more good (and more dollars) waiting for you as soon as you can release enough resistance to let it in.  That’s when you remember that YOU are the vortex, you are the one in charge of whether you find things throughout the day to surprise and delight yourself, or whether you watch the news all day and worry about what they say is happening.

Do you find yourself barely making enough money to live?  Do you wonder why you can’t attract a good job or relationship or opportunity?  Do you watch the news and think our world desperately needs changing?  It’s all related. Do yourself a favor and take a break from the news. For one week, just one week, don’t watch or listen to or discuss any news or current events.  Focus only on something you enjoy alone or with loved ones, and do it.  When you do that, that is when you’re releasing resistance so that what you’ve been praying for and hoping for and dreaming for can come to you.

So the real way to cope with killer gar prices?  Or cope with anything?  Recognize that as distressing as any situation feels, it’s only your thoughts you’re dealing with and you have the power to change those.  Then choose to do it.

RELATED:  I Overcome Resistance
A Self Talk Script When I Need Replacement Thoughts

You don’t rejoice in the death of an enemy if you understand we are all connected.

On The Runway, Lining Up For Take Off Into The Next Life

The healing bench

A friend read in my blog that my sister passed and he sent his condolences.  I told him that in our group of friends we call each other sister.  There are more of those posts each year.  In our group, we know there is no death, so we meet to celebrate the life.  I’m so used to family and friends dying that I just incorporated it into my job.  I have a healing bench here and I pray for the names on it on a daily basis.  I have an altar and meditation area and I sit twice a day in order to come back to center on a regular basis.  That helps me stay as clear as I can, looking each day at what’s inside me and deciding what to keep and what it’s time to discard.  When asked, I go sit with friends who are passing, and when they have relatives passing.  I hold their hands for healing touch and listen to them if they can talk.  I ask them about good times from the past and turn their thoughts to who they’d like to see again.  That helps put them on the runway so to speak, lining up for take off.  That helps them vibe there with some passed loved ones and calls those energies toward them so they can feel ready.  Ready to pass.  Ready to die. Continue reading