The real way to cope with killer gas prices

Do you want to know the real way to cope with killer gas prices?  Stop thinking a raise in the price of anything has to impact your lifestyle.  Stop thinking you don’t have enough money, that you’ve never had any money and that you can’t imagine having any money.  Snap out of it and remember that you are the one who determines what you attract to yourself, every day, through every thought you stay focused on.  Rising gas prices?  So what.  That’s when you remind yourself that there is more good (and more dollars) waiting for you as soon as you can release enough resistance to let it in.  That’s when you remember that YOU are the vortex, you are the one in charge of whether you find things throughout the day to surprise and delight yourself, or whether you watch the news all day and worry about what they say is happening.

Do you find yourself barely making enough money to live?  Do you wonder why you can’t attract a good job or relationship or opportunity?  Do you watch the news and think our world desperately needs changing?  It’s all related. Do yourself a favor and take a break from the news. For one week, just one week, don’t watch or listen to or discuss any news or current events.  Focus only on something you enjoy alone or with loved ones, and do it.  When you do that, that is when you’re releasing resistance so that what you’ve been praying for and hoping for and dreaming for can come to you.

So the real way to cope with killer gar prices?  Or cope with anything?  Recognize that as distressing as any situation feels, it’s only your thoughts you’re dealing with and you have the power to change those.  Then choose to do it.

RELATED:  I Overcome Resistance
A Self Talk Script When I Need Replacement Thoughts

You don’t rejoice in the death of an enemy if you understand we are all connected.

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