On The Runway, Lining Up For Take Off Into The Next Life

The healing bench

A friend read in my blog that my sister passed and he sent his condolences.  I told him that in our group of friends we call each other sister.  There are more of those posts each year.  In our group, we know there is no death, so we meet to celebrate the life.  I’m so used to family and friends dying that I just incorporated it into my job.  I have a healing bench here and I pray for the names on it on a daily basis.  I have an altar and meditation area and I sit twice a day in order to come back to center on a regular basis.  That helps me stay as clear as I can, looking each day at what’s inside me and deciding what to keep and what it’s time to discard.  When asked, I go sit with friends who are passing, and when they have relatives passing.  I hold their hands for healing touch and listen to them if they can talk.  I ask them about good times from the past and turn their thoughts to who they’d like to see again.  That helps put them on the runway so to speak, lining up for take off.  That helps them vibe there with some passed loved ones and calls those energies toward them so they can feel ready.  Ready to pass.  Ready to die.

Altar Meditation Area

You don’t leave the Earth when you want to go, you leave it when you’ve identified somewhere else you’d rather be. Calling forth their loved ones lets them glimpse they have somewhere else to go where they know people they want to be with.  This helps them get familiar with the new vibrational frequency.  Each time it is brought to mind, they vibe there just a little bit more and it’s easier for them to see and feel the presence around them of the ones who have passed before.   When you help them visit in this way, stepping over becomes the next logical step.  As soon as they vibe there — or reach vibrational resonance with being together again — they’re out of this life and onto the next.  Yes, it can be as easy as that.

A friend asked, Why would a soldier identify to be in a war and die?  I told her it is more like he’s in the body in the war and he gets hit and decides real quick to be out of that body. That’s how that works. Like the gazelle flipping around when the hyena gets it, her consciousness is out of her body at the first big bite. When we see her flailing and crying, “she” is out of there and her body is making automatic responses. My dying dad grasped my hand tightly and half sat up once but “he” was not in there. It was just his muscles winding down.  It’s all good.

The End of Death As We Know It