Monthly Archives: July 2009

Superfast Lowfat Carrot Hummus Spinach Wrap

I first came across Andrea’s blog My Chihuahua bites! when I was Googling the words “Andrea’s blog” and “Andrea Leigh”.  No, I’m not weird, that’s my name too and I was excited to see it was a recipe blog.  I like her idea about Tuesdays At The Table and wanted to contribute, so I pulled up my favorite healthy, vegetarian lowfat recipe.  It’s a wrap that I created, trying to duplicate one I got at Mother Earth Market in Ocala, FL.  Mine turned out even  better.  I call it the Carrot Hummus Spinach Wrap. Continue reading

Online dating scams; hot singles are waiting for you

candy hearts love you send $$There’s a new wave of romance scammers on Facebook, so I am reposting this from last summer.  I get a lot of them because my name begins with an A.  Being in the B’s, my friend Bekki Shanklin gets them as well.  Last year, Facebook friend Valerie Saurer posted “Facebook just sent me a message that hot singles are waiting for me. To prove it, they showed me a picture of my married neighbor.”  That made me laugh out loud. I now have 14 girlfriends/female clients (that I know of) that have all joined online dating services.  I wrote about one of them at Online dating: E-Harmony vs. — Beware the Scammers. All of them have experienced the scammers but sometimes it has taken them a while to realize the guy is up to no good.  I have male friends this happens to as well. Continue reading

Menopause and the crazy sleep schedule; natural sleep aids; sleepwalking; boxing myself into a small space

Wow, I had a real festival of sleep this weekend, something I rarely do.  I am not a recreational sleeper.  My typical routine is to work on the computer until I feel done, then do some yoga stretching and move into the living room to sit in my easy chair (purposely not a recliner!) to read.  Next to the chair, I have a desk with my laptop and phones on it.  So, when I move to the living room, I am in the winding down for the day mode.  This takes a few hours as I read and proof read, because I am also checking Facebook and seeing what my pals have been up to. I do this reading and laptopping for a few hours until I typically fall asleep in my chair. When I wake up usually minutes later, I jump on the couch and pull the indian blanket over me and that’s where I sleep my 3 or 4 hours.  When I wake up,  I do my morning meditation, come in here to do this blog and then I may go back to sleep another hour or two after that.  It is for those final hours that I may actually make it into my bedroom.
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Cheaters, Sex Decoys, Love Stings, Infidelity – Why things have changed and how to change them back

loversYou’ve seen the shows; Cheaters, where they get permission from the mate to use a hidden camera to catch a cheating spouse, who is then confronted by a very stern Joey Greco , with camera crew in tow.  We get the whole blow up on camera.  In one episode, we watched Greco get stabbed by a confronted spouse.  The new reality show named Sex Decoys: Love Stings, goes a step further.  In this one, lovers hire the set up of a sting operation to see if their partner will be tempted. We get to follow the sting and watch the confrontation, and there’s the added bonus of a follow up phone call.  Without exception, the tempted take the bait, the blow up is ugly and in the follow up phone call has them often still together.  WTF? Continue reading

Exercising the spidey sense

Yesterday I did some of the billing I had to do and then I ran out to the post office and the bank and decided to get my oil changed on the way in.  Jiffy Lube on Babcock Street is so fast, I never have to wait long, so I didn’t bring in anything to read.  I’d emptied the car out beforehand anyway, since they always vacuum the inside, and I didn’t want them to have to wade through stacks of Horizons, maps, umbrellas, files.  I chuckled when I saw that the car ahead of mine was an older model, packed to the top of the headrests with a tumble of clothes and toys and knicknacks.  I smiled and wondered what kind of character would drive that car and what the story behind all the contents was.  I was soon to find out.
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The purpose of life is to enjoy it

From my friend Karen Williams The purpose of life is to enjoy it. The purpose of life is to have as much fun as you can possibly have while doing whatever you do. And then life will continually open up new avenues for more enjoyment.

But hold the phone! Isn’t life about being a good person, making a contribution, accomplishing goals, finding a spiritual connection?

Sure, why not? And if we make enjoyment a top priority, those things must come.

Pop Tantra, being single and the elements of a tantric lifestyle

Some friends joined a dating site and have been telling me their experiences of it.  The consensus is: It’s a jungle out there. It seems these days, the hip thing to do is to put on your profile that your favorite book is the Kama Sutra and that you are into tantra.  Then, during the first couple of instant messages, the conversations start turning all freaky and pornie.  WTF???  That is their first clue that these people do not know what tantra is at all.  Many use the word tantra to mean tantric sex. The word “tantra”  is being used to market everything from bath salts to music, but what the uninformed do not know is that tantric sex is only one facet of tantra. Tantra is an entire lifestyle, just as yoga is a lifestyle and encompasses much more than merely body postures (asanas). The concept of true tantra, as in true yoga, is an entire state of consciousness that imbues everything you do with a sense of oneness and connection. It seeks to commune in a holy manner with everything you come in contact with, animate or inanimate, animal, mineral, vegetable or etheric. It treats everything with utmost respect, kindness and reverence, and celebrates every thing at every moment. Tantra teaches to live in an orgasmic state of being. That is what living a tantric lifestyle is all about. Continue reading

Facebook quizzes; every little bit of insight helps

Is this year flying by or what?? Yesterday I drove to Ormond Beach, Ocala and Cassadaga and it’s a trip I love to make.  Usually I am returning phone calls as I drive, hands free of course.  I have this mega stereo headset that really blocks road noise and I put it on when I know there will be an hour or more of calls.  The Bluetooth is fine, but at 70 mph on I-95 in my little Toyota Prius, I have to keep a finger on it to keep the earpiece deep in the ear channel.  I like to use two hands when I drive, and pay attention – 10 and 2, baby.  Hands at 10 and 2!  So with the mega headset, I can be completely hands free.  There is about an hour each way along highways 19 and 40 that does not have AT&T cell phone service, so I get to enjoy that nice ride in the silence, just watching the cowfields and horse fields and open savannah.  I saw some baby goats that were so cute and right near the fence, I could have petted them. Continue reading