Monthly Archives: June 2009

First day at the Universal Lightworker’s Conference

Saturday, June 13, 2009.  I’m in Fort Lauderdale at the Universal Lightworker’s Conference. it began yesterday, from 4:00pm until well into after midnight.  At most conferences, you spend the first day being kind of shy, and opening up the second, so by the end of the conference, you feel you have a new family and have bonded with all the other attendees.  With the ULC, in their opening ceremony they get everyone up and dancing together.  By the end of Friday evening, you are feeling bonded with everyone else.  The weekend definitely has a reunion feel to it.  A reunion of new friends. Continue reading

Having a houseful of guests

Friday June 12, 2009.  I have a great family. We pretty much stay out of each other’s way, and out of each other’s business.  I like that. That doesn’t mean we all keep our opinions to ourselves, but our variety of opinions is what makes it colorful when we’re together.  I lucked out when 2 cousins agreed to do some interior painting for me, and to do it this weekend while I am at the Universal Lightworker’s Conference in Fort Lauderdale.  I kept putting it off because I didn’t want to deal with the paint smell, the moving everything away from the walls, the taping up, the – disorder.  As usual, I was making more of it than it really was, and the task began looming very large in my mind.  So I jumped at the chance to have it done while I’m gone. Continue reading

Last Minute Dilemma

Okay.  I just realized I am going to the Universal Lightworkers Conference tomorrow and am still recovering from the eyebrow debacle.  Well, ok, not so much a debacle as it is a temporary new look: eyebrows slimmer and more arched than I’ve ever had in my life.  And to highlight this, I’ve been growing my bangs out the past year and wearing my hair back and pinned off my face.  Oh, my life is so tough, isn’t it, that these are my problems?    So  my dilemma is this: do I cut my bangs and hide the eyebrows, or do I just brave it and show my bare face? I have until about 10am tomorrow to decide.  I have to remember I am trying to avoid the default Marianne Faithful look, which is what I’ll get the second I cut the bangs…

What to do, what to do…

Herbert Benson’s Relaxation Response is the Transcendental Meditation technique minus the ritual

Did you know that the book by Herbert Benson The Relaxation Response gives the exact technique of  Transcendental Meditation, minus the ritual and religious overtones and using the word “One” as the mantra?  The  Transcendental Meditation, or TM, technique is a form of mantra meditation introduced worldwide in 1957 by Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, and popularized in 1968 by the Beatles, and the Beach Boys.

From the book The Relaxation Response pages 162-163

1.  Sit quietly in a comfortable position.

2.  Close your eyes.

3.  Deeply relax all your muscles, beginning at your feet and progressing up to your face.  Keep them relaxed.    Continue reading

Getting ready for the Universal Lightworker’s Conference

Wednesday, June 10, 2009.  I am beginning to pre-pack for the Universal Lightworkers’ Conference this weekend in Fort Lauderdale. I lucked out with having a houseful of guests and repair people scheduled and best of all, I don’t have to be there for it!  Even last week I wasn’t sure I’d be able to make the time to go, but I just set the intention that whatever needed to be done in the meantime, would get done.  And everything is working out perfectly.  “Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it.  Boldness has genius, power and magic in it.” – Goethe. So I began prepacking before I knew for sure I was going, because that would focus me in that direction, and help things fall into place quicker. Continue reading

David Carradine’s auto-erotic asphyxiation in Bangkok

On David Carradine‘s accidental death following auto-erotic asphyxiation in Bangkok:  To each his own.  Don’t judge. Bless him and his family.

My friend Robert Goldberg said it best:  The sooner we realize we’re all weird in some way, the sooner all this stops being a big deal. Sounds like a very inadvisable practice to me but it’s just crazy 2nd chakra stuff. Sad he shuffled off, no more to say.

Shall I Spend Time Reprogramming or Playing?

I was doing a session with a friend the other day and the topic was reprogramming her inner dialogue – her self talk – to help her accomplish some goals she has set for herself.  She’s a smart and successful person, and has just identified some habits she wants to change.  She wasn’t aware of it before, but every time a bill came in, one of her thoughts was, “I’ll never get ahead at this rate.”  Every time her kids asked for a loan, she thought,  “I’ll never get ahead at this rate.”   Every time she got an unexpected repair or medical bill (and she attracted a lot of them), she thought,  “I’ll never get ahead at this rate.”   So we simply came up with a few lines of self talk that she would teach herself to repeat over and over each time the old thoughts of the old story came to mind.  She’d carry these lines with her and read them often throughout the day. Continue reading

A case of reincarnation in the news

It is being called the most documented case of reincarnation ever.  A little boy is able to recall over 50 memories from someone else’s life.  A World War II Pilot’s family believes it is their reincarnated brother based on the child’s memories.  The boy’s story is compelling, it has been published in a book called “Soul Survivor.”  Fox 8’s Suzanne Stratford spoke exclusively to the child and his family. Continue reading

I finally know who Heidi and Spencer are

Sunday June 7, 2009.  OMG I didn’t know what all the Heidi & Spencer buzz was about but just saw a few minutes of him flipping out on I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here. OMG he is so mean and hateful – and he’s a born again Christian representing the American Cancer Society in this show?   I’ll bet they’re proud…  I know the two are on that Hills show but it’s never on when I am seated near the tv with the remote control.  Now I know why.  Vibrational match.

What I did this full moon evening

Sunday, June 7, 2009.  It was a beautiful full moon last night. It rained here much of the evening, so I didn’t see the moon rise over the east pinewoods until after 10:00pm.  I walked around outside for a bit in my rain poncho and rain boots and, when the rain would let up, I’d look up at the sky and watch the moon.  It’s my monthly ritual, every full moon, rain or shine: keep track of the full moon as it moves across the night time sky.  I do a burning bowl ceremony each full moon as well.  I write a note about anything I am ready to be free of for the next 28 days and I do a symbolic burning of the written note in my chimenea, signalling the beginning of the new 28 day cycle until next full moon.  Continue reading