A writer sent me a proposed article that was her commentary on the politics going on. I emailed back: “I try to keep political commentary out as much as possible. I’m not political and haven’t listened to the debates and don’t know any of the candidates. I would rather never address politics or economics or any current media situations unless I can withhold critical commentary while focusing on what the remedy would be. I’m aware that may sound wishy washy but I think you understand. Mostly what I want with Horizons is to drill home the fact that it does not matter what is going on in the rest of the world, we can chose to focus our thoughts in a way that attracts to us exactly what we want in our lives. We can change our thoughts and discipline our behaviors so much that we can have an excellent and prosperous life no matter who is in office, no matter what the official state of the economy, no matter what the environmentalists or the scientists say is happening around us. I know because I live that life. So I rarely want to bring to the attention of my readers anything other than some hopeful food for thought, a respite for the time it takes them to read the magazine, of inspiring and hopeful information. To let them hold that place in consciousness that is not attached to anything the mainstream media is talking about.”
Yearly Archives: 2008
A dream
I had a dream this morning. Mostly my sleep works like this: I work til I crash and conk out for 2-3 hours. Then I get up, work for a bit, then meditate and do some visualization work or my OOBE work, and then go back to sleep. During the first sleep, I’m dead to the world. During the second sleep, I have my dreams. In the dream I had travelled to what was supposed to be D’s sleeping room. I was looking for somewhere to sit but there were clothes all over, he was sleeping not in a bed but in like a big recliner and a cat was on your lap. Then a voice drew me into the kitchen whre a woman was frying fish in like an assembly line of McDonald’s type fryers and for each fryer there was a cat sitting on a stool watching it. She said “I need you to help me get things ready, it’s a surprise, he doesn’t know he just won the lottery.” Then I turned to go tell D but the scene changed and I was out of the dream. Continue reading
I go to a Dennis Hollin table tipping seance
Last month, I visited my buddy Dennis Hollin and wanted to experience his table tipping. Table tipping is one form of séance; it is a physical phenomenon. And no, it’s not a trick; it is just a phenomenon of nature and spirit. Six of us sat around the table and placed our hands lightly upon it. To get the energy moving and to raise the vibrations, we sang some old folk songs -he always begins with In The Garden , then we moved into She’ll Be Coming ‘Round The Mountain, Oh Susannah – and, within 3-4 minutes, the table began to move and bounce around a bit. Before we could begin asking questions, the table leaned in and hugged me… for a long, long time. I glanced nervously over at Dennis, who just laughed (Dennis is always laughing!) and he said it’s because I’m new and ‘they” were just saying hi.
We went around the table several times, asking yes and no questions and the table would tip once for yes and twice for no. I asked a trick question and the table began a half tilt, then stopped. I rephrased my question and it answered accurately, 1 tip for yes. It was a very fun evening and you had time between your turns to think of new questions to ask. It was all we could talk about for days afterward. That night I learned Spirit communicates with us in many forms: in meditation, in prayer, in nature, in coincidence, in synchronicity, and even in a big round table that tips and dances for our delight.
A chat with Michael on being a partner
An email with a friend M about relationship matters. He wrote: “I know that the only way I could be (a good partner) is to be my authentic self, which means being healed of my injuries and the beliefs that influence how I am attracted to and act with people, which means going along this Divine Love path. Every way I look at it, I have to be responsible for my spiritual growth and I can’t do it for anyone else but me. I have to go forward without regard for anyone else, just for me, and one day I’ll be clear and be a good partner for my future soulmate.” Continue reading
ULC 2008
I just booked the Universal Lightworker’s Conference in Fort Lauderdale June 13-15. That’s the weekend of BMSE Melbourne and I was going to skip it this year, figuring I need to stay here and work that weekend anyway since the July mag is due to the printer June 20th. But then I figured it’s a great time to connect with a bunch of people at once for the magazine, and network and such. I’ll just bring my laptop and work on the mag in the room at night, which is what I usually do. I took last year off from doing conferences and did zero of them; it felt good to claim that time back for myself. But I always have fun.
Pre Cosmic Mass
I notice the poster at the ULC website does not have my Horizons Magazine sponsor logo. I sent it in early and it appeared and now it doesn’t. I will write and ask, I understand someone new is helping Michael. I will also ask if I may once again take photos during the workshops and in the main hall during the performances. I have been taking orb photos at many of our gatherings around here and would love to have some from the ULC. I’m always low key with it, not in anyone’s face, I know the etiquette – I never shoot close without asking “may I?” and I take no for an answer ) Continue reading
My friend Jack D emailed me about watching a six hour David Icke lecture from Mount Shasta filmed last summer and fears being broadcast into society. I replied: “Synchronicity again, while I am not into the Icke work I did just Google him a few days ago for something. I know what you mean about the fears being broadcast, I cut myself out of that loop by not watching or reading or listening to it, so it’s only barely. Not bragging, just I know what works best for me to keep myself in the slot (sailing term for well, you get it.) I figure I can fill my energy field up with man’s insecure and speculative thought forms, or I can fill my energy field up with peace of mind and become as empty as I can so I am a waiting vessel for my own guidance. I can hear it clearer when there is not an overlay of tv and an overlay of news and an overlay of economics and an overlay of politics and an overlay of personal opinions and criticisms of friends and coworkers… “
I have given myself a giant headcold! I’m gonna crash early, will make a chicken fajita first. Some carcass protein should help mend my throat and lung cells. I got some chicken tenderloin strips at Publix and I have a bell pepper and onion, and I also got some lite sour cream and 2% shredded cheddar cheese. And I always have flour tortillas here and corn tortillas too. I can put a corn tortilla in the toaster and have an instant giant chip! Fajitas are the only thing I eat dairy with anymore. Ugh that sounds gross, chicken, cheese and milk in the same meal, glug glug glug down the artery. But hey my arteries should be nice and clear with 3 years of low fat eating so I’m not worried. I went for bloodwork yesterday, I do it every few months since I eat at restaurants so much, it’s just $22 for: Lipid profile ** total cholesterol, HDL, LDL, and triglyceride Profile 1** liver, heart and muscle enzymes, serum iron, kidney function. It lets me know if I am getting hidden fats and oils. I usually know if I am though because the food tastes good 🙂
I was sewing until just a minute ago. I got the urge to sew another blouse from the same pattern I made. I’d bought 4 pieces of cheap fabric, I don’t want to waste good fabric on a blouse I am figuring out how to make. But they both turned out fairly well. They feel great on and I can move my arms all around and reach and stretch. But they might both be a little boxy. One fabric is an olive green kind of medium weight slubbed gauze, very easy to sew on. The other is a deep claret, silky, lightweight polyester if I am not mistaken. It has a crumply look like a lite velour. Both have low deep necklines and a type of shawl collars, an empire waist line. Now to find some nice fabric and make a real blouse from it.
I bought some fabric this week and hope to sew a little in the next couple of days. I miss doing it. I have a bunch of clothes I can take in, I didn’t want to do it too soon after I lost weight in case it came back. Guess I’m kinda safe, so will begin taking stuff in. I bought 2 tops yesterday and took one apart to make a pattern from it. I haven’t sewed for a long time and miss the relaxation of it, and the creativity of making things fit my body. I’m tall and so long waisted that I can’t always just buy something off the rack. Plus even though I have extra pounds, my waist is still proportionally smaller, so I always have to take in the waist if the hips fit, due to my J-Lo butt. The last year I’ve taken to wearing jeans and teeshirts almost exclusively since they fit. I have a bunch of things here I could take in a few inches each and have been too lazy to do it.
Friday they deliver the mag. I keep dreaming I have won the lotto, so I have been buying tickets. Continue reading