I keep political commentary out of Horizons for a reason

no politicsA writer sent me a proposed article that was her commentary on the politics going on. I emailed back:  “I try to keep political commentary out as much as possible. I’m not political and haven’t listened to the debates and don’t know any of the candidates.  I would rather never address politics or economics or any current media situations unless I can withhold critical commentary while focusing on what the remedy would be.   I’m aware that may sound wishy washy but I think you understand.    Mostly what I want with Horizons is to drill home the fact that it does not matter what is going on in the rest of the world, we can chose to focus our thoughts in a way that attracts to us exactly what we want in our lives.  We can change our thoughts and discipline our behaviors so much that we can have an excellent and prosperous life no matter who is in office, no matter what the official state of the economy, no matter what the environmentalists or the scientists say is happening around us.  I know because I live that life. So I rarely want to bring to the attention of my readers anything other than some hopeful food for thought, a respite for the time it takes them to read the magazine, of inspiring and hopeful information.  To let them hold that place in consciousness that is not attached to anything the mainstream media is talking about.”

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