A dream

I had a dream this morning.  Mostly my sleep works like this: I work til I crash and conk out for 2-3 hours.  Then I get up, work for a bit, then meditate and do some visualization work or my OOBE work, and then go back to sleep.  During the first sleep, I’m dead to the world.  During the second sleep, I have my dreams.  In the dream I had travelled to what was supposed to be D’s sleeping room.  I was looking for somewhere to sit but there were clothes all over, he was sleeping not in a bed but in like a big recliner and a cat was on your lap.  Then a voice drew me into the kitchen whre a woman was frying fish in like an assembly line of McDonald’s type fryers and for each fryer there was a cat sitting on a stool watching it.  She said “I need you to help me get things ready, it’s a surprise, he doesn’t know he just won the lottery.”  Then I turned to go tell D but the scene changed and I was out of the dream.   

###end of dream

An email to D who has been experiencing a lot of drama from a particular friend and former reading client of his.

“If you are in the middle of (a nonpaying client) drama and criticism, you are not in the mode of attracting a reading.  So maybe learn to keep personal conversations to 3 minutes.  This is what I do for the most part.  If friends want to see me in person, they need to find me at church or meetings because I have learned to stay focused and not chat away with friends when I have work to do.

You can either give all your energy to Ms. X and get zero in return for it, or you can cut your time with her short, and have energy for all the people who really need you to find you available for them.  When Ms. X drifts away, others will come in of a higher vibration because you’re moving up the scale.”

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