What I did on New Year’s Day 2013

This morning I checked my lottery tickets for the past week and see I won $555 in the Christmas Eve Fantasy Five drawing.  I love the 555, Doreen Virtue says, “Buckle your seatbelts. A major life change is upon you.  Perhaps this change is an answer to your prayers, so continue seeing and feeling yourself being at peace.”   I can’t wait to see what this year will bring. I drove across the causeway to the Indialantic boardwalk where Hwy 192 meets the ocean, and drove down to beach stairway No. 15.  I stood and watched the sun rise above the cloud line  for awhile, then I took a video of the waves crashing along the shore.  I watched a lone surf caster pulling in small pompano.  I left and drove south on US1 and decided to take a walk through Turkey Creek Sanctuary on my way home. I’m always surprised how few people are at the beach or in the parks at early morning.  To me, that is the magical time to go.

I went home and played on Facebook a little while, then went to a friend’s for the new year’s day lunch of field peas and collard greens.  Afterward, we watched the movie Full Grown Men on the Sundance Channel.  Laugh out loud funny at times.

Heading home just before sundown, I stopped at galpal Joy’s, where she was building a rabbit hutch. I volunteered to hold the boards while she measured and sawed and screwed.  I’m good at rolling up cords and cables as well, so I did that. Her entire back yard is all container gardens growing yummy veggies. She cans her own food and knows all about natural remedies. I’m blessed to have such a like minded sister just around the block.  She does all the things I’d do if I made the timeShe’s always weaving some huge something so the weaving rack and yarn is always in process on one wall.  Her home is set up to do the myriad of projects she always has going on. I checked out the bunnies and their cages, and saw she’d hacked down her creeping bamboo to give more container garden space.  She showed me the bok  choy that was ready for harvest and pointed out the kale wasn’t doing so well.  Those are the kinds of conversations I enjoy on a lazy holiday off.

I came home and took a hot shower and heard myself audibly sigh.  I took my natural bristle body brush and scrubbed the day off me.  I rubbed organic virgin coconut oil into my skin while I was still warm.  Not just for soft, supple skin, it increases basic metabolic functions in the body when applied topically. I put on comfy pjs and sat on the driveway to visit with the kitties awhile and brush them.  I came in and played on Facebook awhile.  Now it’s time to make some hot raspberry tea and stretch out for some yoga.  I could not have asked for a better first day of the new year.