The November 2015 Horizons is now online, here are the horoscopes

November 2015 cover

November 2015 cover

The November Horizons is now online at  Here are the November 2015 Horoscopes by Barbara Lee:

Aries: May 20 to April 19 “I Am”
You may be taking a walk down memory lane in the sense that what you hold dearest and closest to you has changed, but has changed for the better. Your creative efforts in the future will secure you your greatest hopes  and wishes coming true. The key here is to follow your heart.

Taurus: April 19 to May 20 “I Have”
November 11th a New moon in Scorpio will light a fire under you to get moving in the right direction, although any direction at this point will be correct. Finding peace within yourself is your most important task this month. If you knew you only had a few hours left to live, would you be happy with your choices so far?

Gemini: May 20 to June 21 “I Think”
Have you been thinking of relocating to be near loved ones? Home is where your heart is, you can make a home anywhere, it is up to you. The issue of importance is when you feel safe, grounded and creative where you sleep every night, and do you feel nurtured there as well?

Cancer: June 21 to July 22 “I Feel”
You have hopes and wishes of being creative, this energy may manifest in many forms, such as babies, and or creative endeavors such as art projects, playing and teaching young children as well as creative writing, authoring a few books and painting your visionary images on canvas.

Leo: July 22 to August 22 “I Will”
Just because you love being in the spotlight don’t let your ego get the best of you when it comes to being pegged as the drama queen or king. This month you will be very inspired by many and they will want to soak up you charismatic energy, you have what it takes to make people listen.

Virgo: August 22 to September 22 “I Analyze”
Gather all your strengths this month from where ever you can. There are many that see your potential beyond what you recognize in yourself. The lesson for you is to surround yourself with people that love and uplift you. You have many opportunities waiting for you, open up to them.

Libra: September 22 to October 23 “I Balance”
Your sign is a good spot for Mercury to continue to be direct, especially after all the indecision and uncertainty you have experienced in the recent past. Sometimes we have to let go of what is not working in order to allow into our lives what is for our highest and greatest good.

Scorpio: October 23 to November 22 “I Transform”
This month rings true once again for who you really are in the sense of being the illuminator of darkness; your mission is to bring everything that is hidden to the light. Being the keeper of change, you are released to manifest your destiny.

Sagittarius: November 22 to December 21 “I Perceive”
The stars are aligned and your energy field is prime for what you intend to create. Travel for spiritual retreat is high on your list as you forge ahead to find more meaning in your life. Walk your path and the rest will take care of itself, self reliance and trusting in your higher truth is your key to success.

Capricorn: December 21 to January 19 “I Use”
Now is your time to overturn the old and bring in the new when it comes to changing habits and patterns from your ancestors. You feel the change within you, in your cells and how it affects every aspect of your life down to every belief and thought you think on a daily basis.

Aquarius: January 19 to February 18 “I Know”
This month brings great change, change that has been intended, affirmed, prayed over and hoped and wished for. Congratulations!! You did it!! All your Angels and Guides have heard your calling and they have assisted you beyond your wildest dreams. This will continue to be a team effort.

Pisces: February 18 to March 20 “I Believe”
Is it time to wake up and smell the roses? Or do you continue down the road of no return? Now is the time to clear the blocks for all that you need to be available so you may create the imaginable future that you hold so very dear. Go forward in faith and trust.

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