The June Horizons is online and here are the horoscopes

The June mag is now online at  June 2021 Horizons.   On the cover, Betsy Chasse, award-winning filmmaker, best known for her role as co-writer, director and producer of What The Bleep Do We Know?!  Her latest book is Killing Buddha a hilarious and insightful follow up to her Tipping Sacred Cows. Get a FREE Digital copy of Tipping Sacred Cows by joining Betsy at 

Here are the horoscopes:

Aries – (March 19 – April 18)

Mercury in retrograde until the 23rd risks curbing your expression and your mobility a little. However, you remain lucid and, if your exchanges are less supported, they remain relevant and constructive. You will need to develop your patience this month and master your passions so you do not create too much turmoil or find yourself frustrated because of excessive desires.

The mood of your different emotional partners (family, friends, lovers) is changing and you will have to deploy all your diplomacy so that you are able to spare everyone’s feelings. Fortunately, from the 11th, Mars will push you to action: you will take initiatives and, if you do not go too fast, you should meet great success!

Dear Aries, it has come time for reconciliations. Do not judge certain actions too quickly. Sterile discussions will not prevent the realization of future projects. This month, the planets offer you a right of access to happiness despite a somewhat complicated period. In couples, some small turmoil is expected but not enough to panic.

If you decide to bring a little novelty into your relationship it is certainly so you do not have to look your problems in the face. A return to calm is expected, your partner waits for the slightest sign from you, why not start a truce since the period lends itself.

Tired of celibacy? You have only one thing to do! Exit. For those who are single, the month of June is conducive to dating and it concerns you dear Aries. Why not kill two birds with one stone by combining business with pleasure? You like to please and charm, so dare to do so!

Taurus – (April 19 – May 19)

Still a little trapped by a restrictive Saturn, you will however deploy your wings and open your heart in your emotional life. Your wealth is also protected this month and it is with your family or close entourage that you will prefer to share your good fortune.From the 11th, however, you may run into other interests as part of your activities. Your stubbornness will not help you, it is better to adapt to the circumstances than to make active resistance: it will be much more profitable. Jupiter is very well placed and should offer you new friendships and expand your field of vision.

The beginning of the month announces the arrival of some doubts and some uncertainties especially among couples. Because of a lack of assurance towards the person you love, you express yourself with aggression rather than benevolence. You are waiting for something that does not happen as quickly as you would like. A lack of confidence sets in.

Your way of thinking becomes mechanical, your partner may well blame you. It is only from the second half of the month that a new wind will blow on your loves. Hang on, it risks knocking your hat off, but with twists and seduction the program looks very interesting.

Patience and tranquility are the order of the day. This month you do not stop waiting for your crush except that they are slow to come. In your relationships bet on trust before throwing yourself into the arms of the first one.

Gemini – (May 20 – June 19)

Mercury, although in retrograde, is stationed in your sign until the end of the month. Thus, your “master” will help you considerably to study the situations closely, with good sense and objectivity, which could give you a head start in many areas.

Venus in Cancer protects your material assets and you work hard until the 11th. Then, priority will be given to exchanges and new ideas: your opportunism will undoubtedly help you to find outlets for more varied, dynamic and constructive activities. But, beware of Jupiter, he can cause frustrations and compensatory excess …

“Spare the rod and spoil the child”, the tone is given! Throughout this month you live intense moments with the person you love. The month starts strong thanks to new projects. Regarding your love affairs nothing is done randomly, you build castles in the sky.

A little lightness invades your daily life, so your relationship is better. While you go about your business your partner takes care of the rest. You do not need much to make you happy. Projects are emerging, your relationship is experiencing a new impetus and it is not displeasing to you.

Before agreeing to commit you think twice, due to a lack of assurance, yet everything suggests that this month luck is finally decided to turn in your favor. If you had great hopes for meeting your soulmate, keep your eyes open.

Cancer – (June 20 – July 21)

Venus joins your sign at the beginning of the month and promises a June full of romance and great feelings. Jupiter and Neptune, with the friendly sign of Pisces further strengthen your emotional life and Mars supports your initiatives until the 11th.

A very nice month to make a little money, meet a lot of people, to change what must be without jostling your assets, and to shine brightly from the arrival of summer, with the festival of music . It is, therefore, with a full heart that you will approach the holiday period, with halo of a certain seduction!

Sensitivity, love and sweetness are on the program. After a few weeks in turmoil, your efforts seem rewarded. Thanks to a clear astral sky you swim in full bliss. Your loves are doing well, you will want to share, complicity will be at the rendezvous. A word of caution: be careful not to be too stuffy with your partner.

Too much sensitivity could play tricks on you. Take life on the bright side with more lightness and everything will be better. The good news is that the stars have decided to make it easier for you. Your other half supports you and backs you in all your steps.

Dear Cancer at the beginning of the month, beautiful encounters are to be expected, so dare to show yourself in the best light. If your mistrust is a restraint, listen to your intuitions, you should feel good vibrations. A beautiful summer is looming, you will be pleasantly surprised by some people.

Leo – (July 22 – August 21)

Venus joins your sign at the beginning of the month and promises a great romance and great feelings. Jupiter and Neptune, since the friend sign of Pisces further consolidates your sentimental life and Mars supports your initiatives until the 11th.

A very nice month to make a little money and a lot of meetings, to change what must be without shoving your assets and to shine brightly from the arrival of summer, with the festival of music. It is so the party that you will approach the holiday period, halo of a certain seduction!

Dear Leo friends, you like that we notice you and that we compliment you, you need it to shine, this month, you are served, indeed, the planets are generous with you. You are at the center of discussions, you are very interested. You could not dream better, you adore and it shows!

A dynamic first fortnight is announced. Your partner fills you by multiplying their small attentions, dates, dinners face to face and beautiful improvisation! Expect some nice surprises from them. You could get used to it very quickly. This period is conducive to declarations of love.

Dear single ones, if you start a relationship this month, stay cautious. No need to put the cart before the horse, do not rush things with your lover. Time plays in your favor. This new relationship could bring you everything you’ve wanted for a long time.

Virgo – (Aug 22 – Sept 21)

In June you will enjoy a very nice sky except for the delays, setbacks, misunderstandings, and distractions attributable to Mercury in retrograde. You will be able to concentrate on your emotional life in a sweet, friendly and sociable atmosphere and your finances could also grow and beautify just before the big holidays!

Until the 11th, you work hard and you get excellent results that will allow you to relax and rejuvenate in good company, intimate and complicit. Your relationships with others are sometimes a little blurry or you put a little too much on some people but overall, the changes that occur are beneficial to you and you have great assets to manage them.

Goodbye monotony, you’re showing imagination this month. The weight of daily habits will not get to you! You take the lead, you work hard to find new ideas, projects, holidays or short breaks for two, everything is an excuse to escape! Together or solo for once you decide to play it cool.

To please your half you dare ingenious ideas. Nothing is too good to please them even more if it spoils your relationship. You even go so far as to offer them a little romantic escape in a place out of the ordinary. We can say that you are inspired!

The beginning of the month promises to be laborious, causing a lack of dynamism then suddenly a small miracle occurs, to your surprise a great motivation makes its appearance. We ask you, you go out. Rather than a serious relationship, you prefer to flutter, it’s a matter of time, to each their own!

Libra – (Sept 22 – Oct 21)

A lot of fuss in your sky in June! The loves are a little tense, mood swings can cause trouble on both sides and your activities are a little stuck until the 11th. Now is the time to make the right choices and develop your clarity and objectivity.

After the 11th, your initiatives will be successful so do not hesitate to get started! The exchanges are a little slow until the end of the month and, if the meetings are more rare, they are however potentially enriching, literally as well as figuratively. Saturn greatly helps you take on your responsibilities and strengthen your skills in a new discipline that is very beneficial to you.

This month it moves for the natives of Libra, you do not know which way to turn! A beautiful intensity pushes you to surpass yourself. If you had trouble believing in love again, the stars prove the opposite, opportunities come one after another, a big change takes place for couples but also for those who are single.

Why not let your emotions guide you? Good news, your partner wants to be more involved in your life as a couple. Planets plan beautiful moments with your other half. Dare what you have never dared. A splendid month of June is coming for those in a relationship.

Free yourself dear single one! The stars accompany you in all your amorous endeavors. If you are looking for a soulmate you will not be disappointed. You are not safe from love at first sight. The past may catch you, someone who has counted for you before resurfaces and you may be destabilized.

Scorpio – (Oct 22 – Nov 20)

Changes, big and small are in the air and their outcome depends a lot on your behavior. It would be beneficial for you to relax and welcome the novelties with optimism rather than mistrust.

You will overflow with ardor until the 11th, your sentimental life is promising all month long, it is a good reason to relax and to show yourself available to welcome all the occasions that the sky will not fail to propose to you! You also benefit from an excellent intuition that borders on clairvoyance and makes you choose, without hesitation, what is best and most constructive for your future!

The planets carry you and help you in your search for love! In love you are ready for many things, like to change your life and change your habits. This month everything becomes easier, charm, seduction, the cocktail is explosive. For both couples and singles, luck smiles on you. Summer starts dearly for the natives of Scorpio, enjoy it.

If you had planned an outing or a weekend with friends your partner will probably ask you to change your plans last minute. A small disappointment may win over but then you quickly find a plan B. Tensions in the couple are just avoided, all’s well that ends well.

The beginning of the month is a bit chilly, you do not really feel the need to bind yourself to new people yet the planets push you to do the opposite. Around June 10th things take a new turn, love comes knocking on your door, open! Your charm works, everything becomes simpler.

Sagittarius – (Nov 21– Dec 20)

The month of June is turned towards exchange, dialogue and travel. Certainly, with delays and setbacks but also with very beautiful meetings, often romantic. From the 11th, you will find a freedom of action that will encourage you to do a lot to work hard and achieve your goals and will allow you to demonstrate your best talents.

Being put in the spotlight will nourish your optimism and you just have to make sure that your kindness does not change into paternalism, so you do not turn your back on your partners, even unconsciously. Jupiter and Neptune are likely to confuse you or encourage you to excess. Stay sober and realistic and everything will smile!

An astral sky that boosts your energies and your morale, here is the trend this month. We can say that you are lucky. Thanks to the many opportunities that come you will live festive moments. Amusements, flirtations, serious relationships, the program looks more than interesting! This beautiful dynamism may make those around you more envious.

Your partner seems to live on their achievements and it annoys you, so you take the lead in deciding to shake up the habits. Express organization, you prepare a romantic getaway or a meal together, you redouble small touches, and it works pretty well.

You receive romantic proposals that leave you perplexed, you doubt the sincerity of some people. You ask yourself too many questions, let go of the reigns, forget the assumptions, trust and listen to your intuitions. Luck is there, love is at the rendezvous throughout this month.

Capricorn – (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

Your life is changing, and in June, feelings will take up a lot of space. Certainly, some delays and setbacks are unavoidable but matters of the heart and money are in a very good way because you make beautiful meetings, you invest judiciously and, above all, you have partners of choice, whatever the field. Your routine work will take a lot of scale starting on the 11th and your reinforced organizational spirit will probably be worth some success and popularity. The changes are favorable to you and your emotional life is structured from day to day!

For you, Capricorn, there is good news in early summer, the planets give you a thrill. Dynamism and confidence, what more to say, the time of emotional renewal has arrived. For new couples, there is change in the air. For all the others, anticipate very interesting transformations.

If you were stubborn about a project your partner does not despair, you could quickly change your mind. Thanks to the good actions of the stars the situation is unlocked, as by a miracle everything becomes simpler. Your faults become qualities, a change that suits you. Your relationship is better.

Outings with friends, activities, everything is a pretext to meet new people. You understand that it is high time to get out of your shell. Show yourself as you are, without a filter. If some people around you have difficulty expressing it, they still love you.

Aquarius – (Jan 20 – Feb 17)

You feel a little stuck with the feeling that upheavals disrupt your life without you having wished for it … But you’ll have to make do with it and use your good will to take advantage of this situation without suffering from it.

You have the opportunity to exchange your ideas freely and to act concretely from the 11th, so do not be discouraged by a sentimental life that is a little tepid for your taste and focus instead on your personal goals. In this area, you will have the opportunity to evolve favorably. Pleasure and leisure are also on the agenda, it’s a good time to take a few days off …

It may well be that astral influences force you to change your plans. Whether they are projects for vacation or relationship projects you will have to accept certain modifications. From the second half of the month you learn new things, exciting meetings are announced. The last days of June foreshadow a nice surprise, enough to make you turn your head.

if you are in a relationship promises of the future or of commitment are on the program. If you waited a long time for that moment, you are served. For you, your partner goes out of their way, going as far as giving in to your whims. It will be the mildest month of the summer and certainly the most romantic.

Around singles we talk about love, you will not know where to turn. A swirl of love that makes you grow wings and forget the constraints of everyday life. A great motivation is the rhythm of your days, sweetness and romance too. It’s a big breath of fresh air.

The moment has come to live your dreams, the stars give impetus to your love projects, your love life has never been so good. Go for it without fear of tomorrow. You benefit from astral protection.

Pisces – (Feb 18 – March 18)

With Jupiter and Neptune in your sign, your romance may turn quickly to an exaltation in love! Fortunately, Venus in Cancer will support you in this romantic vision of your relationships but you must still be wary of certain illusions that could empty your wallet or hurt your heart. Enjoy the power of Mars until the 11th to complete the work in progress, it will be better than seeking dialogue because, in terms of exchanges and travel, you may encounter many delays or misunderstandings. Your activities and your feelings are much more privileged than your dialogues which risks drowning you in contradictions that have no end …

There is no smoke without fire, in a couple the astral climate causes some adjustments and some warnings. Those who are single, do not give your trust to quickly. Throughout this month Pisces are subject to slight global disturbances but this does not mean that romantic relationships will not evolve according to desires.

Your partner lacks dynamism, so you decide to do everything to change that. You opt for sports activities or new leisure without forgetting the small romantic dinners, this seems to be the ideal solution to find a beautiful dynamic couple. Without complaining, your partner plays the game.

From the beginning of the month singles have a rebuilding energy. For singles in need of love it is the time to meet new people. Flirting becomes a serious story. Love makes you a beautiful discrete invitation, you will not be able to ignore it. The chance is there.

Take advantage of this period of development to see a little clearer especially if your doubts are about people who are close to you. Everything goes in order fairly quickly. Learning patience is the best weapon to fight impatience.