July 2021 Horizons now online, here are the horoscopes

The July mag is now online at  July 2021 Horizons. Here are the horoscopes.

ARIES – (March 19 – April 18)

Focus on your home and the beautiful love opportunities! During this summer month, the universe requires your investment in your home or your family until the 22nd, contend with these sectors of life. Your exchanges and your movements are encouraged until the 12th then, from the 13th to the 28th, you are still getting closer to your home, it moves or there are a lot of discussions! Mars, your planet, in Leo until the 29th as well as Venus until the 22nd, announce a passionate sentimental climate, conquering and lucky! Your social circle is solid, first decan, it grows even at the end of the month. From the 23rd, the sun in Leo favors your sentimental desires or your children if you are a parent, while Venus in Virgo from the 23rd to the 31st softens your daily life and your job. And if you finally prepare your holidays?

Venus and Mars in Leo strengthen your fiery heart for at least the first three weeks, enough to make a beautiful emotional encounter or simply experience the joy of loving, if you are already accompanied. You are supported by a joyful, sensitive communication, the sky favors any quest for love or invites you to tighten bonds sometimes abused by the everyday.

Your complicity is not in doubt! Your sensuality is powerful almost all month while your feelings are announced strong and warm until the 22nd. It will be hot within your couple! Allow a slight cooling in the last week but your mutual love remains intact.

This season, particularly loving, favors your sign in a clear way: Venus and Mars in beautiful harmony to the heart and body, as well as to your sun could trigger a love-at-first sight encounter or favor getting closer with someone you secretly love. Take your chance before the 23rd!

Taurus – (April 19 – May 19)

A nice climate for relationships and family affairs! The sun in Cancer until the 22nd underlines the importance of your neighborhood or your movements. Your morale is good, you express yourself with ease, especially from the 13th to the 28th. Venus, your planet, in Leo until the 22nd, softens your family relationships then, from the 23rd to the 31st, it tumbles into your emotional sector: love gives you a sign! You’re bursting with energy in your home until the 29th, Mars square to your sign invites you to be cautious and play calmly. Jupiter serves your social interests and your projects, with a nice ease until the 29th, last decan. Saturn in Aquarius, square to your constellation, seeks to harden you professionally, first decan. From the 23rd, the sun in Leo encourages you to manage your residential affairs with tact.

Until the 22nd, the planets related to love cure your family life. Mars energizes your sensuality but with a bit of excess, do not let yourself get wrapped up in your ego. From the 23rd, Venus in Virgo, in beautiful aspect to your sign, announces promises of happiness in all simplicity. And if you expressed your genuine and generous tenderness?

The sweet energies of the Sun in Cancer favor your conjugal complicity until the 22nd while Mercury from the 13th to the 28th helps you mutually understand each other. The planets in Leo accentuate your carnal needs but you will prefer the period from the 23rd to the 31st, when your feelings will be delicate towards your other half. Romance?

A conquering and powerful spirit throughout the month! Mars pushes you to give the best of yourself but do not forget love. Venus gives you a crazy charm until the 22nd then there is a change of energy, you are suited to being shy but still tenacious! Go out or invite people over.

Gemini – (May 20 – June 19)

Monthly energies invite you to manage your assets and enjoy a beneficial relationship! Until the 22nd, the sun in Cancer favors the balance of your financial sector. Mercury, your planet, at home until the 12th endows you with an overpowering mind while, from the 13th to the 28th in Cancer, it returns to highlight your wealth and at the end of the month, to harmonize your meetings. Mars in Leo until the 29th, reinforces your exchanges, your collateral relationships and your movements, it is supported by Venus until the 22nd and announces a superb relationship! Jupiter in Pisces until the 28th requires, in your work and in society, a selfless commitment, be true! At the very end of the month, Jupiter joins Saturn in Aquarius and updates your ideal of life. From the 23rd, your optimism is bright, your home quieted. It is a nice month!

Venus and Mars in beautiful aspect to your constellation until the 22nd announces promises of loving happiness! Your feelings and your sensuality in full agreement with your intimate nature can announce, either a renewal of passion, or a joyous and luminous meeting! In the last week, a bit of shyness could cool your ardor, you’ll know how to turn it around!

Your complicity should be important throughout the month. The universe pampers both your physical impulses and your natural sentimental reserve! On the program, a fluid communication, a communicative optimism and a powerful and creative energy that can infuse your couple with many ideas of happiness.

Emotional opportunities could turn your heart upside down throughout the month thanks to the intense influences of Mars in Leo. A chic and passionate romance is announced through your usual contacts or during an unforeseen but beneficial trip. The last week is particularly promising, get ready mentally!

Cancer – (June 20 – July 21)

The spotlight is on your personality and your financial resources! This month promises to be beneficial for your charisma until the 22nd, thanks to the sun in your sign whereas Mercury, from the 13th to the 28th, favors clarity and accuracy of your spirit. Jupiter in Pisces until the 28th supports your ideal of life or your higher education, last decan, while Uranus maintains a solid circle of friendship, second decan. Pluto soon completes its metamorphosis in your relationship, last decan. From the 23rd, the atmosphere sensitizes your financial sector, movements are expected on your bank account, Venus accompanying the sun in Leo seems to indicate an improvement! In the last week, Mars and Venus in Virgo contribute largely to the flourishing of your exchanges with your loved ones, the neighborhood or your collaterals. Find the balance between you and others!

Celestial influences do not particularly favor your emotional sector, except in the last week when the planets in Virgo will strengthen your relationship sector. Before the 12th, you hardly communicate but it gets much better from the 13th to the 28th, take advantage of it to take care of your relationships. You could be a little possessive until the 23rd then your sweet nature regains its fundamentals.

Busy with your financial business, you will be less available for your other half. You could, however, offer your tenderness until the 22nd and your active listening from the 13th to the 28th. Your sensuality tinged with sensitivity is passionate until the 29th, even possessive, stay zen! From the 23rd, you are very sentimental.

Until the 22nd, your power of seduction is at its peak, the sky invites you to try your luck! Mars in Leo promotes your tenacity but makes you possessive in your emotional approaches, which is less attractive, dose what needs to be! From the 23rd, the opportunities are clearer.

Leo – (July 22 – August 21)

Introspection and a wide latitude of action! The planetary energies of Cancer until the 22nd invite you to dive into yourself. Jupiter in Pisces until the 28th increases your business acumen and your libido, last decan, while Saturn offers you a durable construction in your conjugal or associative relationships, first decan. Your socio-professional destiny is active, do not be susceptible, second decan. Until the 29th, Mars in your sign endows you with an inexhaustible energy while Venus until the 22nd reinforces your charm, you are spoiled! From the 23rd, the sun enters your constellation, it is your moment to shine. This summer month coincides with the warmth of your temperament, express your great creativity. At the very end of the month, Venus and Mars in Virgo impose a calmer, less warm climate.

A powerful and conquering energy encourages you to surpass yourself, whether in your approach to love or in the expression of your many desires. Venus, in your sign until the 22nd, brings to your person a lot of charm and delicacy, which can favor your love life. After a shy start to the month, you are fully warm and demonstrative, let go!

Before the 23rd, your emotional nature becomes shy due to a muffled atmosphere, that is badly matched with the fire that bubbles in your heart and in your body. Mars and Venus nevertheless promote your well-being and that of your relationship. Mercury, until the 12th, contributes to your understanding, Jupiter increases your carnal needs. Flexibility and authenticity.

You want love and the sky helps you with Mars in your sign, the fire does not leave you anymore. You are pampered with great feelings and communication, do not silence your feelings if they are right for you. Act before the 23rd, beyond that the atmosphere is cooler.

Virgo – (Aug 22 – Sept 21)

Projects, friends and a return to calm! The sun in your social sector until the 22nd induces a summer period loaded with friendly outings and projects! You are at the top of your charm and your intellectual power thanks to Mercury in your sign from the 13th to the 28th. Mars in Leo until the 29th and Venus until the 22nd, invite you, or even impose a dive into your inner life, you weigh your actions and control your feelings. Jupiter facing your sign until the 28th allows an evolution of your conjugal or associative life, last decan. This planet comes back in Aquarius and promotes your professional sphere. From the 23rd, the sun in Leo accentuates a return to calm, Venus in Virgo ensures your serenity, you savor this atmosphere between warmth and delicacy.

Your intimate nature usually reserved enough should adapt with ease to Venus, sometimes in Leo, sometimes in your sign. You oscillate between secret passion and declared feelings. Mars follows the same process, sometimes conquering but shy and frankly on the offensive! In other words, you find, in this month, the right sentimental attitude, leaving your entourage surprised by your kindly destabilizing behavior!

As a long-time couple, the words you say, especially until the 12th, will not affect your complicity, but if you’re a new couple, make an effort not to worry your other half. Your feelings follow this same path, it’s up to you to be creative and express your love in an unexpected way.

The sky invites you to wait before taking action! Unless a past love reappears in your life? Mercury, your planet, serves your charisma from the 13th to the 28th, calmly choose your words. Venus, after the 22nd, increases your sex appeal but is seducing really conquering?

Libra – (Sept 22 – Oct 21)

A focus on your general destiny, as well as your projects! The influences of Cancer, the Sun and Mercury, invite you to look at your career or events important to your future, assume your responsibilities. Until the 12th, Mercury in Gemini opens your mind to an ideal that you want to reach while Mars in Leo until the 29th and Venus until the 22nd, favor your projects, your friendly circle, and your creativity! Until the 28th, Jupiter infuses your daily life with some changes, accompany these energies of evolution. First decan, Saturn stabilizes your love life or your relationship with your children if you are a parent. From the 23rd, the sun in Leo warms your friendly sector more, you have support to carry out a project or live nice, shared moments.

Venus, your planet is in Leo until the 22nd, supported by Mars also in this sign until the 29th. They clearly favor your emotional life, the expression of your feelings as well as a passionate sensuality. The universe spoils you, you who basically embodies the sign of the couple. After the 23rd, the climate gets colder, so plan a time for passion and another for rest!

The planets look after your married life this month! Even if, until the 22nd, your socio-professional destiny gets to you, your feelings and your desires are in phase and will allow you to relax and assure that your life together is fulfilling and comforting. Make the most of your mutual love: after the 23rd, it’s quieter.

A superb energy sent by Mars to your sign announces real opportunities to meet someone likely to lead to a romance, even a more serious love story! You are convincing and convinced, which foreshadows events in your favor. Make yourself look good and accept all the invitations!

Scorpio – (Oct 22 – Nov 20)

This month promotes your ideal of life and requires your socio-professional investment! Until the 22nd, the sun in Cancer, in beautiful aspect to your sign, reinforces your love of life, you caress the desire to travel! Jupiter in your area of love and children until the 28th allows the evolution of a relationship, or even its legalization or a fulfilling parental relationship if you are a parent. Uranus continues to bring to your intimate, contractual or associative sector its lot of unforeseen so adapt, second decan. Saturn square to your sign seems to want to reorganize your home or your family relationships, listen to his constructive message, first decan. Love is embodied in your work until the 22nd then becomes more friendly. From the 23rd, the sun in Leo illuminates your destiny, put yourself in spotlight without overshadowing the others!

Your passionate temperament can be expressed throughout the month thanks to Venus, sometimes in Leo, sometimes in Virgo. You will therefore oscillate between a absolute expression of your passionate feelings and a virgin-like delicacy. Mars, also in Leo until the 29th, endows you with a powerful sensual energy that should be distilled with measure. This summer is coming at a high emotional temperature!

A nice month ahead for your married life. You communicate with a great inspiration from the 13th to the 28th, your reciprocal feelings are in unison during the whole last week, before you replay your passion with perhaps a little excess! Your libido fills your other half, be happy without possessiveness or unfounded fear.

The hunt for your loves seems open! Your emotional energy is at its maximum creative power, believe in your good star! Jupiter in Pisces until the 28th could trigger a hypnotic encounter! In this person you will recognize your missing half, open yourself up to the magic of the universe!

Sagittarius – (Nov 21– Dec 20)

Inner life and powerful breath of freedom! You are encouraged until the 22nd to dive in yourself, dear Sagittarius. The energies of Cancer offer you a focus and a review of recent months, in order to start galloping towards your ideal of life. In Leo, Mars until the 29th and Venus until the 22nd, favor your conquering nature, passionate and thirsty for discoveries, whether human, geographical or spiritual! Faced with your sign, Mercury gives the floor to others, listen until the 12th. Saturn anchors your mind, stabilizes your thoughts and builds your relationship with strength, first decan. Jupiter square to your sign disconcerts you a little at home, or with family, stay zen, last decan. From the 23rd, you are warm and vibrant like this summer!

An unusual emotion takes hold of your sign until the 22nd. You may feel the notion of relational and affective receptivity more intensely. Mars in beautiful aspect reinforces your dynamism, which is already big, enough to act with all your sensuality in your romantic relationships. Venus until the 22nd serves your exalted feelings. After the 23rd, accept a decline!

You destabilize your other half a little under the influence of Cancer, do not become susceptible or suspicious! After the 23rd, your whole nature resumes its usual flame, all is well. Your sensual agreement is supported until the 29th by Mars, there is no breakdown of desire to predict. During the last week, you are demanding!

A meeting could occur during a trip abroad if you go on vacation and this, throughout the month, both sensual and sentimental. A young and witty person could also make your heart beat before the 12th. Forget the daily routine and embody what you are waiting for!

Capricorn – (Dec 21 – Jan 19)

You contend with others then you live an introspection rich in emotions! This summer month always favors the energies of Cancer, facing you, inducing the importance of others until the 22nd. Mercury in Gemini until the 12th, in your sector of the everyday life, is ideal to generate discussions and contacts. From the 13th to the 28th, the planet arrives in front of you, your spirit is powerful, intuitive and cooperative. Saturn, your planet, breathes rigor and well-managed stewardship to your wealth, first decan while Jupiter in beautiful aspect to your sign, promotes your relationship and your morale until the 28th. A cluster in Leo: the sun from the 23rd, Venus up to ‘to the 22nd and Mars to the 29th invites you to reflect on your intimate, financial needs: what do you want to live deeply? During the last week: what if you traveled in a delicate company?

Until the 22nd, your partner takes their place in front of you, your intimate universe is obligatorily and cooperative! Your desires will be important, your feelings voluptuous. The energies of Leo reinforce your desire to love with passion, much more than usual. Second decan, Uranus blows up your resistance, love at first sight? From the 23rd, tenderness and delicacy, you yearn for emotional serenity.

The monthly transits encourage you to sweetness and balance, do not force anything, be accepting of the desires and wishes of your other half. Adjust your schedule if necessary, take the time to live together! Mars and Venus strengthen your senses, so make sure you fully enjoy the one you love.

Your emotional chances are focused on meetings this month, perhaps ones that are predestined. Also, you might recognize in the other your missing half and quickly commit yourself to this relationship between the 13th and the 28th. All that glitters is not gold, take your time, the opportunities could be plentiful.

Aquarius – (Jan 20 – Feb 17)

Professional concentration and a spotlight on your intimate relationship! Until the 22nd, the energies of Cancer invite you to take care of yourself, to be focused on your work and in your daily life. Mars and Venus, facing your sign, reinforce what makes you difference, with a little excess but, fortunately, your desire for relationship well-being persists, phew! Saturn in your sign continues his teaching of wisdom and rigor, first decan, while Jupiter in Pisces until the 28th, clearly favors your banking income, last decan. A little tension is possible in your home or family, first decan, the season allows you to escape! From the 23rd, the sun in Leo completes the highlighting of others, while Venus increases your libido. The end of month is animated!

Love occupies your thoughts until the 12th, while Mars, the planet of desire, camps until the 29th in your sector dedicated to the couple, as well as Venus, the planet of feelings, until the 22nd: the sky favors your monthly emotions. Love will be flamboyant or it will not be, leave aside your activist nature and give life to these energies of fire capable of changing your love life.

Complicity, sensuality, your couple is protected by the sky, little or no disharmony in perspective. Carefully avoid family or home discussions and refocus on your love together. Ideally, play sports and go out together, your couple will enjoy these moments just for you!

With Saturn in your sign, you long for a serious meeting, short of the ephemeral! Mars and Venus could announce an important meeting, which is possible before the 22nd. Unless a love at first sight falls on you during a family event but it could be complicated. Get ready!

Pisces – (Feb 18 – March 18)

Love and the daily routine are in focus this month! The energies of Cancer favor your emotional sector until the 22nd while, from the 13th to the 28th, they increase your creativity, especially what is manual, a moment of inspiration for a hobby? Mercury, until the 12th, tickles your home, avoid discussions if the atmosphere is too electric. Mars and Venus in Leo shoot their arrows, either at work or in your daily life. After the 22nd, contracts are favored, like unions and partnerships. Jupiter in your sign until the 28th gives expansion to your benevolent personality, do not abuse the summer sweets! Pluto continues to modify your projects and to improve your friendly relationships, last decan. From the 23rd, the sun in Leo promotes your practical sense, great it’s time to pack the bags. An awakening of your senses!

Your romantic nature expresses itself fully with creativity, a thrill and a taste for the game! You surprise people with your sensitive and tender affection from the 13th to the 28th. The affective planets serve your daily life, you live love and sensuality without complicating your existence! In the last week, love is serious, a summer fling does not attract you anymore!

Your agreement is certain until the 22nd thanks to an atmosphere filled with tenderness that you particularly like. Beyond that the energies offer you a little more passion and intensity in your conjugal exchanges with a touch of shyness making the whole things a little naughty, together you will play the games of love!

Keep an eye out and keep your heart prompt, your daily life could certainly see a nice, unexpected meeting! Or perhaps, a meeting could be made in the professional sphere. If that is the case, bet on your seduction because the moment for vacation approaches! Anyway, Jupiter strengthens your self-confidence, so get started!